I'm a girl and i have some hair around my belly button area
I'm a girl and I have some hair around my belly button area. And it's not like it's a carpet or anything, but it is kindof noticeable because it's dark. Do any other girls have this too??
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I'm a girl and I have some hair around my belly button area. And it's not like it's a carpet or anything, but it is kindof noticeable because it's dark. Do any other girls have this too??
Is normal. It's an extension of your pubic hair (aka Happy Trail). I have it too. If you're really uncomfortable about it shave it or wax it.
i have it!! i also hav a 'snail trail' cringe~
just don't shave it coz you'll regret it.
-unfortunately i know this from experience :P
You should wax (lasts longer). Also I don't know any girls with it im afraid :( Though I am sure you aren't the only one out there with it.
Never EVER shave. My friend shaved hers and now it looks like she has a mans happy trail
I have it but its not dark hair. So, its not noticeable on me. But, I guess waxing is better for you if you're worried about it that much. Unless you want it gone forever, I think laser hair removal places could probably do it. But, it'd cost alot.
Every girl has it. The rule about extra body hair you dont want is shave or wax that shit.
I have it too and I'm thinking about getting laser treatment because its embarrassing. But yes, it's normal.
I think you should embrace it as long as its not hairy like us men. I actually think it's sexy, however it's your body so do what makes you comfortable. Good luck
Ugh I have it and honestly it's so embarrassing. I started off using nair to remove the hair but it came back looking like I shaved it and it was a dudes happy trail, so now I wax and it's much better. Always wax gf & never shave/nair!
It's your body and any guy worth having will adore the hair. And tease it with light kisses.
i don't think i have it.. unless i put my innie under a microscope to be more decisive.
cheers :)
Yes, believe it or not, girls are not as flawless as magazines say they are. (especially if they have asian follicles that grow at lightning speed!)
yea i have it but i don't think mine is very dark. definitely don't shave it. i guess you could wax it or nair it.
I have that, it's very annoying. I shave it off but sometimes you can still see where it was.
I don't think you are alone on that one. I had a GF once with some hair around her lower abdomen, belly button area and nipples. She had very hair legs too. I did not know this for the first few months into the relationship. It was alittle bit of a surprise at first but it made no difference to the relationship. All she had to do was wax or shave if she felt she needed to. Did not matter to me. She still had a nice body and was a great person. It had nothing to do with why we broke up two years later.
Hahaha yeah I have it. Don't give a s#!t haha but if you're worried wax or shave it.
I have it, but dont wax or shave, itll make it worse, your better off having it darker and soft...its like arm hair, no biggie.