I'm afraid of ceasing to exist

Death is a subject that rarely crosses my mind. I've thought about it once or twice in the past but quickly shrugged it off and moved on, but not today.

This morning my fathers wife had to go to her mother at the hospital since it seems like she is about to die. This made me very sad but since I barely knew the woman it didn't stay as the main focus on my mind for too long. But then I made a joke with my girlfriend about when I die and since then I cant stop thinking about it.
I'm not afraid of how I will die, I'm afraid of that when I die I will just... Cease to exist. I will never wake up again and eat breakfast since I do no longer exist and this scares me so much.
God, writing this have actually made me cry and my breathing has become rather rapid...

I am merely 18 years old but I just cant stop thinking about it.. Is it normal? Is there anything I can do to make it stop? Please help me, I don't want to feel this way ...

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Comments ( 5 )
  • Shnaz

    19 years ago you didn't exist. How'd you feel then? You won't know the difference.

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  • Legion

    yeah, its called an existential crisis. first happened to me when i was 9. had trouble sleeping for the next two weeks. i still think about it from time to time

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  • GoraIntoDesiGals

    Why be scared of not being aware? You won't be aware that you ever lived. You've been in that state already 18 years ago and before.

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  • suckonthis9

    Only you can make it stop.
    All human (Homo sapiens sapiens) creatures die, eventually.
    Not everyone's death is an unhappy experience. This might be a copacetic opportunity for you to reflect on or respect [literally look back at] your father's wife's mother's life.Many people choose to hold a wake instead of having a funeral.
    Perhaps, you could let others know that you want them to eat breakfast in honour of your existence should you perish suddenly.

    Which deity has written this, made you cry and caused rapid breathing?

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  • bananaface

    I don't like it either. I don't really think there's anything you can do about it, though. Just find a way of avoid thinking about it, or distract yourself or something.

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