I'm a guy and i finger myself.
Please... please, I beg you. Read this before posting a comment.
I am a straight, 24 year old married male and hate medication (haven't taken medication, except vaccines since I was eight years of age). Yet ever since birth I've had colon and digestive problems. It has not been my first, but I tore my A-hole once again and recently decided to finally meet a doctor by wife's request to make sure I've not developed hemorrhoids. Well he told me I would need part of my colon removed and to take Magnesium citrate and Metamucil for the rest of my life. He also prescribed a cream to help my torn A-hole... This is where the issue begins.
I've bought the medication about two weeks ago and been debating with my wife about whether if I should take it or not. And yet that night I tore my A-hole once again, over many nights (about over a week) of constipation, she told me, "see, take the damn medication already." And gave me the cream, and well I couldn't think of a come back not to... at first I couldn't do it. "It's morally wrong for a guy to have to finger himself", I said jokingly. So then my wife recommended she'd do it. She even said, "come on, I let you finger me all the time. It's about time we try something new." And I know my wife... she wasn't kidding. My wife is kinky like that, she's 22 and still likes to try new "things".
So I'd let her do it... I regret that decision even today. She now jokes about it all the time. Yet I still even though I now take the meds., I really hate medication, it's hell my stomach I tell you. I still tear my A-hole now and again. Ever since, though I've done it myself, it still feels morally wrong, my wife even watches me to make sure I do it. It's embarrassing... I need help! Any other guy ever have to deal with such trauma as something as wrong as this! Please someone give me advice on how I can stop my A-hole from tearing and any guy, seriously I need some bro advice on how to deal with this, and am I the only guy who has to finger himself? Also for girls, how's this sexy in anyway? A guy fingering himself is not some new trend so why do I have to go through this? This is the worst trauma I've ever had, I was even one of the coolest/strongest guy's in high school. Why is this happening to me?
My typical question is, is it normal for a guy to have to finger himself in this type of situation?