I look like a 16 year old.

I turned 30 recently, and people still guess my age as like 16-17 years old. (I admit I am very short.)

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71% Normal
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Comments ( 7 )
  • RoseIsabella

    Enjoy it while you still can.

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  • mary-kate-olsen

    It means you're going to still be ripe at 50 years old.

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  • NotAgain..

    I'm turning 30 in 5 days and people think I'm underage lmao normal. Everyone ages differently. There are 16 years olds that look quite aemm.... "mature" for their age

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  • Anewbis

    Late blooming is under-rated.

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  • lordofopinions

    A female friend of mine is about mid 30's and has a daughter that looks really young she always gets carded buying cigs or booze. SHE even gets carded once in a while.

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  • scblsorta

    It happens. Late growth.

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  • Mario214

    It's normal to look under age if you are short. I guess you have healthy skin which makes you look young. There may be other reasons like late puberty or less harmonal secretion.
    Would suggest you to see a doctor if it's bothersome to you.

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