I'm 20 and want a gf who doesn't party or drink?

I'm 20 and want a GF who doesn't party or drink, its starting to seem like this is an impossible type of girl to find. Are other guys like me? Do you like party girls, or non-party girls? Is this normal?

Voting Results
94% Normal
Based on 1224 votes (1149 yes)
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Comments ( 56 )
  • alexisfreak

    I agree. Party girls are the ones who end up in jail. They are the ones who are going to be f*cking your best friend when you go to the store. they are the ones who will become sl*ts for a living. I don't think you want a relationship with a sl*t. Anyway, I like the girls who are smart and pretty, although that is a rarity these days.

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  • csciabarasi

    Of course that's normal. That's wonderful. So many shy girls would die to have a decent guy come up and talk to them and actually take interest in them.
    Not all girls have to drink or party there's wonderful ones out there. you just have to go out and look.

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  • tigresapunkita

    I am a 24 year old woman who never goes to parties. I found this page by googling "i don't go to parties".

    Tonight one girl who used to be a friend of mine in highschool is going to have her b-day party at a bar. I got invited through facebook and I did not responded to her invitation. This is not the first time she invites me to her parties, I never go and I feel bad because I feel like antisocial. First of all I live a little far from those clubs and it is scary for me to drive all by myself to those places so late at night. I did it once and it was a scary, the streets were empty.

    If I had a friend pick me up and leave me at home, then that would be a different story but they never offered me to do that.

    Plus I don't like to drink. I don't like the taste of alcohol.

    Why people only want to go at night and drink? Is that the only form of socializing?

    I also like concerts and doing day time activities, but that the only thing people like to do, so that is why I am always alone.

    My ex-boyfriend (and first boyfriend) never went to parties also, and he just drank wine or beer at his house, when he offered me drinks a just drank a bit, because I did not liked it and it was ok.

    I hope I meet someone else like me because i am not into the party scene.

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    • mspinky

      We're the same age and been in a relationship for almost 6 years. My friends had planned to bar hop last night and my bf thought I was going but I changed my mind since I was tired from work and never saw the fun in alcohol nor socializing in an almost flirty way with stragers. You know how alcohol can make a person act. So I got home and ended up sleeping early. So today when I mentioned my friends to my bf he thought it was strange that I don't go out and called me a party pooper and a grandma. It made me upset and I cried a bit without him knowing. I felt insulted.

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  • Razvan.birle

    .. I think I like girls who don't party.. but my girlfriend likes very much to party.. i don't think she will cheat on me because i trust her alot [have no doubts about it.. it's strange but i trust her 100%].. i am just scared that she would get bored of me.. because i don't like to party.. >< is it normal, to have this concerning?

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    • eyesonthesun95

      I am in the exact situation as you and feel the exact same way, I don't think she will cheat on me but she always wants to go to party's or bars or clubs and i just don't think there is any reason to go out and get drunk and socailize with a bunch of strangers if you are in a serious relationship. I hate to feel like the asshole boring bf that dosent want my girlfriend having fun and drinking. I'm scared she might find me too boring and look for somone else when shes drunk. I have no problem with occasional drinks with my girlfriend at home or hanging with friends but cland getting drunk with her just makes me think she wants to be single and do things single people do including partying and that not me im scared she might look for somone who is a party animal toond it scares me. Ive told her this but she still wants to do it and refuses to slow down on drinking or wanting to party.

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  • russellnb

    Stop looking for a GF at parties

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    • NMoney

      What are you talking about, russellnb?

      The guy who posted this topic didn't even specify whether or not he goes to parties, so why would you assume he does?

      It would seem more logical to assume he doesn't go to parties (let alone search for girls at them), since he's hoping to find a girl who doesn't party.

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      • lostinlove2370

        I am so glad there are other people who think like this! I go to a girls' school and pretty much all of the other girls like to party and drink - they're not all 'hoes' as mentioned above, they're just into the modern culture of clubbing and drinking. Personally I find it distasteful and it doesn't seem all that fun to me...I'm looking for a true gentleman, and none of my friends' partying boyfriends are anywhere near my type! I'm happy that there are other young people out there who want a little restraint and class in their lives. 100%% normal, my friend :-)

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    • BlackSheep1

      Um, I'm not looking for a GF at parties. I never even go to parties.

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  • annada

    Totally normal, i myself am 22 years old never drink or smoke evr and i can nver understand how a guy can kiss a girl with tobacco breath. I tend to do traditional things such as going to the movies etc. and my friends and i have a blast. Keep true to yourself man party chicks are highly overrated.

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    • Yeah, I'm a guy turning thirty next month and I agree with you.

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  • Spritzy

    Tch, there are plenty of girls who don't party.
    You're probably just asking for hot sexy girls who don't party in particular.

