I luv to torture small animals
hellow i m a femal 23 years old i know its not right but i dont know y i feel pleasure in torturing and killing small helpless animals i think it is a sin but can be an enjoyment for some one
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hellow i m a femal 23 years old i know its not right but i dont know y i feel pleasure in torturing and killing small helpless animals i think it is a sin but can be an enjoyment for some one
It's amazing how many people are in to this and get a rush out of it. A lot of people tell me stories of the things they have done, It's interesting how excited they get when they relive the moment! My ex recently told me how she found a mouse hiding in one of her pots in her kitchen, she slid a lid on it quickly and set it on her stove so she could put her shoes on to take it outside and let it go. That's when she got the idea to turn the burner on! Just watching her get almost excited while she explained the mouses reaction as it slowly got cooked... Just never knew she had it in her! lol
Your totally right is so enjoyable! lot people i think wanna do it but is taboo for them : )
I think that some people are intrigued by death and it is natural. I would be very concerned if I acted on this curiousity and even more alarmed if it was a positive experience that I continued to repeat. I don't understand your urges and have a difficult time not judging you, but feel that you are ill, and if I saw a person with a broken arm I would tell them to seek medical assistance just as I would plead with you to do so
I have the urge to torture cats and kittens. I know it's sick and wrong. I get a major rush out of it. Can't explain it. I love dogs and other animals. But I have this cruel streak for cats. Had it since my teens. I get a rush from physical confrontations, but nothing like making a cat suffer. I've killed a couple which was an extreme high. But disappointing because I could no longer make them suffer. I'm really distraught about it cuz I know its wrong and friends and family will not understand. I know I need help but I am afraid to ask , because of the social stigma that will come with it. What would you do?
I know how you feel, I like hitting and kicking cats a lot, even to the point I will laugh out loud. It is not normal, and I have guilt about it sometimes but I feel the same high you do
I think it's very interesting and is far more common than generally admitted. I'd like to know more about your feelings.
That's not normal. It's called being sadistic and I hope a group of cats scratch your ass for it.
next time my problems dosent go away its torture time again for my dog sometimes i feel guilt but if my problem dosent go away then the dogs time again for torture i know he feels pain but mentally i am ruined forever because of my problems sorry dog for my problems
If you are going to torture animals, than mabey you could film a video of you dressed sexy and doing it.For me it is sexy when women do it!
Man its ok i feel the same way about cats and kittens and i have no idea why my body does.I geuss its just because of my mental problems but even when i feel fine and happy i still just want to tie a rope to the cats "things" and just yank it as hard as i can
i know its bad but i still just dont know why
is this normal and if not how can i help myself?
man i feel that every day idk why i just love to tortyre cats and kittens although i love other pets like dogs and puppys
i also know i need help but i dont know how to ask
is this normal and what should i do?
I wish i can torcure u you scum i would kixx someone that tortured aniamls if i k ow i could gwt away with it. People who torture animals should gwt the death pentalty. My litty that passed away i would ki!! For that cat i like anomals bettwr tham people anyway. I wish u would drop dexx. Ur a pice of shit hope u bern in hell mother f.... scum of the earth. I wish i was face to face witb you and u dod that i front of me id like to see u try that. Thay as bad as hirtinf people. If i was pressidemt or a judge o would put people away for life or death row for lilling animals i would wish that person torture ur scum of the earth if u really did what i say and if u didnt ur still a lice of shit scum for koming anout it.
You don't need nothing, didn't speak with anyone for that and you don't have any remorse!!! you do it because you like it and this is not bad!! lot of us we support your feelings because we feel and do the same : )
I find it very interesting how you feel and it is very brave of you to talk about it. I'd like to offer an opportunity to talk about it, in a non-judgmental setting, which I think might help.
You like torturing cats and kits? Dafuq is wrong with you?!? This isn't fucking normal!! That's like killing a mother and her child you fucking asses!!! Sick! If you want to kill something go kill some bugs! God what is wrong with you people. You know what whatever your all going to hell any way.
I do have empathy. I also own a dog. She is the best little girl, so smart and well behaved. She is my best friend and I love her dearly. I just can't stand cats.
does my dog knows why i torture him inside the room alone because i have problems permanent problems in life so thats why i beat him up because am miserable in life so does he will feel pain for my permanent problem
People calm down. I'm sure she's aware of how fucked up it is. All I can say is that you should try seeking mental help.
Well our ancestors were hunted and maulled by wolves and sabor tooth tigers etc. maybe these ancient beasts even tortured our ancestors; slowly chewing off their faces. Tossing their life less bodies around. basically we are old enemies with what we now call our pets. Maybe deep with in our blood we urge to kill them or hurt them. Perhaps out of spite. Maybe out of fear. Or maybe I'm simply trying to justify our actions towards now helpless animals. However a million years ago the tables were turned... Thoughts?
