I love animals... but not pets.

I love animals I'm even a vegetarian because I can't stand eating them. But here's the thing. Despite loving animals pets annoy the hell out me. Dogs are so needy I can't get on with my work with one around constantly needing attention. Cats are better in comparison because they're much more distant and less needy but I don't see the point of in a pet that spends most of its life outside and only comes inside for food and sleep. I love animals but I don't get any joy from being around them they just frustrate me and take up my time and money. I couldn't get enough of them when I was a little kid but I don't feel that way anymore. I have never mistreated, hurt or yelled pointlessly at any of my past pets and I never would in the future but they always pushed my patience to the limit. I'd never kill one for food but at the same time I don't enjoy keeping one as a pet. Is it normal to feel that way?

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52% Normal
Based on 62 votes (32 yes)
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Comments ( 16 )
  • I love pets. ^^ My dog is the only one I can go on little "adventures" with, and if I want to go running I don't have to do that alone because my dog loves to run.

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    • Moonbow

      Your freaking dog has no choice in the matter! It runs with you because that's one of the things it has to do in order to be fed!

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      • NocturnePonyFan

        Maybe the dog actually does enjoy running? Maybe your tiny little brain can't comprehend this concept, but if an animal is treated well, they do things out of joy and happiness.

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  • Konsterimi

    Do you live in the city? Pets are fantadtic for companionship even if you are the most popular person around, they give a different kind of company to a person. Dogs are pack animals and once adopted into your family will see you as a pack member. They will lie with you out of choice, follow you out of choice and if your neighbour offers them a steak they will gobble it down and then come back to you and their pack. Its instinct. Cats are more solitary and can just come to you for food but if you treat them right they will come to you for grooming and company.
    It is totally normal to not want pets, they're a damn nuisance and cost a lot, some people just like the muted company and affection they give.

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    • Moonbow

      Dogs are NOT pack animals! Unlike the wolves from which they were created, people who have studied dogs that have been forced to live on their own have discovered they actually have very little in common with wolves. While dogs that live on their own occasionally "run" in "packs" (usually for the purpose of chasing down and killing defenseless animals purely for sport), they are not true pack animals in the sense wolves are because dogs come and go from the group and females must remove themselves from the group before they give birth because the other dogs will kill (and often eat) pups. Additionally, wolves mate for life and both males and females share in the raising of pups and neither is true of dogs.

      Also, if you really believe a dog that you're feeding processed dog food will "come back" to you when there is a neighbor feeding it steak, you are totally delusional!

      But if you are such a freaking loser that you have to depend on a filthy, stinking ass-licking fleabag for "companionship," then you're doing all the humans in your community a favor by staying away from them!

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  • VioletTrees

    Technically, you're supposed to keep cats indoors all the time. Most animal shelters here make you sign a something that promises you won't let them outside. Even if you do, some cats are very affectionate.

    Anyway, this is normal. You don't have to want animals in your home to care about animal rights.

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    • Moonbow

      Animals have no rights, dumbass. Read the freaking Constitution!

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      • VioletTrees

        Hahaha, what even.

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  • x1frosty16

    Maby you should start eating dogs and save some cows! lol i dont know this is a weird question

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  • Moonbow

    I love animals in the wild, but I despise pets. People who own pets are usually misfits who are such despicable excuses for human beings that no other person can stand to be around them, therefore, they get a cat or dog, something that has no choice but to remain with them. The animal pretends to "love" them in exchange for food. Pets do not "love," they do what is necessary to be fed and if that means acting like fools and wallowing over some human, that's what they do. Anyone who believes their pet loves them unconditionally should have a neighbor start feeding their beloved "companion" steak and other "human" food and see how quickly the pet transfers all that LOVE to the neighbor!

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    • LadyWithAChainsaw

      I notice you keep saying "in exchange for food" and the like. Doesn't that idea assume that the owner would stop feeding their pet if it stopped being snuggly, like some kind of warped-minded sicko? And that the pet somehow knows this, has made the connection, and understands the situation enough to "pretend" to love?

      I know a lot of very social pet owners, so your argument about them being reclusive misfits falls flat for me. Not sure if you're trolling, or stuck thinking of one particular pet owner who left a rather bad impression on you.

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    • NocturnePonyFan

      You sound miserable.

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      • Moonbow

        And YOU sound stupid!

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        • NocturnePonyFan

          What a clever insult ;-)

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          • NorthernStar


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