I'm a american recently converted to islam

I'm a white american girl recently converted to Islam. People think I'm abnormal cause I'm white. They find it ridiculous being a white person? I don't get it.

Who said Whites can't be Muslima? Yeah It's God's most loved religion and we have right to be converted to.

Do you think I'm normal because I'm white?

Voting Results
50% Normal
Based on 113 votes (57 yes)
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Comments ( 45 )
  • Mando

    It is a bit ironic given the muslim world's love of all things western.

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  • thinkingaboutit

    haha it's gods most loved religion.

    that right there is why people think your abnormal. they are all like "-_- when did she have the time to get mind fucked?"

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    • jim8255

      please stop using those pussy Japanese anime face iconss, it's fagg as hell

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  • 1000yrVampireKing

    Yes it is normal to want to go to a religion in which you have no rights. I think it is normal for white american women. Since many white young Americans seem to often shun anything american and jump at the chance to pretend they are foreign. So yes it is normal. Tell us how it went sometime.

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    • little_freak

      Christianity gives women as many rights as Islam. It's all up to the person and what parts of their religion they choose to follow and how strictly. Learn your facts.

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      • disfunkshinal

        I got more rights than both of you: No religion.

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        • Avant-Garde


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      • Avant-Garde

        If you're taking about extreme Christian sects, than no, women are not allowed to have many rights.

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    • o_0

      come on how can you say they have no rights...?? do you know..?? any body who is converting to such religion must be knowing better about how its gona turn up... and how much freedom or rights they have..

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  • fairyprincess

    You will regret it.

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  • Statistically no, it's not normal. You can thank the Moors for that.

    It's kind of a mindless platitude but you're free to do as you like. I'd be lying, though, if I didn't tell you that there's no action you can commit that doesn't bring consequences.

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  • suckonthis9

    You do realize that if you want to leave this religion that adores the deceased creature Allah, they will be justified into killing you.
    Also, you have used a term which divides one branch of the Abrahamic religions from other persons who also believe in the teachings of Abraham. This might be offensive to some people, whether they are religious or whether they are not religious.

    Why are you creating divisions in society?

    There you have it. You have trapped yourself, and now you're screwed. You can either keep creating division in society and some people will detest you, or you can try to leave your archaic religion under the threat of death.

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    • o_0

      why is it necessary always to ignore the brighter side of it....!! you certainly have much less knowledge about it how can you just start speaking with so weak points... its no such thing that she'll be killed if she turns back from this religion... and i bet she wont cuz once she'll know all the deep aspects of this religion she'll come to know how right she has done..

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      • suckonthis9

        I never do ignore the brighter side of death.
        Apostasy in this religion often leads to a fatwa being issued against the person wishing to leave.
        " The Qur'an itself does not prescribe any earthly punishment for apostasy; Islamic scholarship differs on its punishment, ranging from execution – based on an interpretation of certain hadiths – to no punishment at all as long as they "do not work against the Muslim society or nation." Source:
        Unfortunately, there are several verses in the Qu'ran that encourage it's followers to kill all persons who are of a different religious belief or who are non-believers, except for a few.
        That's what's wrong with this religion, is that it admonishes that this particular religious belief system is the correct one and everyone else is incorrect.

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        • o_0

          yeah its the fundamental part of our religion that no other religion except this is correct and there is only one God who is worthy of worship.. and yes there are certain verses or Hadith according to which anyone who attempts anything against Islam or tries to deteriorate its teachings should be killed but if one simply denies back from this religion is not to be punished....some Quranic verses include->
          [And say [O Muhammad]: 'The truth [has now come] you're your Sustainer: let, then, him or her who wills, believe in it, and let him or her who wills, reject it.] (Al-Kahf 18:29)

          [There shall be no coercion in matters of faith.] (Al-Baqarah 2:256)

          [And so, [O Prophet,] exhort them; your task is only to exhort. You can not compel them [to believe].] (Al-Ghashiyah 88:21-22)

          [Thus, [O Prophet,] if they argue with you, say, "I have surrendered my whole being unto God, and [so have] all who follow me' – and ask those who have been vouchsafed revelation aforetime, as well as the unlettered people, 'Have you [too] surrendered yourselves unto Him?' And if they surrender themselves unto Him, they are on the right path; but if they turn away – behold, your duty is no more than to deliver the message: for God sees all that is in [the hearts of] His creatures.] (Aal `Imran 3:20)