Okay people calm down animals are not humans if she wants to kill or hurt an animal that's her business if she wants to pour hot water on a dog HINT HINT to OP !! That's her business I'm sure if she said I want to torture a human you wouldn't be so pissed you all eat meat right? chicken beef pork the pepperoni pizza you all love to shove down your gut comes from animals isn't that torture taking them to the slaughter room and sliting their throats so we can eat yummy meals or are those stinky flea bags dogs more valued than cows pigs chicken etc chinese people have the right idea on eating those stinky use my tongue as toilet paper fuckers LOL
I like the hot water idea...gonna steal lit... if you are still around contact me, email is in profile :)
Ewww Gross, the dog love is a horrible epidemic these days. A person can say "Im allergic to dogs" and a dog nut will immediately start bashing kids ,calling them brats and offering to slap the kids up beside the head and wishing them death. I have found animal lovers to be the real psychopaths.
So true. Just read about the woman who killed and fed her husband to her dog. See the comments section with the dog loving nuts saying they feel sorry for the dog yet feel nothing for her spouse. Typical dog lover 'logic'. Make burgers out of the dogs and their lovers, I say.
Btw I wish i had a gf/bf who hated animals. I'd totally be your bf/gf.
That's totally different in multiple ways. First off cows and all that are used as sources of food for us to survive you bastard secondly those animals we don't take pleasure in killing it has to be that way. Third of all don't be talking shit you don't fucking know about. Cats and dogs are different. We are to trust them and they are to trust us. So many dogs and cats have saved people lives and protected them. I'm not saying other animals haven't buy they are the main ones. I swear people like you don't know which way their asses are but I'll gladly point you in that direction bitch!
I used to enjoy squishing ants and pillbugs to see their guts and their pain when i was a child out if curiosity. But it all stopped when I realized the beauty of life and the connection of all things. I had a change of heart, and now when I have an opportunity to save animals and bugs, I do. I see that all living things are very much like us humans, and are precious no matter how big or small.
Yeah I'm like this too, but I also find people who torture animals attractive. I wish I was your gf/bf :(.
I feel sexually aroused when I see a women torturing animals.So send next time you go do it, film it for me wearing something sexy.No torture is to extreme for me!
It's an unusual hobby but quite acceptable. Loads of people happily eat meat from animals that have been murdered.
Well you enjoy suffering which sets you apart from people and you lack the empathy to have hesitation to kill. The biggest concern from there is do you dream or fantasise about killing people. If you do then you will almost certainly do so eventually. If you don't then your outlook is better.
The reason you do it is that you lack empathy and that makes forming fufilling relationships with pets or people extremely difficult. So when you torture animals you get an emotional response that you don't get from other types of interaction.
Stupid stupid. Do you want peoples approval on this? You are not getting it. You are lucky I don't know where you live.
Im not going to judge, you obviously realise that there is something wrong about these thoughts. i really hope you dont act on them and i think it would be a good idea to see a councellor or something, if your having thoughts like this it could be an indication that you are not mentally well. I also think that anyone who said this was normal, should also seek help.
I am not going to criticize you. I think it has to do with something from your childhood, someone might have abused you in a number of ways, because you were vulnerable. But I honestly don't think it is healthy, I think you should seek help. I don't know the whole story, but it sounds like there is a serious problem.
from a viewpoint where i wont look at the person but rather the human condition and it's coexistence with other life forms-
You must have mental problems. You might have ADD and be compulsive. You may have thoughts that run through your mind constantly and turturing small animals is the only thing that makes you feel in control, stopping the thoughts.
People would be offended and saddend by this practice, and they'll tell you to stop for that reason.
You may not have any thoughts about the life - the little being that is fully conscious and away of itself and you when it is being tortured.
You need psychiatric attention. You need to be evaluated. You may not tell them that you do this because it's embarrasing... but you need to tell them that you lack lack control over some compulsions - even if you mask this by telling them your compulsion is that you overeat.
Please get help.
well, i dont have ADD and im certainly not impulsive. I just have the urge to hurt something, usually cats. And it doesn't have to be a little critter. I'd prefer a challenge, like a dog. I've always wanted to be attacked by a dog so I can legally kill it with my own two hands. Now THAT would get your blood pumping.
Would be interesting to see, but I am not sure I can take a dog unless its like tied up.
Tie the dogs front and hind feet together, then sit on it to see how long it can take your weight.
Next time you go torture animals, could you tape it and send it to me?Preferably wearing something sexy!I like to see a women do it and it is sexy for me.
People who do that kind of shit often end up hurting people. Do you enjoy torturing little kids too or helpless elders? Get help before it progresses.
The animals feel pain just as acutely as humans and your lack of compassion suggests you might be psychotic.
