I'm a guy, and i hate sex

Sigh, yes, I do. I hate it.
I find the sight of female genetalia unshaved gross, for starters. I am no gay, either...I should remind you before I go at this.
I have no been able to have sex because I never felt comfortable with it. Plus, I hate women. My whole life has been a wasted effort. Soem girls have been good, yes, but, by the time I meet them, I am already too damaged and hurt to actually step forward with them.
I can not get myself to do it. I don't party, I don't go to bars, I don't generally flirt around. I am 22 years old, mind you.
I hate sex. I see it as a pointless act. I don't see what is so good about it. I don't see what holes it fill's *pun nonintended*, or what use it is for other than for the sake of fun...fun I cannot find.
I am not sure I will ever find a way to enjoy sex. I have already decided I am gonna die a virgin, and somehow, I am okay with that, knowing I did not loose it or give it away to someone who did not deserve it.
I want to to be special...I do0n't want to bhe like the rest of my generation. The price I pay for being different.

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Comments ( 61 )
  • rememberyourlimits

    I'm 21 and while I don't "hate" sex, I just don't care about it. I've never wanted sex, I'm straight, and otherwise a rather typical guy, I love sports, drinking, but I just never liked sex. I'm not repulsed by it, just neutral. There are so many other things I'd rather do with my time. I don't really date, because I don't really feel that urge to. I have a good social life, allot of friends, and I like my classes, and all that. I look at it this way, if your an atheist, religion just isn't part of your life, if you don't want sex, than sex just isn't part of your life.

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  • ledzeppelin91

    i'm a guy and i hate sex as well .. and i'm not gay too

    i think it's the shortest way to destroy an essential virtue ... innocence

    i think it's like hunger .. only a need that can be filled one time only ..

    and like food .. you eat more food .. you become fatter .. you have more sex .. you become an animal ...

    there are alot of things more important than sex .. in fact everything is !!

    some people say that love expresses it self with sex .. that sex is the the most true expression of love .. well i say .. bullshit!!

    love ain't about that at all. love is about caring for other people, listening to them, being there for them in hard times, encouraging them, supporting them, making them believe that you can sell the world just to make them happy ... that's love ..

    well if you wanna say i'm soft, idon't care, but that's the way it is!!

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    • Nattie001

      I wish more men were like you.

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      • Ghost1911

        Well there are i'm 17 well (next month), and i'm still a virgen and i don't care about sex anymore. It's worthless i guess.

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    • Hade84

      I think I already love you! :D Just kidding but I hope to find someone like you once in my life.

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      • MR.Perfectionist

        Hah I just hate sex n u guys r right :D we should love each other not only want each other 4 sex .

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    • ypsy333

      someone gets me, i am female and with a guy who is sex addicted and I can not get out. I am glad you understand it really gives me the strength i need to maybe get out of this awful controlling relationship that is just tearing me apart everyday.thanks all you sex hating males i need you all as friends plz find me soon, come take me away from this hellish life where sex is it and i can not compete.

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      • LoyalWoman

        Your man in the type for me. I love sex. I can come like ten times in a row or more... and it gives me so much energy. I like a man who can deliver carnal gifts of God. I prefer to have sex 2 or 3 times a day with one lifetime lover. I am not a sex addict. It is simply a healthy part of married life...at least twice a week! LOOK IT UP! For all of you who deny your partners this part of themselves, why the HELL did you choose them misrepresenting yourself under false pretenses? I honestly think you all should start be be honest and tell them you are frigid, selfish bastards from the beginning. You all need to be honest about this when you meet someone, and stop trying to make others normalize your non-normal behavior.
        I have been with a man now for almost 8 years. He pretended, like a lot of you on this page, that he liked sex but always had a reason to wait, so I fell in love with him... and we have had sex like 12 times in 8 years! He is my best friend but it has affected every part of our marriage. He acts like sex is perverted, and only wants to cuddle. I have to initiate, and pretends he is suddenly snoring... and he lies there like a dead, fish. He refuses to go down on me... and if we do do it...he only lasts like 2 minutes. I get nothing. I have begged, pleaded, taken nutrition aids, everything. If I talk about it... he gets mad.
        He is so selfish!
        He thinks that when I want more than cuddling, I am selfish. Talk about projection.
        He is a perfectly nice person, all aside, but honestly, I am leaving. There are a lot of fish in the sea... and I am going to find a man who can prove to me that HE LOVES SEX and can deliver like MAN from the beginning...and actually love others enough to fufill their needs, too.
        This this page says that 75% of you think it is normal, but most people have never heard of men not liking sex! Frigid women need to get in tune with their bodies... which offer unlimited bliss which can be sacredly shared from the heart.
        You all need to be honest with yourselves and others from the beginning and find other frigid people. That is a bigger act of love than all your justifications of cuddling, loyalty, etc.... which include a lifetime of abandon, lies and misery.