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  • justaquietghost

    Well, I am a straight girl, and I don't party or drink (and I'm just saying this for background info, I'm in a relationship) and my type of guy is the type who doesn't really do either as well.

    So I think it's perfectly normal to be swapped. Not to mention my boyfriend admits he fell more for me when he learned of both of those traits.

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  • combatgal856

    It probably means you are willing to settle with someone rather than have a quickie or just a little bit of fun. I personally think that is a good thing because that way you can start you're life with a long term relationship with aa girl who likes you and you like back

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  • lwinnchick

    a lot of the girls you meet in bars and clubs are shallow. if you aren't into that scene that's fine. it shows you mature.

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  • morbid29

    that is normal it means you want a normal girl who wont lose all of your money or passout all the time... til next time

    morbid demise

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  • I think you're normal,I guess, I just think too much and whenever I get close to someone I back away and avoid them-but That's my problem. I technically am not having a great college first year b/c I can't make friends easily at all and I don't drink-ever-one sip of champagne and find it bad. Party girls aren't all that bad-most of them just party on the weekends.But if you're looking for a girl that doesn't drink at all-like me-and you can't find one. Settle for a girl that drinks occasionally and still gets good grades and has goals . . .in the long run it doesn't really matter . . .

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  • You and me both only I'm looking for a guy who doesn't party, because I'm a chick and I like guys. LOL. Seriously though the best advice I can give you is try going to church or maybe your college library. You just need to find someone who has strong morals and maybe a shy girl because most shy people don't go out to clubs much, I know I dont.

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  • BruceIsSoCool

    Yes! I'm with you on this one, Party girls (clubs, concerts, and bars, drugs etc...) are problematic. Girls like that are only good for one thing and since you want a girlfriend which means a relationship you probably don't want one of these girls not even for sex because you might fall in love with her well at least I'm like that. Yes I too want a girl thats fair looking and can use her brain. i don't want some dumb party hoe girl like when I come home from work shes drunk doing the next door neighbor, your normal and on the right path, don't settle for less and those girls are usually in college and have completed at least 8 classes. but every girl will or may have a story to tell if you know what I mean, youll just have to accept this its normal but as long as their on the right path it's okay, so good luck

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    • jenjy

      Just because someone goes out and drinks does not mean that they are a 'dumb party hoe girl' who just wants sex. I know many, many girls (including myslef!) who are fair looking and can use their brains, but enjoy partying. Itv doesn't mean we are stupid and whoreish, just that we like to have a good time! But yes it is normal to want someone who doesnt drink and party... but don't necessarily outrule someone just because they enjoy going out! Good luck :)

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    • justinjdogg122

      bruce is cool your lame party girls are the best especially if u can trust her their the shit bro

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  • oskilover18

    Most guys and girls your age are still kids experimenting. Try dating slightly older women (out of college).

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  • holla09

    Drinking, not drinking, why be so judgemental and specific? Yes it is perfectly normal to want a person who does not act in certain ways, but you might want to take care not to have such a narrow, black or white scope. Choose a girlfriend for how she makes you feel, what she does for you, what you want to do for her and stuff, not how she chooses to spend her time.

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    • Sophynya

      Well said its good to have your views and morals on things but dont just burn tdown briges from acroose the lake i know alot of girls that like to party and drink but they dont go the extra yard to make it vulgar. Think like this if you watch porn there will be girls who think it dirty and will hate you not knowin that you could be a a gift from god to them same gose for girls who party just cause she dose that dont mean she wont come home or is not willing to ease up un that life style if you not willing to giver her the chance to try

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  • GoraIntoDesiGals

    They exists... Somewhere in Peshawar.

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  • RFP123

    Hey, I am in the EXACT same situation as you, but i am a girl and am 21. I have never smoked, never gotten drunk and hate all of smoking, drinking and 'partying'. Don't get me wrong i like to have fun and enjoy myself, but i have other ways, such as playing music, going to markets/places with friends..dinner gatherings etc. Currently i am with my boyfriend, who i absolutey adore, but he likes to go clubbing and he likes to drink.

    i am trying not to let it bother me as he respects my choices and i feel that it's not fair for me to ask him to change. although i worry that it will eventually get between us and i would feel less close to him otherwise. but whenever we are together he doesn't really drink, and doesn't make me feel the odd one out and in that regard it makes me want to get to terms with my so called, phobias or irrational worries, for myself to be closer to him. Due to the abundance of people who do like to do those things, i will always feel the odd one out. but at the end of the day if she respects you for your choices, then i guess coming to TERMS with( and not neccesariy doing) the partying/drinking thing, then hopefully it wont come between you.