There s NO proof what so ever to back that up. I know for a fact that not all kids that pick on animals end up as serial killers. That is just a theory. I find animal loves to be more likely to kill humans than the people who don't love animals. Hitler loved dogs and other animals so did a lot of other Nazis. Charles Manson and most of the Manson family loved dogs and cats but look what they did to humans.There have been murderers tell police that they had rather kill a human than kill animals because the sick idiots can't get no friends so they have to settle for animals. There was this mass murderer shot up a place of work because a girl wouldn't go out with him ,he chased her everyday and she was Not interested in him, so she had to complain to her boss,he end up fired and came back a few weeks later and killed a lot of people that worked there , someone ask him did he hunt and his answer was NO I would never kill a animal. Strange he's okay with killing people! He killed a lot of employees at that work place.
There was a gangster from Boston that Loved animals and would never hurt them , he could kill anybody or anyone or even order a killing,he was cruel t people all the time, he would cause them to suffer sometimes, he killed a lot of folks ,even children but oh the sick bastard couldn't shoot a damn dog.You see this theory that people that kill animals end up serial killers is hog wash and nothing but hog wash.
I'm sorry but I have no sympathy for you. You need to get help. Like now... How can you look at those big adorable eyes and just kill it? Please get help
This makes me want to cry, i can't even think about someone killing my kitten. This is gateway murdering, soon you will want to kill "small, defenseless" children.
I'm not saying there is a heaven or hell, but if there is, you will surely be stuck there after you die. You cruel evil bitch!
You know whats funny. I'm sort of like you but the other way around. I don't like to see animals hurt but sometimes I get a jolly out of seeing people I hate get hurt and that's just about everyone. Oddly enough I don't hate you. Probity cuz I haven't seen you hurt an animal. I have many odd friends. For example I was pen pals for about a year with this woman from Germany. She was a necrophiliac.
Okay 1st of all that is just plain mean!
I could never kill an ant without feeling horrible about it! and 2nd learn how to spell "female"! you ignorant person.
I had a girlfriend when I was 14 who would torture the feeder mice I had for my snake. I didn't understand it. She would put one in a large clear plastic food container, cut a small hole so she could insert a straw, then blow smoke into it and watch it suffer. She would let it get air when it would get so thick you couldn't see the mouse any more. She was an odd one. She liked to blow her smoke thickly into my face. She also liked to sit behind me watching tv and choke me. I went along because she said she liked it so much. I didn't like it but she seemed to like that even more. I was head over heels for her despite these weird things. She was a beautiful girl but eventually I had to let her go when she started choking me from the front staring into my eyes as I went out. I think she'd fall into the catigory of thinking this is normal. I think society dictates normal and a healthy society doesn't enjoy torturing living creatures. Everyone that does enjoy it cannot possibly have empathy and should seek help. What happens when you have a helpless child?
Please leave your address so we can report you to the authorities. Maybe if you made an appointment with a professional mental health care practitioner they might be able to help you before the authorities show up and then you can at least say that I am trying to get help. Good luck.
How are all u scum humans saying its normal ur either joki g or u should all be lut in a cage forever and tprtures. I think people should get death pentelty or life i. Perso. For animal torture. Thats scum of the earth and i wish i xan xome face to face wotj someone torchering ana animal esp hepless ones makes u the biggest scum worst rhan ted bundy or any serial killer in my mind. U people are sick pice of dirt scum
I hope one day a giant spider dressed as a freaky looking clown locks you in one of those old fashioned refrigerators.
True. It relates to the reptilian part of the brain. I was (and am) like this too. I get it mad with little furry animals like rabbits and puppies.
I like to mess with NPCS in video games because they're so helpless and innocent.
