I love to be dark

i like dark ,creapy and sometimes evil things blood monsters macabre,death(in movies,comics est)i kind of like feeling down and dpressed for some reason,it sometimes make me feel (the only good word is) dark which is absolutely the best feeling i have ever felt,better than any every other one(i mean every) i absolutely love it ,its like a drug(i guess idk never been high)it actually makes me happy ,honestly my depiction of heaven csan sometimes be like dark and gloomy grave yard like place,is there anyone else who likes this to.

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Comments ( 14 )
  • well dude its safe to say your a goth

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  • Proudfear

    i agree,and the meaning to the word normale doesnt really exist

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  • ComboBreaker

    The graveyard bits a little cliche. Everything else is A.O.K.

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  • Margaret_fox1987

    I understand this. I have had a problem with depression but it feels so good to go back there. I don't know why, but I do believe it's normal. On the other hand, it isn't healthy. You should try to reverse this. Nothing can prosper going into darkness.

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  • ReaperAJ

    I tend towards this sort of thing myself. I have never outgrown it, I am now heading fast towards 40. The first time I remember becoming fascinated with all things dark was when I was about 5 yrs old. I used to sit on my grandfathers knee and beg him to tell me ghost stories, which he used to dream up and tell to perfection. Then I'd sit up all night with the creeps. I admit that my nightmares are the best dreams I've ever had. I rarely ever dream happy dreams. I'm usually running from some terror and finding places to hide and so on. I call my dreams movie dreams because they are so much like horror movies; intense, they have a plot and they're so detailed. I don't necessarily enjoy gore, that sickens me, I do have a limit - but I'm fascinated by blood, wouldn't mind tasting someone else's, I have often been tempted to bite someone, just to taste. I am drawn to anything supernatural, dark and terrifying, I'm macabre, gloomy and my mind is probably a very morbid terrain. YET, I do not feel depressed and enjoy a good laugh with my friends and so on. I don't readily fit in with 'normal' people and have always felt more comfortable among the misfits. I don't ascribe to myself any sort of label and I think I look and behave normally, it's just that I have these weird desires, thoughts and perspectives on life. Just about everybody that knows me loves me, but when my sanity comes into question they all call me nuts - my own mother says I must have been swapped at birth because I'm totally alien to her. So yeah, I guess there are a lot of us out there like this and I wish there was some sort of explanation as to why we are the way we are. It's defo's not depression. I will admit, I'm far too embarrassed to trouble a psychologist with something that seems so petty and will probably turn into me being told I'm totally off my rocker and getting sent to the nuthouse. Oh well, I like who I am, LOVE the way my mind works (it never stops going) and use my weird and wonderful thoughts to write stories. Maybe you ought to do the same.

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    • Proudfear


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      • PoisonFlowers

        Defo = definitely

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    • Proudfear

      " Maybe you ought to do the same. " i do actually and i draw(not very well)

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  • Proudfear

    why is it lame?

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    • PoisonFlowers

      Sorry, that was mean of me. That was just my opinion.

      Like ReaperAJ, I also find that my nightmares tend to be some of the best dreams I've ever had. When I wake up, there doesn't seem to be any coherent plot (like most of my dreams - just strange fragments that are linked and make sense in my dreamworld), but they can be twisted and quite horrific. I wish that I could capture them somehow. If I described any of it to anyone, they would probably think that I'm insane or that something is wrong with me for actually finding my nightmares enjoyable. I even creep myself out. But hey, I'm a regular human with all sorts of nasties lurking up there. Some of the best, most twisted dreams happened when I was sick and taking diclofenac.

      So I'm probably a bit lame too.

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      • ReaperAJ

        Don't think you're lame, I just think that people that feel this way mostly hide it because they feel they will be ostrasized like back in school. Although I don't label myself and hang around with any particular group - everybody is fair game to me - I will admit that I totally admire Goth's because they don't give a shit what anyone says or thinks of their way out desires and dress codes etc. They're true to themselves and that's really the only way to be. They embrace the FACT that all people have a dark and twisted side to their nature. Some of us are just too frightened by it to delve into it, and maybe with good reason, because who knows where it could lead? To be honest, you shouldn't really live under any label, even the one called 'normal' because what is normal anyway? As long as you're one of the sheep, damn, you're NORMAL... fuck that shit, I like standing apart from the sheep and having the courage to think for myself and I only wish that everyone did. Imagine what is must be like to be trapped in the crowd, too scared to break away from it, too scared to even dare to think for yourself and disagree with what you are TOLD to think. I'm no anarchist, I'm no killer, but I certainly don't agree with everything we're told. Viva individualism.

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      • Proudfear

        "So I'm probably a bit lame too," not at all

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  • PoisonFlowers

    Good for you. It's a bit lame though.

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  • Proudfear

    to the person who wrote(acidently hide the mesage and dont now how to undo it)_
    "plenty of people like dark stuff. I like dark stuff, too. I know you don't like to hear that. I know you like to think of yourself as unique and interesting You're not. You're just an attention whore. Kindly shut the fuck up, you sound like an idiot."

    you have no idea what your talking about,

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