    I am currently trying to do this at the moment. and the worries comes in ' waves' as i call it. as one minute you are fine, and another, you aren't. hopefully as times goes by, and you increasingly realise she's worth it, the ' waves' will get less frequent and intense. Also, importantly i say to myself, i can either 'run away' from this uncomfortable zone and find someone who i do have similar views on this with..... but then i wont have him.

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  • Ldizzy1234

    Hey, I'm a girl; I don't party at all, and I hate drinking.


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  • commoner

    get a blow up doll for a girl friend...

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  • Roxy:3

    Totally agree.

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  • angelswatchover

    Find a church girl

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  • BlackSheep1

    I am now 22 years old and am still the same way! Live in Colorado by chance?? haha

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  • St.Clair59

    You're not alone! I'm 22 and the exact same way, though I know at my age it's going to be hard to find a man who doesn't party or drink.

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  • Ramit10

    It all depends some girls that have never partied or drank will sometime during their life will want to go experince it and they will do a lot worse then what they would of done if they gradually got used to it. I've been with both kinds well almost i've never been out with a full blown party girl but have been with one that goes out every weekends and hangs around a fire and drinks and stuff but I have been with a girl that hasnt got to experance all that and ive been told by her than she wants to go out and get crazy

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  • jove4peace

    look there are different types of women. go to the library or to a music festival, something with the arts. youll find women that only enjoy the calm of life. I love these women. But I also do like naughty girls who know how to party! ;)

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  • theshytrovert

    You'll find plenty of girls like that. They will be religious, Morman, Fundamentalist, Muslim. I'm sure there are a few out there who don't. I was one at 20, but I didn't mostly because I was very shy. Good luck!

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  • LoveYouBabe

    I say find the girl of your dreams, if she parties I'm sure you can change that. If she falls for you anyway.

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  • good luck with that lol most people do drink but some dont, i started drinking when i was 9, which sounds kinda bad but drinking isnt seen as something bad in my family x

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  • tehschoolcounselor

    I never drink or

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  • People prefer different things. Why do some people always think that just because most people like this or what-ever, if they like the opposite or something different. They're not normal. It's retarded.

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  • My fiance doesn't party or even like the idea. To find a girl like this, break out of the social 'norms of attraction and date a girl who isn't on anyone list of top 10. Then treat her as if she is a top 10 girl and eventually over time, she will become that pretty.

    However, she will keep her inner-self and will respect you for caring about her back when she needed it.

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  • rainmay

    look for A girl in college that is too busy studying

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  • I'm not a guy like you, but I can assure you that there are girls who don't party or drink. I'm one of them.

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  • My girlfriend and I are just like that. I had to go into the heavier category to find her though. But all in all, I am just like you and agree with you.

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  • DrQuinnMedicineWoman

    You need to check out the library, or somewhere else equally as boring. Churches.. ya go for the religious girls. maybe hang around religious schools and colleges haha.

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  • MmeFriantine

    Im like you dude!
    Its normal XD

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  • raphatello

    right on man, party chicks are so boring and the sex is even worse. Geeky chicks are interesting and usually pretty willing to prove their not as innocent as people perceive.

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  • artyonemanparty

    Its normal dude. Try older girls. heck thats what I did. Now I'm married and the wife is 3 years older. so try someone who is 23 to 30.

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    • BlackSheep1

      I've noticed girls in that age range still love partying/clubbing/bars. Most the girls I work with are in the 25 age range, and they are still like that. I think I'm SOL man...haha.

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  • Assuming you hold the same standards for yourself, you are maybe looking in the wrong places. Network with friends, in clubs (social-rec, not drinking), school, faith community (if that way inclined) to find someone with similar interests & values.

    I think you are stereotyping "party girls" but you should seek people with the same values as yours. Unless this is an indicator that you are quite judgemental, and that is a turn-off & another issue.

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  • DiscoDuck

    Good luck.....I want a duck that doesnt quack!

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  • liztalker

    I know it feels like these types of "non-party" girls are not out there, but they really are! I should know being one of them! Keep searching and don't settle.

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  • Eye_of_the_beholder

    Yes that's normal, each to their own.
    lol no worries, you'll find girls like that - are you a party-ing guy? If so, find the girl who looks a bit awkward in the room or the one who isn't dancing much.
    Just look around - just by reading this convo you can see that there are 2or3 out of maybe 8 (sorry i can't really tell with some of the names) girls that don't particularly like to party =)

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  • alexlong

    in a way i would way rather have a girlfirnd who doesnt party or drink, but thats what everybodys doing now adays. when i had a girlfriend she always wanted to get drunk, we ended up gettign drunk so often that i got really fucked for a while, still trying to detox myself.....

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  • princesst76

    yeah, Its normal, all men and women like different types of people....

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