I love animals... but not pets.
I love animals I'm even a vegetarian because I can't stand eating them. But here's the thing. Despite loving animals pets annoy the hell out me. Dogs are so needy I can't get on with my work with one around constantly needing attention. Cats are better in comparison because they're much more distant and less needy but I don't see the point of in a pet that spends most of its life outside and only comes inside for food and sleep. I love animals but I don't get any joy from being around them they just frustrate me and take up my time and money. I couldn't get enough of them when I was a little kid but I don't feel that way anymore. I have never mistreated, hurt or yelled pointlessly at any of my past pets and I never would in the future but they always pushed my patience to the limit. I'd never kill one for food but at the same time I don't enjoy keeping one as a pet. Is it normal to feel that way?