I love my pet fishes

Not in a sexual way or anything but I love them so much I make sure to give all my koi some love by feeding it and petting them. To me my pet fishes are family. I know others would probably consider dogs, cats, tortoises, parrots whatnot family but to me they are family and I am not gonna stop giving them love.

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89% Normal
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Comments ( 8 )
  • Ghostface

    good for you, keep lovin your little fish, any animal can be a pet and loved

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  • RoseIsabella

    Sure, why not? Although that sort of love, and closeness is usually something that most people only share with mammals. I think it's great that you love your koi this much!

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  • mouldiwarp

    I had a betta fish I loved so much I cried when it died. Now I have a snake I love even more. It’s normal to become attached to any pet, and more people should recognize that.

    Fish are underappreciated as companions, people see them as mindless, emotionless decorations. Many types of aquarium fish, such as bettas, carp (includes goldfish and koi), and cichlids (includes oscars and angelfish) can distinguish people by face, be taught tricks, and with time, also trust you enough to allow you to play with and pet them- some seem to enjoy contact and seek your interaction.

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    • idolomantis

      I saw this video on Youtube of a guy who taught his pet goldfish how to play soccer. :D have you seen that one

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      • mouldiwarp

        I saw it

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  • 1WeirdGuy

    If you poop in the fish tank it'll die

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    I has fish for a while and enjoyed them a lot, but when I got kids they were just too much to care for.

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  • bbrown95

    It's a very good thing! Every pet owner should love their pets and do anything they can to show them they are loved!

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