I'm afraid my girlfriend will leave after i transition

I am transitioning from Female to male and my partner has only dated women before. She's known from the start that I would take hormones and get surgery. She's very supportive but I find myself shutting down through this process and pushing her away at times because I'm afraid she's going to leave anyway. For anyone else thats transitioned, Is this normal?

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76% Normal
Based on 38 votes (29 yes)
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Comments ( 12 )
  • auzzie

    She is still there!!! So give her the benefit of the doubt or she may just leave you, not because of your change, but because you are freezing her out now.

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  • frankiestrange

    Don't push her away. :)

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  • JBN

    Can't blame you for wanting to be a male. I am and I love it. But you will never be a male, not really. Can we call you Chaz?

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  • transnout

    @dappled they have helped some but I was primarily looking for experience from anyone else that has transitioned or someone that has dated someone that has transitioned to see if this is something that's happened or been a struggle or a fear.

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  • dappled

    Something like this is a huge change and must be a stress on a relationship. I know someone who has gone through it and she received a lot of counselling (and I mean a LOT). Has anything like this been made available to you?

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    • transnout

      Yes, I have been in therapy for nearly three years and am offered free through the trans program at the clinic I go to.

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      • dappled

        That's good to hear. Have they not been able to help you with this? I'm sure your situation can't be unique to them. The person I know was single when she reassigned, otherwise I could have asked her for you.

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  • Creepy

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    • transnout

      that's actually not beneficial tommythecat, which from my understanding of this site, is not how responses are supposed to be.

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      • It's honest though. I like to say how i feel, not be fake...i kind of think this might be a troll anyway.

        It's my understanding that you only give your opinions, not all opinions are liked or shared by everyone. So don't tell me what to write, mind your own business instead.

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        • drumandpickchick

          Nice tommy! My bro-sis-in-law is going through transition. He wants to be a woman. He's been the biggest dick to me since I met him and to my husband (his little brother) ever since he was a baby. He's 42, lives at his now deceased Mom's house with his 32 year old handicapped sister. He tells her, "You should have been the boy and I should have been the girl!" and asking my husband when he's "coming out". Now he's asking for support and when he's turned into even more of a manipulative piece of shit than he ever was. I have co-workers that have transisitoned and I love them no matter what!! He thinks I'll like him just as much now he's changing....WRONG!! He's rude, creepy, manipulative, dishonest, sneeky and no one believes his 'born this way' story one bit because of the bridges he's burned. I feel better. The End.

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          • "Nice tommy!"......i got that far.

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