I'm a guy, and i hate sex
Sigh, yes, I do. I hate it.
I find the sight of female genetalia unshaved gross, for starters. I am no gay, either...I should remind you before I go at this.
I have no been able to have sex because I never felt comfortable with it. Plus, I hate women. My whole life has been a wasted effort. Soem girls have been good, yes, but, by the time I meet them, I am already too damaged and hurt to actually step forward with them.
I can not get myself to do it. I don't party, I don't go to bars, I don't generally flirt around. I am 22 years old, mind you.
I hate sex. I see it as a pointless act. I don't see what is so good about it. I don't see what holes it fill's *pun nonintended*, or what use it is for other than for the sake of fun...fun I cannot find.
I am not sure I will ever find a way to enjoy sex. I have already decided I am gonna die a virgin, and somehow, I am okay with that, knowing I did not loose it or give it away to someone who did not deserve it.
I want to to be special...I do0n't want to bhe like the rest of my generation. The price I pay for being different.