I love hell hounds, but if i saw one personally, i would be scared.

I know this may sound weird so i just want to share it with you other people. I dont understnd why but even though i hve a strong obsession with Hell hounds , If i saw one in person , I would be scared shitless.its a pain in my ass to worry 24/7 weather or not I will run into one. Am I weird or not

Am i just weird for being scared of a mythical legend I like 13
Am I crazy 7
Am I just retarded 10
Is this normal 7
Is this not normal 2
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Comments ( 5 )
  • Avant-Garde

    Speaking of which, there's going to be hell to pay if I don't go to the bathroom soon:/ You know, I only went ONCE yesterday and that was in the morning around lunchtime!!!!

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  • 1000yrVampireKing

    That is a term for the Marine core.

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  • Terence_the_viking

    I think you may need a new A button

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  • myownopinions

    I think it's normal. I find spiders interesting, but real life ones creep me out. I also think Greek mythology is cool, but I'd probably be dead if I ever saw a real god. Awe and fear can go hand in hand. I'm not so sure about the whole worrying-24/7-about-seeing-one part, though.

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  • shade_ilmaendu

    I dunno about being scared of them, but I have a bit of an obsession with Gabriel Hounds and Welsh mythology in general. They're similar, but I wouldn't be scared of anything I wasn't sure existed unless it was right there and trying to eat me or something.

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