I'm afraid of concrete + water!

I can swim quite well.

I'm not afraid of any natural bodies of water, even if the water is not clear, such as a pond or river.

BUT when you add large, rough, man-made structures with water, things get scary!!

The pillars of bridges (nothing else about a bridge, just the pillars in the water), a dam, a lock, swimming pools (especially indoor swimming pools)...all those sorts of things, I get very afraid. I frequently have nightmares about swimming in dark water surrounded by concrete pillars and ledges, or very dirty and old indoor pools. If I toured a dam, I'd probably go ape shit and then pass out.

In elementary school, we went on a field trip on a boat tour that went through a lock. I was so fearful, and the experience is still with me as if it happened yesterday, it's so scary and so disgusting.

Is anyone else like this? Anyone know what this fear might be called?

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Comments ( 9 )
  • memegirl

    As you already guessed, is your fear not regular.
    After a traumatic event (which can be something that scared you as a child, a catastrophe or abuse) you can develop a post-traumatic stress dissorder. This can be expressed in flashbacks (known from veterans) or in a milder form like an irrational fear of whatever scared you as a Kid.
    If that fear hinders you in your normal life, I would talk to a specialist. Talking it over and confronting yourself with that fear should help =)
    (psychology student from Germany)

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    • LordKira

      damn it, i was going to say that!!

      (psych major from US)

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    • Thanks for taking the time to answer. I'm trying to think of what may have caused this, but I can't recall any time in my life when this fear wasn't already present. I have some extremely early memories of this fear!!

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  • DameInDistress

    Although I don't share your fear of this, I can see where you're coming from.

    What in particular do you find scary about it?

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    Dams are pretty overwhelming not necessarily scary. What exactly scares you about them?

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  • qazzaq

    Don't date a Civil engineer EVER

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  • Chillpill

    Even though I don't share your fear, I also find something about the combination of these two substances a bit unnatural and discomforting. I'm not sure why but here are some ideas:
    -both are powerful substances that can crush or drown you. One solid and one fluid, combined in large quantities their horrifying potentials become unbearable.
    -we're more used to seeing concrete against different backgrounds, e.g. open skies, greenery, or more concrete. Against water it might evoke nightmarish images of submerged cities, drowning not just of individuals, but whole populations and possibly civilizations.
    Personally, I get a bit freaked out by images of giant waves (e.g. moving walls of water) and also find some wooden structures in water such as the legs of piers rather disgusting to look at.

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  • Sidekickz

    i have the other way around! i am terrefied of open waters like the sea, just the idea of all the water thats everywhere! i dunno but i get scared :(
    so yeah i gues its pretty normal?

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  • It's normal. I like what memegirl said.
    Anything can be scary after something traumatic happens, with that specific attribute.
    Best thing to do to get over your fear is to face it and deal with it. slowly but surely. Good luck.

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