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    • Bubbles12x

      I wish men were more like you.
      Probably what you mean is you don't care for sex without love - because with it, it can be amazing.
      But since sex seems to be the driver for most men to find love, usually without looking for it, you haven't experienced it.
      Most women feel as you do.
      I absolutely hate that it is all men think or care about. I am an attractive woman. My looks could be a power over them but it just makes me hate them that all they see in me is a hole to jam....putting it bluntly.
      I'm a person. I need love too.

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      • hanamiya

        I find love sex more repulsive. Get a dog if you want love or just have more friends.

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        • LoyalWoman

          At least your are honest with yourself and others.

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      • Flint1

        I know how you feel. I'm a male. I tried to save myself
        for marriage until I was 26 years old. Now....57 and wiser. I've always been considered an attractive man.
        But just truly... wanting to love and care for someone the right way. Still a bachelor but
        that's OK. I'm just so tired of seeing others hurt each other.
        I wish I could meet someone
        that could show me what
        love truly means.

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      • hanamiya

        Dress as a man, cut your hair short and you wont have any more problems. Also cover your body. And lastly go to a therapist.

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    • aliveandgrateful

      Thank you. And here I thought I was the only one in the world lke me!

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  • langfeldt

    Dude i dont think ur not normal.. its kinda good to see there is someone in the fucked up world that are like me

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  • tintedcouture

    Sex is overrated. At least you aren't controlled by your penis. You might be able to think straight and be nice to women!

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    • hanamiya

      Agree. sex is overrated. sex should be to have babies only.

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  • LesterTheMolester

    You have the rights not to have sex. The reason we have genitals so you mate. But most people use it for entertainment. I find it gross. I'd watch cartoon: not real. It's sick.

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  • buriedalive

    Well, maybe you're just asexual and don't have those sorts of urges. If you want to be celibate, be celibate, it's not a bad thing, it's your body and you should do what you want with it. Just make sure you're doing it for the right reasons; if you're considering because you feel bitter that sex hasn't worked out for you so far, then vowing celibacy for the rest of your life is probably just going to make you more unhappy. I'm not saying that is the case, I don't know you so I wouldn't be able to tell, but just try to keep an open mind in case you find someone you are interested in that way.
    I think it's pretty normal btw :)

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  • MysticalSeahorse

    I'm so happy people like you exist. (: I'm like that, but female.

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  • Supercool

    Oh my God, THEY DO EXIST!
    I love you! Except for hating women, I know sometimes we can be bitchy complex impossible to understand nagging emotional obsessive talking people. But WE'RE NOT ALL LIKE THAT! If anything I will listen to the guys point of view and try my best to understand his opinions about life and etc.

    Anyway, it's GREAT that you can concentrate with the opposite gender without thinking about sex every second. But it's sort of weird that you HATE sex. But your normal, you just don't like sex, doesn't make you wrong in ANY way. :)

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    • PV0011

      So girls do like guys like that? I was searching for a long time on google today trying to figure out whats wrong with me =/ Im the only guy iv ever heard of like this until I saw this guys post finally I didn't feel completely alone im only a sophomore though not in my 20s so its harder because I have to be with all the other kids who are total opposite of me and only think of sex everyday and at my school the guys are bad but the girls seem to be even more sex addicted every girl or guy iv ever met is like that I was worried i'd be alone for ever =/

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      • Hade84

        yeah I'm definitely like that type of guy. Actually a man with no strong inclination in sex, is type that I hope God would let me end up with. If ever not granted, I rather be alone for the rest of my life.

