I'm 18, a virgin, never had a boyfriend and have never been kissed.
Well, I'm an 18 year old girl and I'm a virgin, I've never had a boyfriend and I've never even been kissed. It's not by choice.
I'm pretty shy around new people, I just can't think of normal conversation-y things to say to people I don't know.
I'm fine talking to people I do know, I can be fun and funny and can talk for hours to people I do know but especially when it comes to boys I just don't know what to do when talking to people I'm not familiar with.
I feel really weird that I've never had a boyfriend. The virginity thing doesn't bug me as much because I'm pretty sure that lots of girls my age haven't had sex yet. Boyfriends are a different story. Most girls my age have had a boyfriend before.
It makes me feel really unattractive.
I'm quite chubby but I take care of my appearance and try to dress well. I'm not totally unattractive and I can look pretty sometimes.
I'm a nice person but boys just never seem to approach me.
It sucks! ha
Is it normal for someone my age to have never been kissed and to never have had a boyfriend?