I'm 18, a virgin, never had a boyfriend and have never been kissed.

Well, I'm an 18 year old girl and I'm a virgin, I've never had a boyfriend and I've never even been kissed. It's not by choice.

I'm pretty shy around new people, I just can't think of normal conversation-y things to say to people I don't know.
I'm fine talking to people I do know, I can be fun and funny and can talk for hours to people I do know but especially when it comes to boys I just don't know what to do when talking to people I'm not familiar with.

I feel really weird that I've never had a boyfriend. The virginity thing doesn't bug me as much because I'm pretty sure that lots of girls my age haven't had sex yet. Boyfriends are a different story. Most girls my age have had a boyfriend before.
It makes me feel really unattractive.

I'm quite chubby but I take care of my appearance and try to dress well. I'm not totally unattractive and I can look pretty sometimes.
I'm a nice person but boys just never seem to approach me.
It sucks! ha

Is it normal for someone my age to have never been kissed and to never have had a boyfriend?

Voting Results
86% Normal
Based on 1266 votes (1085 yes)
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Comments ( 32 )
  • n0TaNiceGirl

    My advice is just don't worry about it. Hang out with friends pursue school and enjoy your life. I know that your situation may seem odd but you are quite young and have the rest of your life to find a boyfriend. I hate to say but from my experience most boys your age have no interest in dating a chubby girl not matter how attractive or nice. At this point in their lives most boys have not learned to think form themselves and just want to date a thin stupid girl to impress their friends. So just put the whole boyfriend thing on hold for awhile and cultivate your interests and personality. The boyfriend thing will come later.

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    • Hoppy2142

      i am a male and i have the same problem, it really does irritate the shit out of me sometimes to where i just say screw girls im a failure. By the way i am 202 pounds and have a body fat percent of 24 percent and play defensive tackle in highschool junior varsity football i am right on the line between overweight and healthy. Your not alone

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      • Hoppy2142

        i cannot say if it is normal or not because i fall under your category but there is not a right awnser, so i will put yes for both our sakes

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  • Anonymous11

    Well, I'm an 17 year old GUY and I'm a virgin, I've never had a girlfriend and I've never even been kissed. I'm a varsity cross country runner and a trumpet player at my school, so I'm physically fit and I'm fine mentally. However, to be fair, my parents rarely let me out of my house, but, you're probably normal, or more normal than, say, in the 1960's.

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  • happyB

    I did not have my first boyfriend until I was out of high school and far away from all the idiot, immature high school boys. I met my boyfriend the summer after graduation. He is wonderful and 11 years later we are celebrating our 6 year wedding anniversary. Don't worry. Mr Right will come along.

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  • Honestly, I think it's not your weight at all. There are plenty of chubby girls who have boyfriends. Your shyness must be keeping guys away. I don't think that matters. Don't look for love, it'll find you. I'm kind of concerned for myself about the same thing, yet part of my brain says all good, noncheating men are taken or gay. I've sort of given up. I refuse to be a naive young teenager!

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  • nat200

    I'm 20 and never been kissed or had a relationship

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  • n0TaNiceGirl

    Thanks Bugaboo I really appreciate that

    I would also like to add that I am 6'0 and weigh about 230-240lb. If I were to believe television, movies and fashion magazines I would feel like a freak and that it was the norm for women to be be size four or smaller. BUT I have a look at the folks I see everyday and I read the papers so I know that people like me are the Norm, most people look like us not size four fashion models. So given that we are the majority I would say that it's time that we stopped feeling marginalized. A women can be large, attractive, confident and well dressed. I feel that big women are only every portrayed in the media as the fat friend or someone that needs to go a diet this is no more appropriate that when black people were portrayed in the media as mistrals and Asians were depicted as being stupid and having buck teeth. Sorry went on a bit if a rant there but its how I feel.

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  • litnas

    It is normal.i am 25, i have never been kissed or in a relationship.

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  • chilledRunnings

    I don't think that it's normal. Depending on where you live, weight should have nothing to do with it. All the chubby girls that I know have managed boyfriends.

    I think that your shyness might be a problem. People like people who shower attention on them. If you're not forward, they won't pay attention to you or they might think you don't want to be bothered. They don't want to be rejected either, you know.

