I love the drawings of people who "can't draw"

A lot of people say they "can't draw" (as in, obviously,they don't draw well). I love to look at those drawings, I think they are adorable (sorry if that seems patronizing) Yes I mean adults, who draw like children! I'm not trying to sound like a jerk. I just love their drawings because at least they tried, and it shows how they imagine certain things. I used to play this online pictionary game and people didn't understand how i could tell what someone was drawing sometimes, when it was a very "poor" drawing, i would always know what they meant by it, because i see the drawing from their perspective. everyone else would just yell out things like "scribbles", or say that it was a horrible drawing instead of trying to understand what the person was thinking. I love to see people try to draw even if they think they can't. it's not a talent, it's a skill. so its like when people speak a different language others who are fluent might find it cute when the people have an accent or struggle with certain words. IIN

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88% Normal
Based on 49 votes (43 yes)
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Comments ( 7 )
  • bnrml

    I seem to be the only one who said "no" despite the fact that I totally understand why you love these drawings. I said no because it asked about what was normal and I'm not normal so I made an educated guess based on how much people don't understand why I like these kinds of things. I find it fascinating to see the way different people express things and what it says about how their minds work. For me it's random things like accents or how people word things. Generally I like foreign people because they add a certain character that you just don't get from a native English speaker.

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  • blur

    I think its really nice to like it because not everyone can see the beauty in drawings that don't look good. You see the effort and imagination of it. :)

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  • CozmoWank

    You certainly are profoundly special and possess an amazingly valuable gift. You my friend are destined for greatness.

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  • wasd75

    I honestly search for it on websites like deviantart.

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  • Canttel

    i dont think its cute.
    BUT OMG IT LOOKS SOOOO FUNNY WHEN THEY DRAW!! its cuz it looks so friggen messed up, and....missplaced it just cracks me uppppp!!

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  • Riddler

    Why not teach them to draw than? I had people ask me that had no idea what they were doing.

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  • MyHiddenDemon

    i like it wen ppl tipe like dis i thunk it adoribble lol sumtimes u cant truly express urself folown all tha rools of grammer n stuff sumtimes this the only way to say wuts in ur hart

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