I look really young

To start off I look really young. Around the ages 12-15 but I'm really 21. Guys come up to me all the time when I'm alone and ask for my number or try to get to know me and these man are ALWAYS in their 20s. Mostly above 25 and they always guess that I am around 13-15.In some rare cases they look to be in their 30s or 40s This is very disturbing. I only noticed this recently because I am going out alone alot more now. Of course no one comes up to me if I'm with my family or friends.
I am just really disturbed by how many men are into children...THATS WHAT THIS IS ABOUT.

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Comments ( 15 )
  • SkullsNRoses

    Do they tell you they think you’re a young teen?

    Female faces don’t change much from the mid-teens to mid-twenties (unless there’s a dramatic weight change) so most people will guess your age based off context clues such as what you’re wearing, how you speak and if you’re doing an activity typically reserved for adults. It’s possible they recognise you’re a grown woman despite your baby face.

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  • 1WeirdGuy

    They can tell you're 21. No way that many dudes in their 20s are going up to 13yo girls in public hitting on them. I think that stuff normally happens by grooming or internet I dont think adults just go up and hit on children often I guess I could be wrong.

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    • Nah I know they think I am young because sometimes I ask them how old they think I am(it's never older than 16) and other times when I tell them I am 21 they are always surprised. They usually say stuff like "I thought you were 15!"

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    • farkelu

      I hate to admit this, but it's the first time I ever agreed with you.

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  • Phoenix23

    Yes. I'm 41 and look no older than 25. ...My God I have spent so much money on beauty,hair and skin products. It certainly did not hurt me just perhaps my bank account lol.

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  • Crocotta1

    I’m 18, I’m tall but I look 8 in the face.

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  • farkelu

    It's normal for men to be attracted to physically attractive women of almost ANY age. And in these times we live in, it's normal for them to think they can get away with approaching vulnerable young ladies. If nothing else, they get a "rise" out of it. And if she returns their flirts, they get masturbation material. But it takes a really sick or desperate man to actually have sex with an underage girl. I would prefer to keep it light, and hope that you're of legal age. After all, most women look too young for me these days! Perhaps some big breast implants would make you look older ;-)

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  • Cuntsiclestick

    Guys are weird. I look younger than 33 and get hit on by middle aged men who usually have rings on their fingers. Like, I ain't going to be someone's extramarital affair. XD

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    • Phoenix23

      I get hit on by underage girls 16-19-ish. I feel I SHOULD be flattered but rarely actually am by it.

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    • 1WeirdGuy

      Daaamn they left the ring on? Fuckin amateurs...

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  • Tinybird

    That's a banned topic so I reported your post sorry.

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  • Tommythecaty

    If you look 12 at 21 then you should go to the doctor because you have may have a disease that prevents you from growing properly.

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    • Ummm no I just have good genes wtf.

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      • Tommythecaty

        If you have not hit puberty by twenty one then you are most definitely confusing “good genes” with a “biological disability” lol.

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        • I have definitely hit puberty. I never said I didn't hit puberty... lol.

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