I love looking at the sky

It's one of my favourite things to do. Just sitting or lying back and looking at the sky. The night sky is great, but the artificial lights around here mean there isn't a whole lot to see.

I love gazing into a blue sky and seeing all the white blood cells in my eyes swim about. And that funny feeling of vertigo, as if you might fall up, up right through the sky and beyond it.

Today, I was lying out on the grass in my garden and watching the clouds like I haven't done in so many years. Haven't thought to pay much attention to them. Usually, I just think of them as big, idle things floating around up there, but I was surprised to see that I could see them moving, even from way down here. You should try it sometime. All those tendrils swirling and crashing like waves. They look so peaceful and slow, but in reality, they're moving at high speed, like big storms.

It's nice to feel small. Just to get a sense of my own insignificance. And how things are bigger than me.

Anyone else like looking at the sky as much as I do? It must seem boring to other people haha.

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Comments ( 8 )
  • mprocida

    Not only is it normal but I just did this yesterday.

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  • Shily666

    I don't do it very often, but when I do, I just go into deep thought.

    When I look at the night sky, I just feel so small and wish that I was out there, traveling and such. I guess it's from reading a lot of sci-fi books and watching sci-fi movies. I absolutely love space because there's so much we have yet to see and discover.

    However, when I look at the day sky, it makes me think of airplanes and traveling. It makes me wish I was out traveling and experiencing all the different locations in my country and other countries. It also makes me think about my boyfriend because he lives in Australia, and I always think about what it would be like to see him and explore Australia.

    It's an absolutely breath taking view any time of the day. I wish I could stare at it forever sometimes.

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  • Chillpill

    I really enjoyed this story. I know the feeling and love lying down flat on the grass on nice summer days as well. It's so relaxing the way the earth suppports and almost absorbs your weight - a most welcome shift of perspective. Reminds me of a good song about the sky: "I miss my sky" about the woman pilot Amelia Earhart

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  • moomus

    I love it. You should try it from
    The arctic circle at night!! Bloody cold but awesome...

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  • chunkybongo

    I like to turn my head sideways to the north/south when the moon is rising or the sun is setting, and then it's like I'm facing the same angle the earth is...the sky is awesome

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  • lily268

    Love to do this too specially if I have someone next to me.

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  • MightOfTheMass

    I like to look at the clouds in the sky, I often see people faces in the clouds too, many good ones and many evil ones, they are there, be rest assured.

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  • missmelissa

    Me too, I think it is amazing how big it is outside of our everyday earth, soo beautfull to watch the sun rise or set at the beach!!

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