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        • hanamiya

          marry a religious person or a fat woman :)

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  • Hade84

    After reading this, I just felt I need to apologize for thinking that all men only thinks about sex. It is really engraved in my mind that sex is everything to men. And a man who doesnt inclined to this kind of act is nowhere to be find. I hope I could find someone like them, a man who doesnt care about physical intimacy and just be happy without this they called "BONDS".

    I have this idea that once a couple engaged in sex, it would be hard for them to remove in their routine, that it will be definitely the thing they would always seek from their partner, am I right or not always the case?

    This is what I dont like in sex especially in a relationship, I think that the genuinity of love you have for a girl/man would be replaced with worldly lewd desire from each other?

    Thanks everyone. I feel the my refute about sex is normal. :D thank you guys! the rare species in this earth. I love you! :D

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    • Makalaster

      I like guys, bio-male, and agender (not sexually, but romantically i'm asexual). I'm the fucking black sheep of this world.

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  • user381225

    Oh wow I didn't know that there were so many guys like me on here. I thought I was the only guy out there that didn't like sex lol its hot, gooey, sticky and grose!

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    • ypsy333

      I am a female with the same thoughts and I am being mentally torn apart by my supossed husband and I am looking for someone with the same frame of mind to give me the courage to leave his but.

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      • hanamiya

        many people use sex to relieve daily life stress. You just need to find someone to talk about it. You choosed him to be by your side. So dont blame all on your husband. You are just using your husband... If you dont wanna have sex dont do it.

        Maybe you need therapy...

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  • redsheep8

    I don't know if sex is "pointless" but i can see where you are coming from, the only reason sex feels good is because we need to reproduce.

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  • helloclarice

    I'm middleaged, and I've never liked it. Not much, anyway. I just labored under the misperception that I *had* to like it, and I'm ashamed of that, because all it brought me was sorrow and murderous rage. I don't like women, either, not a heckuva lot, anyway. My wife--we live in a sexless marriage--is one of the few I have the time of day for.
    My main gripe about sex is the aesthetics of it. It smells bad. It sounds frightening. It feels gross while it's still feeling good, which doesn't work for me. Other people's bodies, unclothed, largely turn me off, up close and personal. And, the fact that this gutter, farmyard behavior is considered "the proper form" (and if you don't wallow in it with glee, somehow, *you're* the weirdo), just makes me nauseous.
    Don't mistake me. I love to give and receive affection. I hug everyone. I was never embarrassed, even in adulthood, to kiss my Dad. My wife and I cuddle all the time. And, as for the gay thing, I tried it once, and it was more alien--for me--than sex with a woman.
    So...is it normal? Take heart, dudes and duchesses. There is no known state of human beingness which is "the correct form". There's only what Bill Maher calls "sanity by consensus".
    And, to the adamant virgin: I envy you. You don't know how much. I wish I could have been myself in this Life, instead of trying to be "normal".

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    • californiasurf

      I agree with you (helloclarice) that sex can sometimes be aesthetically unappealing. Not all guys/girls are as hygienic or waxed as well as models/film actors, and the lighting is never as flattering in real life as it is in magazines or Hollywood movies. I have been with some very attractive girls, though, who were Playboy quality in a physical sense. Some of these girls still had problems actually doing all the things described in the sex-manuals as 'normal'. In North America, despite the popular idea that sex is everywhere and you are 'very cool' if you're doing it a lot, it's still not talked about that much. I think it's the whole California, west-coast ideology, the Hugh Hefner Playboy mentality that dominates popular tv shows like Sex in the City, and Desperate Housewives. It's still kind of hush-hush, and sex really isn't something that just comes naturally. It's challenging to do well, and it sometimes doesn't work, even with the most attractive partners. I've met girls who were stunning, but awkward in the bedroom, and despite amazing bodies, found it painful and uncomfortable. Real life is so totally at odds, and so much more complex than television and film suggest, that it's really quite confusing at times. Sometimes the chemistry is right and it's very natural, other times it just doesn't suit the relationship. I've found it easier to be friends with some attractive women I know, than have a physical relationship with them. Of course, what is attractive, is purely subjective. Sex is a very odd thing though, I have to admit. Saying no to a sex with a girl, if you're tired, or not into it at the moment, still provokes a strong reaction. It still seems as though girls can say no, quite freely, but as a guy if you say no, it's socially unacceptable. It's one of the few double-standards that work against us guys!

