I love listening to heartbeats
I love listening to the sound of people's hearts beating, especially when they're fast and irregular. I sit and listen to them for hours.
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I love listening to the sound of people's hearts beating, especially when they're fast and irregular. I sit and listen to them for hours.
The sound of a heart connects you to that someone, it will also relax you because of the low basslike slow rythm.
Me too the sound of the heart make me happy in some weird way it almost like a humming bird singing in your ears
seems a bit out of the ordinary. i like em too but for hours i cant do dat. i have things to do. can u clarify why u like to listen to em for hours cuz this post was interesting
I find heartbeats interesting, especially my bf's because it always changes.
You can listen to mine :3 lol xD I uploaded an audio file recording of it on my utybe
i always love listening to my bf heartbeat cause it doesnt sound normal. (:
I like it too. I like to hear it because it makes me feel connected to the fact they're alive, and emotion that they have no control over. I like to lay in bed with my room dark and try to concentrate on feeling my pulse on random parts of my body that don't have major arteries or veins. Or trying to slow my breathing and heart beat. I second that thought that you should get into cardiology :D