I'm 20 and i've never had a job

I am 20 years old and I never had a job. I know I should get a job, but the idea of an interview frightens me, and where do I even begin to get a job? I'm currently going to college so I should probably get a job. Ughh.

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Comments ( 12 )
  • HeyItsRalph

    I mean it's not normal in the way that most people have go get a job asap to be able to support themselves financially. Seems like you've been able to get by without having to need one. Honestly just try an app like Indeed and find something relatively simple, interviews will vary depending on where you apply really, so you can't always expect the same. Good luck!

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  • Rictictavie

    Honestly, interviews are the worst part of having a job. Go for it.

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  • cipro

    Yeah its normal.

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  • Nickvey

    its too late. no one will hire you

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    • lordofopinions

      Bull shit!!!

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    • Zonfire80

      You're a fucken asshole. You know some people with disabilities have a hard time finding a job.

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      • Nickvey

        fuck your no ability

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        • Zonfire80

          I do have a disability

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          • Nickvey

            then you do have no ability

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  • JellyBeanBandit

    Yeah it's normal, especially if you're in college anyway. I was in my mid 20's before I got my first job.

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  • IrishPotato

    Good luck. I honestly think it's fine.

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    • lordofopinions

      Look on line for a resume preparation program or a resume outline. Just because you have no job history is fine. EVERYONE started out this way. Put down any award, activities relating to college such as debating or even the chess club. Put down your interests outside of college as well such as hobbies and sports.

      Spread those resumes around like chaff to the wind even to jobs you might think you don't have a hope in hell of getting. You might be surprised as some employers may be impressed enough to consider you for a job that has yet to be posted.

      A friend of mine put in a resume for a job where he had no experience but during the interview he said he was looking for a break, a chance to prove himself. He got the job and in six months became one if their best employees.

      Good luck.

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