I love movies about people who are enduring hardships

I love movies and TV shows about people who are enduring a very difficult living circumstance day to day. The perfect example is the new movie Unbroken about a former Olympian who was caught by the Japanese during WWII and tortured mercilessly. Another example is this Chinese TV series I watched (with subtitles) online about the harsh and difficult lives they lived after Mao took over and forced many of them to work in these labor camps on farms.. many died but those who held on to whatever little willpower they had left managed to survive.. and I find the stories of the latter very inspiring.

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91% Normal
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Comments ( 9 )
  • Ilovewinter12

    I say it's normal. If it wasn't normal, then such movies wouldn't exist, no?

    I enjoy watching movies like that as well, I admit, I am guilty of liking some LifeTime movies, although most were older ones (the newer ones seem to have the same plot over and over again. blah.)

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    • pastor_of_muppets

      I wonder if someone will ever create a username 'ilovesummer12' and be like your arch nemesis and bombard all your comments with how summer is the superior season :P

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      • Ilovewinter12

        I doubt that I am that popular for someone to do that.

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    • Ellenna

      Oh so they only make movies about "normal" issues, do they? Get real ...... Freddy Krueger & Hannibal Lector are normal?

      What world do you live in?

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      • Ilovewinter12

        Where the hell did that come from?
        Freddy Krueger and Hannibal Lector weren't even mentioned in this post.

        I think you're just trying to start an argument.

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        • Ellenna

          You wrote that if it weren't normal movies wouldn't be made about it and I instanced those two as the first to come to mind, where movies were in fact made about people who are obviously not normal. Not arguing, just trying to have a logical debate, although sometimes I wonder why I bother

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  • regisphilbin

    most movies are like that anyway

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  • sugarboobs

    da fuk is hardships? really hard ships?

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  • MangoTango

    Unbroken? I love this one. Good to think about when you're having a bad day. Imagine telling that guy that your day was a little rough due to some modern inconvenience. Lets see, plane goes down. Then, floats in the ocean, thinks he's found safety but gets tossed in hell. Crazy bad day. Yep, you're normal for this.

    Subtitles? Snooobbbbbb!!!! Just playing with ya. There are these people that LOVE to boast that they only watch foreign films with the subtitles, never in English voice overs. I watch both. Subtitles are far better. The English voice overs feel not quite right. You are in an elite group for watching subtitled films. :-P You're not normal for watching subtitles, lol!

    Inspiring? Deng Xiaoping came along and overturned all the bad policies that Mao put in place. Flipped China's economy like a coin. Communist China, my ass! They're capitalist pigs. Luxury goods sell big time there. Its a dramatically changing place. Much of our stuff is made there. Americans really ought to be studying China. It either makes our stuff, or US Co's aim to set foot in there to sell stuff. China is a tricky player. TRICKY. Capitalism with Chinese characteristics. Weird relations with Japan. Japan doesn't ever want to acknowledge the dirty war crimes they did in China. No acknowledgement, nor apologies. Even quirkier? Taiwan. Its not recognized as a sovereign country by China. Nope. China claims Taiwan. Calls Taiwan a rebel region. Nobody else recognizes China's claim. As odd as that may be Taiwan does TONS of business in mainland China, mostly in Fujian province. Strange relations. I deal with this stuff so I thought why not blab about it. Um, sorry if I get a bit carried away, in this case Far East, lol! :-)

    100 best Chinese Mainland Films: the countdown
    Discover the best of Chinese cinema with the top 100 Mainland movies

    There ya go. A link to 100 Chinese movies. The top 10 list alone offers plenty of what you're looking for.

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