I'm afraid that i might hurt myself or someone else.
I have had homicidal and suicidal thoughts and urges since I was nine. They would get so bad sometimes that I would break down and lock myself in my room for days. My mother never knew what was going on, I would just tell her that I was sick on school days. She sent me to school once when I was having one of my "bad days" and I blacked out and attacked my friend Ian for no reason, I still can't remember what happened.
I am now 21 and still have these thoughts and urges but, I seem to be desensitizing to them. I still have blackouts although I can't remember what I do during them I'm pretty sure I've never harmed anyone, besides Ian that one time.
I have self harmed in the past(concussion, fractured ribs, cutting) it helped suppress what I was feeling and gave me some relief but I'm tired of hurting myself.
So, I was wondering if anyone here has experienced something similar to what I'm going through because I could really do with some advice right now. I do not want to get counseling because I can't be institutionalized, I have to be around for my family because my brother needs me.
Also if anyone thinks they know what is wrong with me, it would be nice if you shared.