    I think you should be more aggressive. Don't expect the dating/social scene to suddenly change to accommodate you just because you turned 18, as some people seem to be suggesting. If you never change, why would any of the people around you?

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  • randomjelly

    You're 18 now so things should start changing. Now that you are out of the high school drama world you will find that dating changes. "Some" boys mature and feel more comfortable with their image and date girls based on who they like and not who the high school groupies tell them is "appropriate" to date. A lot of men prefer women with some cushion haha!

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  • BUGABOO-666-

    Ignore jerks like icecoldslushy and don't worry so much about dating at 18-years-old. I think notanicegirl summed it all up perfectly. About your chubbiness; if you're comfortable with your appearance and size, then it's perfectly fine. You'll eventually meet a real guy who is able to look past your size and think for himself as opposed to letting the media dictate who he finds attractive. I think your first kiss will be even more special because of that. =]

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  • AnonnyNonny

    I'm in exactly the same situation =/

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  • Pete387

    It's completely normal I'm an 18 year old guy and i have never had a serious relationship and i have never kissed a girl.

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  • Jeci_Cassidy

    Hun it's pretty normal. I didn't lose my virginity until i was 18. and now im married to the guy i lost it to and we have a baby on the way. The best men are the ones you wait for ^_^

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  • carly13

    Don't worry, you're not alone. I had my first kiss at 16, but I've never had a real boyfriend and I'm still a virgin. I'm not "chubby" at all, but I do have self-esteem issues and it gets even worse when people ask me why I don't have a bf. I wish people would just chill out and worry about their OWN lives. I'm a 19 year old female and will be a sophomore in college this fall btw. College guys are a lot better than high school ones though. For now I am happy just hanging out and having fun. Just know that you aren't alone at all and that there are plenty of other girls (and even guys) out there that are in the same situation as you :)

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  • david7

    "Is it normal for someone my age to have never been kissed and to never have had a boyfriend? "

    At your age, yes it is quite normal. And don't worry about being "unattractive", that's not true and it's not even the issue. Besides, you wouldn't want to date someone who judged you by your appearance, that would be very shallow of them. You will find someone when the time is right, which is different for all of us.

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  • ALLoftheabove

    I think it's pretty normal
    since your going to be graduating high school you'll most likely get a bf within the next two years because of college

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  • thetoe

    totally normal. im an 18 year old guy and litterally the same story. never had a gf,never kissed anyone, never had sex. kinda chub but i try and dress decently well. your normal.

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  • phizzy

    I'm in the same boat. I'm an 18 year old gal whose never really been in a guy's attention. Actually, I never notice when guys flirt with me (oops!). So I've never kissed anyone. (Stupid sexual frustration! Grrr).

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  • Dr.Weird

    Hi5 here Missy! I too have never had or done any of those things. Kinda repulses me.

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  • Lonely2

    Just be glad your not a guy...shy guys...like myself are totally fucked..shy girls will eventually get some loser to hit on them...just try to at least make eye contact

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  • virginfilth

    you can be like me and do everything except penetration, OR be like everybody else and get nailed. either way, you're only 18 who gives a fuck don't let people pressure you, do it when you're ready. and if you're ready, go out and meet some guys! be social and outgoing, NETWORK, girlfriend!

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  • auNatural

    Girl,some guys are just shallow. I used to be kind of thick and I didn't start getting a bunch of attention until I lost weight.
    It's okay i'm 18 and I haven't been in a relationship in about two years and I'm still a virgin.Sometimes it is well worth the wait. That time will come when your ready because I sure can say i'm not ready to have a boyfriend right now(im focused on college and making money).
    You're young so you have nothing to worry about.Anyways,go for the bigger guys.I love them and they are usually sweet guys.

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  • randomjelly

    Lol...I see others agree.

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  • crazykat


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  • Drahmin

    I'm 30 and never had a girlfriend, so it must be normal.

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    • that or your just 10 years short of being the 40 year old virgin

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  • virginfilth

    Guys secretly love chubby girls. When they're drunk, I mean.

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  • well I have a friend that's a girl that's like that, but its by choice so I don't know what to tell ya

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  • Well exercise and proper diet usually helps your type of situation....

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  • jas07

    Get laid girlfriend!!! It's awesome!!!

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