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  • Carlton23

    Omg I that I was the only dude in the world who didn't care about sex as much as other dudes do, I thought something was wrong with me I just don't care about it, I feel like its more important things to think about then just sex I'm not gay either I love females and only females that's why I thought I was just werid

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    • ypsy333

      plz contact me i too could care less about sex and we share some common ground here thanks.p.s its nice to know your out there. :)

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  • sarayy

    what do i get men that are perverts.i be haapy find man hates sex..

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  • sarayy

    me i hate sex.birth and cum running out..sucks..i wish men look women as a person not a piece of ass.to all men don't like sex,needs to win a award..

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  • Tino2200

    I'm the same way.. Is there a place to meet people that just want to be together? I enjoy hanging out and I don't mind sex.. I'm just not that into it like most dudes

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    • ypsy333

      there are plenty of woman who hate sex and I want to create a chat room for it, just for people like us who get totally disgusted in that area. I just am not sure how.

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  • its normal but the part about doing it to be special is a dumb reason to hate it

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  • insertcreativeusername

    dude, I think you're awesome. just for the record, I'm female and hate sex. not only is a lot of that s**t diseased, but like you said it does no good and I think it's disgusting. by the way, let me break it to every man that's reading this. women do not have orgasms by intercourse. if they say they do they're lying or acting. women, go ahead, disagree and try to make men feel better. be as out of control about it as you like. rock on.

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    • LoyalWoman

      I am a female. For the record, it has been scientifically proven all over the world that women have orgasms, and many, many women have multiple orgasms...all the time! Just because you have not...does not mean you can't, nor does it mean others are lying. That is like saying..."If I am colour blind everyone is color blind" without even doing research... Its not logical!

      There are three g-spots. Two inside your vagina, and one on the clitoris. It sounds like you are not aware of the other 2. They must be activated... and when they all go at once...wow...full-body mind-blowing orgasms. Everytime you cum...your muscles get tighter for him... and you get wetter. It really is sensational... all the healing chemicals from sex...reduce stress... increases lifespan...and its very bonding.

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  • The_Nonchalant_Shallot

    Yes, it's absolutely normal to feel this way. Most people perhaps may not feel so extreme about it, but yes it is normal for men to not have a sex drive.
    I myself have had sex 3 times in my life, and I am 27 in July.
    I lost my virginity to my best friend's sister, who turned out to be a total whore. Literally. At the time I didn't really understand how she though, but I did realize I didn't get the excitement from losing my virginity as I was fed from the stereotypes around me. It really wasn't all it was cracked up to be. My second interaction was with a man, because as I said before I did not understand the first woman and I figured I might just be a homosexual. Few pitches and catches later and some funny walking home, I discovered that no... I was in fact not gay. My third time was with a young latina woman. I've always heard latina women were wild in bed (again, stupid stereotypes) and assumed that maybe my first woman was just bad in bed. As it turns out, no amount of wild sex can turn on a man with no sex drive. It was at this moment I had a stunning realization about myself. It's not sex that turns me on, it's intellect! Getting to know someone and connecting with their inner self. THAT was what satisfied me, not dumping my pearls into her clam cave. (I'm not sorry for my offensive puns. Bite me.) It was the sensation gained from actually sharing my experiences with someone, not sharing my load.

    However, sometimes it can go beyond that for both men and women. Sometimes they simply don't want to be around people at all. Hey, I get it. I spent a good majority of my life with nobody in it too. For a while I loved it. There was peace. There was a serious lack of bullshit in my life.

    What you need to understand is that everyone is unique in their own way and just because you have aspects in yourself that may not necessarily flow with normal society, that does not in any way whatsoever mean that it's a bad quality.

