I listen to this and it works!!!

I listen to this when i am stressed, or have difficulty falling a sleep and this helps!!!
and i am not religious and dont really care what it is saying...so why does this work on me????


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Comments ( 7 )
  • SofiaMcCarthy19P5

    If it calms you then keep listening to it, it's not like you will suddenly become a member of ISIS, I listen to random things in other languages to keep me calm also, if it really helps you then I don't see why you should stop..

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  • Ellenna

    So you don't care that you're listening to fundamenetalist muslim propoganda? Off to join ISIS next?

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    • Well i dont have money to buy anti depressive drugs, and it makes me feel peaceful and makes me fall asleep (i mean it works for me).
      Where is the propoganda in the video? Like can you show where in the video. I dont see anything which says anything abut ISIS. I mean i must really be missing out on something which you are seeing.

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      • Ellenna

        It would certainly be better for you than anti-depressants as long as you just listen and don't read the english translation which is full of crap about the one true religion etc etc. I didn't say it mentioned ISIS, which I keep forgetting to refer to as Daesh, bc it's not a state, just a gang of murderous lunatics. That was rather silly aside by me, I admit.

        I'd be saying the same thing if the narration was from the bible, esp the old testament: in fact that would be worse if it were in english, at least this is in some other language, arabic, maybe?

        I can see that it would be relaxing as a meditative aid as long as you don't read the subtitles, just listen: I'm glad it works for you, I guess like a lot of us I'm feeling rather sensitive about religious fundamentalism at the moment ..... sorry if I offended

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  • RoseIsabella

    Yeah, I was hoping for something Buddhist or Hindu in origin. I'm not interested in propaganda.

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  • adolpholiverbush

    Don't listen. It's Muslin crap.

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    • But it is helps me sleep. I have tried everything.

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