I'm a guy and i finger myself.

Please... please, I beg you. Read this before posting a comment.

I am a straight, 24 year old married male and hate medication (haven't taken medication, except vaccines since I was eight years of age). Yet ever since birth I've had colon and digestive problems. It has not been my first, but I tore my A-hole once again and recently decided to finally meet a doctor by wife's request to make sure I've not developed hemorrhoids. Well he told me I would need part of my colon removed and to take Magnesium citrate and Metamucil for the rest of my life. He also prescribed a cream to help my torn A-hole... This is where the issue begins.

I've bought the medication about two weeks ago and been debating with my wife about whether if I should take it or not. And yet that night I tore my A-hole once again, over many nights (about over a week) of constipation, she told me, "see, take the damn medication already." And gave me the cream, and well I couldn't think of a come back not to... at first I couldn't do it. "It's morally wrong for a guy to have to finger himself", I said jokingly. So then my wife recommended she'd do it. She even said, "come on, I let you finger me all the time. It's about time we try something new." And I know my wife... she wasn't kidding. My wife is kinky like that, she's 22 and still likes to try new "things".

So I'd let her do it... I regret that decision even today. She now jokes about it all the time. Yet I still even though I now take the meds., I really hate medication, it's hell my stomach I tell you. I still tear my A-hole now and again. Ever since, though I've done it myself, it still feels morally wrong, my wife even watches me to make sure I do it. It's embarrassing... I need help! Any other guy ever have to deal with such trauma as something as wrong as this! Please someone give me advice on how I can stop my A-hole from tearing and any guy, seriously I need some bro advice on how to deal with this, and am I the only guy who has to finger himself? Also for girls, how's this sexy in anyway? A guy fingering himself is not some new trend so why do I have to go through this? This is the worst trauma I've ever had, I was even one of the coolest/strongest guy's in high school. Why is this happening to me?

My typical question is, is it normal for a guy to have to finger himself in this type of situation?

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Comments ( 20 )
  • dinz

    Rest assure, your intentions were not of sexual purposes but for the purpose to remedy your anal fissure. Is it ok to finger yourself for sexual pleasure is a completely different story but don't be too fussed about it.

    I see you have colon and digestive issues but could a change in diet minimise the constipation?

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    • joj22sexy

      Yes I finger my self for both pleasure and when I was really constipated more often between 11 and 13.5

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    • robbieforgotpw

      I tear my ahole with my big dumps

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    • ReoKado

      You would think, but it doesn't matter what I eat (including an all inclusive fiber diet), nothing works. I simply can't digest anything and in turn it turns into unprocessed waste, which in turn gets stuck in my already non-retractable colon. This leads into a waiting game of which I have to wait till my colon can't hold no more. For at that point it is forced to retract and let the feces out. Yet on the down side this also causes the fissure in my colon and my A-hole I am so familiar with since I'm letting out a weeks worth of unprocessed food. And yes, I drink a lot of water. My colon is naturally un-retractable, nothing works. Sadly I'm due on a probable major surgery I should of gotten years upon years ago for my stomach, yet now it's too late. I guess you can say I was born with the worst digestive system someone can probably develop.

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  • q25t

    You don't finger yourself. You're not attempting to derive any sexual pleasure; it's just medicine.

    Also, there's really nothing morally wrong about any of this anyways.

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    • ReoKado

      Try sticking your finger, mind you I'm 187 lbs. and my fingers aren't considered small and sticking that up your already fissured anus. It hurts like hell and is very uncomfortable, if I was a chick I'd be horrible at anal. I'm still confused on how my wife likes it, even though I already asked her. She said you get use to it, how in the hell do you get use to having a dick go up your ass? A more feasible question is how does that not tear? Ok, I know it stretches, I've seen it, but still..., And no, before you ask I'm no where near small down there. Also, this might be a disturbing question, but how come mine never stretches? Not saying I want it to, but whatever will help, at this point I don't even care.

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  • Caffine

    Omg!!! Tearing an a hole. Hey take care of your health don't get obsessed over medication and watever your typical sexual urges are but don't neglect its your own body.

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  • CheyChey

    This is why I love this site, you get bored login then you see stories like this that make you chuckle. I didn't read your story but I guess whatever floats your boat man.

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    • ReoKado

      Don't comment if you don't even have the decency to read.

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      • CheyChey

        Am I in big trouble?

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        • ReoKado

          Last I checked I'm not your pop's, so no. But no one has time for worthless comments either. If it's going to be worthless at least make it some type of joke or meme, why don't you?

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  • jimrichy

    Even if you we're doing it within a sexual context, there's nothing 'morally wrong' with it. You're not even fingering yourself, you're applying medication.

    Are you taking your other medication? you know, the stuff to sort out the other end of your body.

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    • ReoKado

      If you read you'll see that I said that I now take the other meds. Even though they're still hell on my stomach.

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      • jimrichy

        I meant the ones for your head lol

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        • ReoKado

          You're cold, but nice joke.

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  • RomeoDeMontague

    How do you tear a butt? I don't understand how someone could constantly tear your butt this much.

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    • ReoKado

      My stools are extremely hard. Read my reply to dinz, it'll tell you why they're so hard.

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      • robbieforgotpw

        What reply to dinz?
        Turbo splatters everywhere***

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        • ReoKado

          This reply to dinz:

          You would think, but it doesn't matter what I eat (including an all inclusive fiber diet), nothing works. I simply can't digest anything and in turn it turns into unprocessed waste, which in turn gets stuck in my already non-retractable colon. This leads into a waiting game of which I have to wait till my colon can't hold no more. For at that point it is forced to retract and let the feces out. Yet on the down side this also causes the fissure in my colon and my A-hole I am so familiar with since I'm letting out a weeks worth of unprocessed food. And yes, I drink a lot of water. My colon is naturally un-retractable, nothing works. Sadly I'm due on a probable major surgery I should of gotten years upon years ago for my stomach, yet now it's too late. I guess you can say I was born with the worst digestive system someone can probably develop.

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      • gummy_jr

        Maybe you should consume more fiber rich foods and drink plenty of fluids...

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