          [Behold, as for those who come to believe, and then deny the truth, and again come to believe, and again deny the truth, and thereafter grow stubborn in their denial of truth — God will not forgive them, nor will guide them in any way.] (An-Nisaa' 4:137)

          Verily, We sent down to you [O Muhammad] the Book [Qur'an] for mankind in truth. So, whosoever goes astray, he goes astray to his own loss. And you [O Muhammad] are not a guardian over them. (Az-Zumar 39:41)

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    • NocturnePonyFan

      Excellent comment, and I agree with you. Other than the fact that you just HAD to talk about that "division" shit again. Is that, like, your catch-phrase or something? But, yeah...I agree with your comment, for once. Hey, did I just see a pig fly?
      Seriously though, I'm shocked that any female would willingly convert to this religion, to be honest. Muslim women barely have any rights (same goes for fundie Christian women, but that's another ball game), and there is no clean, easy way to get out if you wanted to.

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  • Justsomejerk

    Why would I think you less of an idiot because you are white?

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  • dappled

    Hopefully it's normal. Freedom of religion is a human right and you do live in the land of the free. How easy did you find it to convert, by the way. I've read the Qur'an and found it heavy going. There are some things I'd never have understood without reference to Muslim friends and colleagues. Because of Britain's involvement in Pakistan, it's quite common to find Muslims here but I get the impression there are fewer Muslims in America and certainly not many mosques.

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    • Avant-Garde

      I don't know about how Muslims are treated in Britain but in America there's a huge backlash against them. I hate how people are so quick to judge them and accuse them of being terrorists. It is sickening. A few years back, some people wanted to start a Islamic school in a house not far from where I live and a lot of people were angry about it. Despite that, they were allowed to build the school. A few days ago, I read about a woman who was in a subway station and she saw a older man who was an Islamist. That woman deliberately pushed him onto the tracks as the subway was coming! In her defense she claimed that she did it because he was a terrorist and she was protecting america. People are insane! O_0

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      • dappled

        There's definitely mistrust here but there is also some balance. Most days I walk past images stencilled onto the pavement of a woman in a niqāb and the words "I am not a terrorist" underneath it. Plus it's quite common to see Mosques now and people don't seem to mind. We've always been a melting pot and our architecture has always been influenced by cultures originating outside our shores. I don't get how people see a Norman church and say it's British while a Mosque isn't, just because the Norman influence came before their birth. I know it takes people time to adjust to new things but they must see that everything is in constant adjustment.

        However, there is a tension that I, as a white non-religious person, don't see with my own eyes. Between Sikhs or Hindus and Muslims, for instance or (more particularly) between Indians and Pakistanis. I have friends from both countries who have been beaten up by people from the other just because of where they are from.

        I couldn't count how many Muslims I know or have dealt with in the past few years. It's a lot. I don't really recall any unpleasant experiences. Same with Americans here. One of the pillars of my local community is a Muslim and, if he were on IIN, he'd be the one everyone went to because he helps absolutely everyone equally. I live in a part of the world where multi-culturalism is actually working (I accept it doesn't in some places) because, I think, it's been with us for three generations. I personally get a lot from it. Being able to see the differences in people tells me something about my self. I also get to realise how similar we all are, how we all have the same fears, the same hopes. I hope what I experience pretty much daily is happening in other places too or, if it isn't, that it soon will.

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      • o_0

        its all stereotyping... and we all by now should know that not all Muslims are terrorists the same way as not all Christians or any other religious people are.... and the way some Muslims are found being terrorists all other religious communities have such people.... therefore it is wrong to claim about such people... and if America gives right to religion than it is right for all people who are accused for their religion to report if they are tortured...

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  • SEWnanist23

    In any Religion You have no rights, so I say be free of religion and be free!

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  • o_0

    Masha Allah.... be proud of it and just ignore all those fools who think this is foolish.. :) indeed you have turned to a right path..

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  • SuperBenzid

    I think it is abnormal that anyone could read The Cave surah and believe in it. How is the flat earth going for you?
    The earth is only described as flat in Qur'anic verses 15:19, 20:53, 43:10, 50:7, 51:48, 71:19, 78:6, 79:30, 88:20 and 91:6.

    Since I am sure you will explain all that away. Just do this one test, ask your cleric where in the world is the wall that holds back Gog and Magog from the Quran? It can't be a metaphor its construction is described in detail, it is too large to have gone missing all these years and the Quran says it stands till the end of time. So where is it?

