I'm a strong christian, but i also believe in alot of things

I'm a very strong Christian, not catholic, Mennonite, baptist ..... I believe in the fact that Jesus sacrificed himself on the cross for our sins. I love him with all my being for it. But I believe in yin and yang, chi and many of the morals in many other cultures and religions, not other gods or god. I respect all cultures and religions for what they are and I'm even sad that many are faltering. I just wanna know that as a strong Christian it's okay to believe in other things too.

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Comments ( 14 )
  • Allistalla

    you are a good "Christian" a real follower of Christ is not suppose to judge that is what jesus taught weather or not you know those poeple have commited sins , weather they are gay and god does not like that , God loves all his children even those who disobey those who commit unspeakable atrositys and have no remoarse are to suffer in hell but for things like lieing and such things if you say you are sorry god will forgive , god teaches be a good person and not to judge , but not to let the innocont suffer as these poeple must be protected like rape,pedophilia killing those are all deadly sins and these poeple will suffer . God will puniash the children who do not love and follow him but for the ones who care and want to do right he will give them enternail bliss and freedom that is the teaching of that religion .

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  • blackalica

    the bible says lots of things.... like god told people how much to bid your daughter for into slavery, like how god told his creations to kill others, and how god told a drunk carpenter to make a boat and fill it with a couple billion animals and then make the guy in the boat inbreed with his family. and thats where rainbows come from.

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  • WhyNotCrazyGrl21

    The Bible says "Have no other god before me." So no.

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  • chefs.choice

    It's always nice to be respectful.

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  • zombiefox

    Also, see if there's a Unitarian Universalist church in your area; they're accepting of all faiths, whether you practice Hinduism, Buddism, Wicca, Judaism, Christianity or any other faith or combination of faiths. They actually spend some time teaching people about various faiths. Quite a few people think the services are pretty interesting. Just something you may want to consider. :)

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  • zombiefox

    You believe what you believe, and there's nothing wrong with this as long as you're a good person (as in not trying to hurt anyone, not stealing, etc.). In my opinion, the world needs more open-minded people like you. :)

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  • wakawakaboomboom

    People like you give me faith on the world.

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  • SMILEifyourstupid

    That's like me exactly, I'm a very faithful Christian (mainly following traditional teachings, common in the orthodox and the catholic church, also i follow the teachings of Jesus Christ alone, but not the Old Testament) and i also love learning about ideals in different religions and taking the wisdom -that appeals to me- that each has to offer. I'm also a believer in things like karma, feng shui, yin and yang, hypnosis, aura healing, I don't entirely doubt reincarnation, I use tarot decks, astrology and superstitious techniques/traditions common in old pagan religions. Also, I believe in evolution and I'm pro-choice/pro-abortion. Yup, they just don't make 'em like us anymore ;) ;)

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  • that sounds nice

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  • Satan.

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  • dappled

    Yeah, of course. Open-mindedness is a good thing. When there are so many schools of belief in the world, I've always been amazed at the arrogance of anyone thinking that the one they've chanced into following must automatically be correct just because they follow it.

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  • georgienne

    ^^theyre right.
    You're well-rounded, researched and open.

    Religions aren't about following every tiny rule (have you cut your hair? Sinner), just to follow the basics and apply ten how you see fit. Religion is pliable. If you can work chi, and yang into your faith, power to you.

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  • shuggy-chan

    Im sort of the same, i dislike ppl that have such narrow minded views, or mock other religons. I mean in the answer is alwas for somewhere in the middle right?

    U sound like a unitarian, or as i like to call them. hippie christians. look it up, it might help u defind ur religon

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  • theinsecurekiwi

    Well i'm agnostic and I feel that if you believe these things as much as you believe in Jesus that it makes you a well rounded person.I'd actually encourage you to read up on your new beliefs :)

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