I lose more weight when i don't diet?
I have tried everything to lose weight and I've been big all my life. Even when I was at my smallest, I was a starving artist living on my own and walking 5 miles a day. But the moment I moved back with my family I gained it all back within about 3 years. Since then, I have tried every single diet under the Sun. I have been paleo, vegan, keto, caloric restrictions and even low carb and more. Then I've even tried just a 2,000 calorie diet with nothing but healthy, meal planned foods. I never ate any sugar and I completely stayed away from processed carbs. It seemed to take about 3 weeks for even a few pounds to fall off which I guess is normal and healthy. But the weight would come backup within a week or 2 and I was fluctuating within the same 7 pounds of loss and gain. I gave up and got discouraged and quite literally I couldn't do it anymore. From then on out instead of having a scrambled egg breakfast with spinach and tomatoes, I opted for just plain Cheerios with milk. I got sick and tired of doing all that cooking and all of that prepping and it wasn't getting me anywhere. I still felt hungry all the time. Then instead of something like whole grain rice with chicken and broccoli for lunch I would cook myself up a lean Burger with grilled hamburger buns and a homemade potato salad and I would allow myself a can of Coca-Cola. Of course I wouldn't go on a complete binge but I started allowing myself chocolate every day, or a can of soda or even a pizza. Believe it or not I've started to eat a little bit more processed foods although not nearly like what some people do. I haven't even been walking or anything and I feel a lot more satisfied throughout the day, my energy levels are higher, I can focus more clearly and I've lost 4 pounds in the last 2 weeks. Have any of you ever had this happen? I lose more weight when I don't diet. Keep in mind I am still being conscious about what I eat and making healthy choices for my health. But I have been having better exercise times when I do and my muscles aren't as sore. I can't find anything about it on Google so I thought I'd come here. Does anybody have any experience with this?