I live in a historical fantasy world
I'm pretty normal, but what is normal exactly? However, whenever I'm alone, I pretend I'm a queen...usually Marie Antoinette, Mary Queen of Scots, or one of the Tudor queens (Anne Boleyn), mostly because that is what entertainment has provided me with. I am so obsessed, that I pretend I am in one of their flowing gowns while I walk up the stairs or walk outside around the "grounds" Sometimes I even talk to myself saying, "My Lord" or "If Your Majesty requests that of me, then I will oblige" I like to drink red wine out of a goblet and pretend I am sitting at a banquet table with the most noble, important people in the world with a heaving cleavage and the most beautiful jewels around my neck. When I have reached the end of my fun or alone time, I will climb the staircase in my house pretending I am ascending the scaffold to face my execution. After that, I like to conclude by pretending to run in a swirling gown with music playing in the background while everyone marvels and gazes at my tumultuous life at court and the impact I have left on history.