I'm a superhero

I feel like there are alot of people who are apathetic about the world. It seems like most people are much more concerned with themselves, their appearance, how much they have, how much they can get out of life. I feel like people don't care about helping other people or making a difference.

Because of this, I have devoted my time and energy into trying to make a difference. I am part of the Real Life Superhero Movement. At night, I put on a special costume and patrol the streets. I have fought crime and saved injured people. One time I got in a bloody fight with a crack dealer. One time I took down a corrupt security company. One time I just stayed with a woman who had been hit by a van until the ambulance came. I have a utility belt full of gadgets and gear and know how to scale buildings to hide in the shadows. I can do 50 pushups in under a minute. I talk with superheroes all over the world who are doing the same as me. I'm even on a superhero team. I've been doing this regularly for years and will do it for many more.

Am I right about the apathy of the world? Or am I normal?

Voting Results
39% Normal
Based on 77 votes (30 yes)
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Comments ( 28 )
  • AnitLove22

    i think ur normal but i thing what ur discribing is a metaphor i think ur a police personwith the belt and ur in a team your on night patrol and there are lots of police round the world one thing you r absolutly right about the world thing !

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  • Padawan

    Do you need a superwoman on your side?..lol

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  • Stephen

    I admire your motivation for wanting to make a better world. You have to realize that it's gonna end badly for you though. Why not be a doctor or a honest lawyer or politician? Violence isn't the answer.

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  • ruination

    i think i saw you in a newspaper last week escaping from a menta hospital using only an underwear and cape.

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  • Tehboss

    you are not normal you should join the Real Life Supervillain Movement! just a lil movement to help the winning side together you will get cookies and depending on your performance you can even get a ninja squad for hunchmen :)

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  • epiclyepic125

    Are you full of shit

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  • YBNormal

    Bruce, is that you? Meet me tonight at midnight at our usual place.


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  • Dan-the-Van-Vanson

    i really hope your serious

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  • ~L~

    I'm a superhero too, let's join forces and makes this world and safer one to live in!

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  • randomjelly

    Da da da daaaa Super Douche!!!

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  • me-ggy

    Sigh. I'm not even going to get into that horrible use of the word gay...
    But anywho, I googled Real Life Superhero Movement. And this post isn't a fake. There actually are people who do that.
    What you're doing is awsome. I admire you. Though I agree with the above post, exercise caution.
    I agree with you. The world is ridiculously apathetic. It's a struggle to get today's youth to care about anything. I would know. I'm unfortunatly one of them.

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  • Duke

    You're fuckin gay dude.

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  • Grymlocke

    If it wasn't for the fact that there are actually people who do dress up in weird costumes and do the superhero thing I'd just write you off.

    Insignis, Foxfire, Ghost, The Eye, and Tothian are just a few that do the same thing. You may know about them already. If you are being serious about what you do and aren't a poser with a hero complex then you are a cool dude

    ...but seriously be careful cause there are legal issues to vigilantism and you may end up in a situation where you are obstructing the law more than helping it. Example: fighting a supposed crack dealer but then you find out he was an undercover cop.

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  • chunkybongo

    You're awesome! I hope you save many more people from crime

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  • MangaToesOO

    I think you're in a very long manic phase of bipolar disorder. <3

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  • heyhi_44

    thats cool!! you sound like a good person. thats awesome:)

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  • kimiebleed

    your imagining things!..a super hero would not post his acts here..stay awake and face reality!

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  • Chickadee

    You're my hero!!!! :)

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  • Mew93

    kikko man, kikko man!
    show me, show you...

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    • Terence_the_viking

      love that flash animation

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  • FlowerOfHope

    Wow, that's just so cool! It really is. I was once, quasi-seriously, thinking about doing the same but I was afraid of getting yelled at. I really admire you for doing it. It's really something different than all those boring cop uniforms you see all day long!

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  • billabongsport

    Can i join?

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  • Akerberus

    HA! You crazy fool. While you superzero's are posting on the internet I, Dr. Fiend, am building an army of mutant army ants! Soon the world will kneel before my power and neither you nor your superfriends can stop me now! AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

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    • Terence_the_viking

      what a Superfiend if you were on fire i would not pee on you

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    • superfail!

      not on my watch dr fiend! I ninjanoob will stop you!

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    • ejeanch02

      lmao... that was fucking hilarious dude!!!! who does he think he is? HERTZ!!! lol

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  • Heybroyodogsupman

    That's fucking weird...you must be joking.

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  • zen777

    Also we live in a society that makes money off of labor by teaching people to be vain , and superficial. That's how the economy stays afloat , money is just paper a symbol for human labor, effort or skills that can be traded. We always see on the TV that you need these clothes , this car , that stuff, your too fat , you need this and that. Drink these sodas and you get girls , buy this car and you get girls , wear these cloths and people will like you. buy buy buy , money money money. Our TV ads tie these products or things to peoples basic human needs to make them purchase them but this also makes people think they are very important when in fact they are meaningless. Buy things they make you think you need to keep you working hard. Any wonder people are so vain and greedy ? It's demanded and revered by our advertising culture and they do alot of research to figure out how to breed this in the masses.

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