just finished my psych rotation... You are going to progress to killing humans. Sociopath. Please get some help
Is lot of convict comments for your feeling here baby but all was wrong!! Your feelings is totally normal You say is sin maybe yes but how know exactly what is sin or not how many bigger sins we make all every day with out care for it! the human mind is not in peace and in back side more or less all people think about violence! Maybe we don't want to accept but the truth is people want pleasure and the most pleasure give the wild sex if you do it day by day comes out lot of hiding wild feelings! Some wise men from lot ancient civilization say the sex is totally connected with violence and death!! you don't understand it but slowly slowly pass lot of violence thinking from your mind and make you to like this kind of pleasure! All people have those kind of thinking behind mind but is not strong and leave it to pass like a spark! Only people like you have much more strength and let those feelings free. Totally i know how strong pleasure you feel especially when finished those animals!! i feel the same i have also torture some little animals sometimes independent the mood and i don't have any remorse only pleasure Really I'm not psycho i'm not maniac believe me and never would be! Simply i like this kind if peasure just like you : ) Is nothing wrong with your feelings baby is totally normal and continue to do it The life pass quickly you must live and do any pleasure you like without taboo and remorse. Don't hear noone only do everything make you happy! I send you my love and wish you the best : ))
Figured I'd submit my story under here since its pretty relevant. I don't like doing it but I do it. I currently have a small kitten that my sister gave to me. She's a little trouble maker and I do abuse her. It seems that anything can set me off. When she chews on her food loudly, getting onto my computer desk that u have clearly made known she was not supposed to be on, or the scratching she does in her littler box, I could honestly go on. Lately, however, I've noticed its not so much that I get a rush out of it, its more I want it to be known that I am her master, I own her, and she is mine. She's already built up a fear of me as she usually responds to my loud deep voice and a snap from my finger. I will admit I know its wrong and I know I cause physical pain but it isn't like she's so innocent either. I have scratches all over me, from my face to my hands. Granted, she probably wouldn't have been so aggressive if I hadn't done the things I did but nonetheless she did is. Point it, I dont think I can bring myself to kill her, I just feel its necessary she knows I own her and she can't hiss at me or do certain things. Now that's my current situation, for those who are actually seeking to help, I'd like an answer to the reason as to why I feel the need to assert my dominance in this manner, here's a little history and background on myself. The first manner of animal abuse I can remember was way back,when I was living with my parents and I had a little Chihuahua, I would choke it then stop, then immediately begin to feel empathy. Next instance was last year (2013) I was working at Wal-Mart (my first job) and I saved up money to get a Lab, she was my everything. Her name was Sunder, it means beautiful in Hindi. Anyways when Sunder was a pup I abused her a bit as well. Biting her ear throwing her into a kennel, smacking her around, but I always came back to loving her and I always felt empathy after. As a pup she was indoors, but once she got a little bigger my grandma (whom I live with) forced her outside. I built her a really big pen for her to be in. One day I get home from work and she was not there. So I run around town looking for her til about 6am (I got home at 11). Never found her. Til this day I dont know if she's stolen or lost, but nonetheless I cried and mourned her loss for weeks end. After Sunder I hadn't gotten another pet and didn't want one, but my sister kidna dumped Autumn (my current kitten) on me. I'm not looking for criticism and I dont care what people think of me, I'm looking for an explanation as to why I abuse this kitten that I do in fact love. I care for her, feed her, love her, and unfortunately harshly abuse her. One last thing I'd like to add is I have thought about killing people, however I dont think I could kill an innocent person. For those who like to watch TV shows I'd like to think of myself as Dexter, he kills people who rape women, kill innocent children, even kills other serial killers who kill for fun. I dont have a need to kill, but if the opportunity ever arose to kill a not-so-innocent person, I'd take it.
Well she or he is asking what we all think. She recognizes it's not normal so maybe she or he will get help.
Animal worshipers require therapy far more than the OP. iin2want2know is one of these 'sickos' who need help. Lmao at random people on the internet telling people they don't know shit about that they need 'help' as if these people know what is 'right' and 'wrong' - both words that are social constructs and have no objective truth to them.
That's totally not the same! Lions kill rabbits for survival not for enjoyment!
Which includes all the people who slaughter animals for food and those who indirectly support this practice by buying and eating meat. Most of the world
There is a special place in hell for child abusers, Oh how quickly you animal lovers forget about the little humans! I also feel that if what you say is true then all meat eaters will have a spot in hell.
I think the dogs that maul other animals and maul children have a special place in hell also.
It's good that you know that this feeling you are having is not acceptable. I saw a tv special the other day that was sort of similar where a woman had those kind of urges/thoughts about other humans but in the end she would not act on them. It sounds like you need some therapy.
You're a jerk!!!!! You mean you actually KILL THEM?!?!? What do you think? Every time you see a sqirrel you kill it
you are horrific twisted psychotic wrteched sad excuse for a women, GO GET HELP!!!
these are the kinda people that should be lined up and shot!!!!!
All i can say is i am glad you feel this may be a problem.. Try finding some help, I'm not saying that in a bad way.. It's just that... Try putting yourself in their... shoes? What if some big guy came around and tried torturing you till you died? Doesnt sound fun.. Just get some help. I am worried about you.
your a waster need seriosu help. you lke to hurt things that are helpless dont ever have kids youd probably kill them to.
just go get help seriously something probabyl happended in your life they you need to let go of, and this is your way of crying for help.
Just think about what your doing, what your achieving and ask yourself...
Is this really the person i am.
Make sure to mention us when you go to jail for being a serial killerwhen ur older.
this is definitely a bit of a problem....
thats the kinda thing people get locked into looney closets for
as i said to the dude who cut his dogs ear off... WHAT THE CRUD IS WRONG WITH YOU!!!!!!!
that is one of the first signs of a serial killer a kid in my school spraypainted rats to death and he killed over 12 people in seattle !!! you creepy guy are your parents related?