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    • Well and Bible says the earth is the centre of universe!

      Gog and Magog is true, they are Turks and they are now kept behind the wall of Islamic belief!

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      • SuperBenzid

        Yeah the Bible is full of junk too. What is your point?

        18:96 "Bring me blocks of iron." At length, when he had filled up the space between the two steep mountain sides, he said, "Blow (with your bellows)" then, when he had made it (red) as fire, he said: "Bring me, that I may pour over it, molten lead."

        Haha does that sound like a barrier of Islam? Is Islam made of lead and iron between two mountain sides :D.

        Please tell me how much lead and iron does one need to make a barrier of Islam? Do you have the recipe?

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  • Terrorist! Terrorist!! Quick somebody call the fuckin' FBI and the ATF And da CIA and whatever else you dang Americans got.

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  • computer says no <cough>

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  • disthing

    Oh the anti-Islam bug sure caught on quick huh?

    It's unusual for a white American woman to convert to Islam but not unheard of. In so much as Islam is the 2nd largest organised religion, it's normal to be a muslim. If that is what you believe in and that is what brings you some sense of fulfilment or purpose, it's all good.

    I get sick of these intolerant people purporting to be taking some moral and intellectual high-ground 'for the greater good' but really banding together to flaunt their sense of superiority and demean other people they don't understand. People of every religion and no religion are guilty of this, but around here it's mostly atheists...

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    • SuperBenzid

      I get sick of Islamic countries murdering people for being Atheists. Tell you what when they stop murdering minority religious beliefs across the length and breadth of the Islamic world, I will be more tolerant towards Islam.

      You're right though I do feel superior to those engaged or supporting genocide of minority religions, the killing of homosexuals and subjugation of women, who wouldn't?

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      • disthing

        I get sick of people taking any opportunity to disparage somebody with contrary but unobtrusive beliefs based not on the individual's actions but the actions of entire governments thousands of miles away.

        There is a lot in Islam I don't believe in or agree with, but I don't feel it necessary to tell this to every muslim I encounter. I don't feel it necessary to hold them accountable for every horrible thing a muslim has done in the history of Islam. I don't see every muslim as a threat or inferior.

        It's sad that insulting muslims has become a popular past-time for so many people, especially because, for the most part, they don't seem to be motivated by genuine concern for the people who have been negatively affected by Islam, but by some desire to flaunt their self-righteousness.

        I'm all for addressing and tackling destructive aspects of society world-wide, but making pathetic, flippant remarks to individual muslims who haven't harmed a soul is hardly an effective methodology.

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        • SuperBenzid

          Well by definition I couldn't disparage someone with an unobtrusive belief since I wouldn't know they had it.

          Muslims will preach about their religion, is responding to their preaching unreasonable?

          If someone as in this case says Islam is "God's most loved religion" are we just to let go?

          I think the fundamental difference between our opinions is that I enjoy a world where ideas are challenged strongly and things are debated. You appear to prefer a world where this is not the case. Unfortunately for you the march of history is towards open societies.

          If someone chooses to worship a slaver warlord (and possible pedophile) as the best man ever than you had better believe people are going to tell them what they think. If someone chooses a belief system in which women are worth far less than men, that homosexuals deserve to die and that someone who leaves Islam can be killed for it - then you had better believe people are going to talk about those beliefs. I suggest you get used to it because people aren't getting more tolerant of backwards ultra-conservative belief systems, people are getting sick of them.

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          • disthing

            "Well by definition I couldn't disparage someone with an unobtrusive belief since I wouldn't know they had it."

            That's not true at all. Expressing your belief doesn't inherently make it obtrusive. By definition obtrusive is "noticeable or prominent in an unwelcome or intrusive way". Obtrusive does not simply mean noticeable or visible.

            Responding to muslims preaching about their religion isn't unreasonable. However, in my experience, most muslims aren't preachers - if they mention Islam it's in a non-promotional, educational or personal capacity. My contention is with people who see the mere mention of a different personal belief as an invitation to criticise and challenge, often without the common courtesy and respect people should grant each other in progressive, civilised societies.

            I don't think that's the fundamental difference between our opinions. I'm all for debate and discussion, especially regarding unprogressive or regressive ideas. When I want to discuss ideological issues with people who are perfectly respectful and unassuming, I don't think it's mutually beneficial to be intentionally offensive. Humility can often get you further in a conversation than arrogance. Mutual respect.