    You might die a virgin, if that's truly your choice, but you won't die alone. There's ALWAYS someone out there for everyone.
    I know you'll meet a nice man/woman who shares your feelings and connects with you.

    We all support you. Be safe and have a wonderful day, my fellow human being.

    PS - If you're into gaming, feel free to check out my channel on youtube


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  • poeticprince97

    Honestly, I disagree with the whole concept of hating women, or finding sex gross. I'm a straight male, freshman in college and have had several sexual encounters. However, I do agree with you that I don't find sex pleasing or fun for me, in most of my relationships with women, they were often far more sexual than me, maybe because I was with older women, but either way I satisfied them. But I never saw the favor returned, I find it more arousing when a person diverts their attention from the depth of my penis and acknowledge the care I have for them, the dream of us lasting for a while and ensuring her happiness as well as mine. They often say in relationships you have to make sacrifices, so in my case I sacrifice the physical aspect, but sometimes i wish they could return the emotional aspect to it back. I'm a very anxious person that often overthinks and stresses on petty things, so having someone that could cope with my troubles and embrace my strengths aside from the physical aspect would be a blessing.

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  • Isawit

    I'm a 27 year old man and I hate sex. I've been sexually active since I was 7 and been with many,many people (men/woman ).I don't even bother to remember their names (they don't remember mines either ) let along my face. I've slept with people on several occasions and they think it's the first time we've met and banged but we've banged at least 2 times by this point. I've lost track of how many people I've been with. It was all meaningless.I don't bother to remind them that we've had sex before,I just go along with it.after sex I just feel used,dirty,and ashamed yet I'm constantly in search of sex; not because I'm so horny. It's just sex have become a routine, habit,a chore that needs to get done.Ive been in orgys,three ways,gang bangs, did some porn ,I've been breeded, I've fucked guys and they've fucked me, I've slept with women,demonatrix,I've done the role playing, boy slave,public sex, sex with cops, teachers. At the end of the day I wake up alone.I've never been in a relationship; wouldn't even know how to start one. I isolate myself alot.it's hard for me to deal with life. Sex is easily accessible everywhere that it makes you not want it.when I was younger I thought I was soo kool because I was breaking the rules and doing things young boys aren't suppose to do and sleeping with anybody that offered me so time and attention .now im not so kool;just a slut!!!!

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  • Isawit

    I'm a 27 year old male and I hate sex; Or maybe just meaningless sex (that's all I ever had). I've been sexually active since I was 12 and been with many woman and men .I lost count years ago,I don't even ask people's name anymore. After any sexually act I commit or has been committed to me I just feel used,dirty,and empty.yet I always look for sex ,not because I'm soo horn

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  • Bubbles12x

    I don't like sex any more. I used to love it.
    Now unless I really like the guy, I won't do it. Nor do I warm to men who carry on about it, or who are clearly only interested in what's in my pants.
    I am an attractive woman. Some say very attractive....so the sex-mad rubbish men are all around me all the time. And they won't take time to get to know me. I'm also smart and kind and loving....nup...they only care how I fill out my clothes.
    I think that's what's turned me off it.....viola! All this human rubbish out to manipulate and use me because they think with their penises...

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  • lelouch82

    I agree with you on pretty much everything, I feel pretty much the exact same way (except that minor part where you hate women). I personally find sexual things more appealing than the actual sex, but that's just me.

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  • Sargon

    I feel a mixture here. For one a lot of it is preference and there is no right or wrong answer. To some degree I have to say you sound a bit misogynist saying you hate hair and women. God gave women hair, demanding they shave so that they look 12 yrs old down there is what is truly disgusting. So ya a part of this to me sounds like a refusal to grow up and enjoy maturity (Hair!.) However, I'm with you to some degree as my last relationship has left me confused. I feel like just going down on girls to satisfy them because that's what works. But sex is a different story. And expecting or wanting someone else to satisfy me sexually is a different story. I'm really uncomfortable with it, there seems to be an imbalance with feminine and masculine energies on the planet right now, and so pursuing women to please myself just doesn't feel right, even though in a loving relationship it would be integral. Also maybe this is just my last partner but I feel like there's something where men are expected to make sex quality and women are just expected to provide men with access to their bodies...well, I provide my body and that isn't enough so why is it enough for the woman. Women have this magic golden prize that they offer well you know what men are beautiful too and sensitive. I get really turned off when girls just lie there asking me to perform and don't put their hands on me or anything it makes me feel used.

