I like wearing diapers
Putting on a new diaper is the best feeling in the world. I love the soft padding and lovely thickness between my legs and its probably the most comforting thing I know. I wear diapers out to the bar, with friends, to parties, and sometimes to work (when I can get away with it). I wear them to go to sleep at night. When a lot of people have a fetish, they fixate on something sexual. But for me, wearing a diaper makes me feel so loved and cute and cared for. Its more of a comfort thing than a sexual thing. It takes me back to a time when all was simple. When I put one on, I have the urge to cuddle and be held, even when I'm alone. I feel more complete, more natural when diapered. What I wish for is for someone to hold me and kiss me, tickle me, give me soft pats on the diaper, etc.
As a DL, I wish people would understand us instead of labeling us as freaks. If you know me, you know Im far from a freak. But if I told you my secret you'd probably axe me out of your life altogehter. A lot of people in this lifestyle stay isolated and alone because they're ashamed of what they do. I just love the loving, secure feeling a diaper brings to me. Im curious. If your best friend of 10 years came out to you and told you they liked to wear diapers, would you turn them down, label them, or accept them?