            The spread of atheism in recent times in 'The West' has happened because of greater and broader, secular education, the loss of power by Monarchs who enforced religion and justified their omnipotence with god, the separation of church and state, and a more relaxed attitude towards spirituality. In all Islamic countries, these conditions are not present. To create these conditions requires more than arguing with any muslim on the internet or in the street, and if you were honestly passionate about certain deplorable aspects of Islamic scripture and their effect on global society I think you'd see the futility in trying to convert any solitary muslim to atheism by telling them bluntly and rudely things you think are wrong with their ideology. That's not going to bring about the change you want.

            I've said all I've got to say on this issue. Thanks for the discussion :)

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  • MissyLeyneous

    Last time I checked, American wasn't a religion.

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    • disthing

      I don't think OP was implying she converted from American to Islam.

      She's saying "I'm an American, I recently converted (from another or no religion) to Islam".

      It's quite obvious if you think about it.

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      • MissyLeyneous

        I'm sorry, I just felt like being an asshole this morning... but now I'm feeling better. I understood what she said, but there were already so many well written comments that I decided not to bother being serious. X)

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        • disthing

          I regularly feel like being an asshole on here too so I don't blame you :)

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  • gay

    u did a great job,,muslims will go to heaven

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  • TheLastNinja

    Dont worry just believe in god and understand how powerful he is : nature, tree, water, sea, sky, stone, mountains...
    try to how he is the best about painting, chemistry, physics.... all that were created by him and islam arranges the life by orders and restricts like other religions but they were canceled by god with sending new religion islam
    try staying away bad things and remember other life after death-or awekening from sleep

    islam= believe in one god, believe in resurrection, believe in prophets that came to tell us 2 things that i have mentioned right now, believe in god's angels (4 great angels and others) and do good things for your own good because we will be inquisition what we have done here in this life, share money and other things that not necessary too much with poor people, pray god at certain times (to avoid feeling superiority by having too much money, glory etc. means do not have any superiority against others)

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  • DarkBlue

    Well, don't know what to tell you. I'm shocked with the amount of negative and prejudiced comments you got here! That isn't very good. It shows how crazy this world is becoming. Anyhow, I think it is normal. Race shouldn't have anything to do with religion. I just wish you the best of luck and hope you don't get intolerant people who give you hard time and make you doubt yourself. Do your research and follow your heart :)

    Also,If you need some help with understanding Qur'an, I would recommend asking a professional or someone who's good with Arabic, because I can see from the thread that there is a lot of misunderstanding of Qur'an verses.

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  • lufa

    Are you aware that your 'prophet' was a mass-murdering pedophile and proud terrorist, whose 'religion' did nothing but destroy countless civilizations and slaughter 270 million people over 1400 years?

    I doubt you bothered to do any objective research, more likely you fell for their Da'wa and lies about how peaceful and benevolent Islam is.

    What do you think of Cat Stevens view (and the Fatwa) that Salman Rushdie, the author should be killed for writing his book Satanic Verses (and of course later tried to retract his words)?

    What's your view on female genital mutilation (which happened to 100 million muslim women, their clitoris is cut off on vagina sewn), the condoning of child marriage/rape, the forcible conversion of non-muslims, the bigotry and hatred of non-muslims, other religions and atheists?

    What's your opinion on Surah 4:34, which condones the beating of women and elsewhere, marital rape? How about the incitement to violence and warfare against unbelievers until the only religion that remains is Islam?

    Have fun marrying a muslim man and having him kidnap your children, take them to his Islamic homeland to be raised and married to other muslims.

    You're in for a lot of drama. And I'm sure you already know that the penalty for apostasy in Islam is death. Hope you enjoy being in the most violent, hateful and genocidal death cult in human history.

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  • mitochondria

    You're obviously not the norm but I don't see why that matters to you enough to make you ask the question when you have more things to be thinking about right now, what with all the religious things.

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  • Kathleen_Brown

    Just have faith in Him and you'll be fine. My friend from grad school (who is also white) felt like it was the best and most loving religion he studied when he earned his Master's degree in theology. God loves you if you love Him (you know what I mean), even if His new name is Allah.

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  • iheartu2013

    Seriously get out. You are nothing to them, just property! Sorry if I offended anyone, but it is true, and the truth hurts. God bless you!

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  • Avant-Garde

    "American" isn't a religion.... I don't think you thought this through enough.

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