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  • bigbadbill

    There is other men like me?.... I'm not alone... thank god. :D

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  • mrod

    Lol to all these females that keep saying they want a guy like this should get to know a guy first before jumping into bed with him I dated my daughter's mother for over a year before our first tim and everything changed after that. Good men aren't hard to find......... we're just tired getting taken advantage of. The way I see it is a daughter is the only woman that deserves a mans full love, care, and attention. Hoes come and go. But a daughter is one woman that will always stand by your side provided you stand by hers growing up. Honestly don't hold out too much hope cuz bad girls have already gotten ahold of goods guys. Making them think pretty dimly on women.

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  • mrod

    I'm a 22 yr old straight guy and I totally agree with you. Sex is pointless all it does is cause unwanted feelings and hurt people. I have a daughter and because her mother was so interested in sleeping with guys now she's having another kid and she's single. So where do people see that its so good? I've rarely ever got any pleasure from it. My daughter was planned until after her birth when her mother wouldn't allow me to see her. So now I live alone and only get to see her every other weekend. So in different ways sex has proved to be a downfall for most. Just keep on keepin on and don't worry about anyone but numero uno cuz if you live worrying about what others think how will you ever know what you think. Normal is defined by the person. Not their peers

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  • Makalaster

    I'm asexual/graysexual homoromantic. I like to have sex (i have to bottom), but it's stupid for me. I like having romantic relationships with other guys without sex which is extremely abnormal for someone who is "gay" (not really gay because im not sexually attracted to guys/girls, just a preference for me). I don't know, I enjoy sex but I can't top or anything because I can't get hard (alone is fine). Sex is pointless for me. I have had sex around 5 times. I would rather just suck dick and get fucked and be done.

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  • MR.Perfectionist

    I HATE SEX !!!

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  • miphee

    I don't think it's normal at all. The part about sex is somewhat understandable but to hate women altogether is just wrong. It's obvious that this hatred toward women fuels your dislike of sex. Why would you want to have sex if you don't like the person you are with? You make the wrong choices all over again then blame all the women in the world. No my friend, the fault is with you. Don't ever expect your situation to change until you sort out all your problems.

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  • skjor

    Aye im an 18 yr old male I have had sex to tell you the truth I could easily find hundreds of ways to better spend my time Idk what it is but I absolutely hate sex other then being the way we mate I feel it is useless it is also the reasons for all the abortions aka the murder of unborn babys and for all the people who dont want kids don't have sex anyway I agree that it is useless

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  • sarayy

    i don't care about sex.it is for a man fun,not mine..what get pg..no..most men look at women as slave,bank,sex,mother..man at top page said,he hates sex,he can be my best friend.we need 90% more those men ..

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  • What you should have done was deck that bitch im with you on this one sex has got to be the most boring thing you can be able to do on gods green earth thats why I cut may dick off.

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  • Ramit10

    First ok I agree with you on the part about girls that done shave that is gross but other than that I dont see it. I think you are too up tight and too into yourself. Go out and party you are young and thats what you should be doing having fun with friends and just let all the cares go. Im 19 and I have had some ups and downs with girls but that doesnt stop me at all. I believe that what happens is all what leads me to here. I think sex should be taking seriously and only if you love somebody. Its a sexual attraction towards 2 people and its a good thing I dont see how its possible to hate sex or women for that matter.

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    • It's simple you think for 17 years about how much people deserve to die start punching pregnant girls in the stomach preform castrations on men by force and preform the procedure on your self or at least that's how i learned it's possible

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  • chewy

    how can you hate women? they are beautiful they have a beautiful body and they are some really sweet women out there you most be gay

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    • CockMonglerTheGreat

      *cough* I think your retarded... Growing Up I found men to be more sweet as women are always bitches and bring up shit that happened like ten years ago and use that to ruin people's lives.

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