I'm afraid to enter college

I just finished highschool and now I'm afraid to enter the college life. I'm Afraid of all the new things. Like new classmates, new teachers (or professors), new school, friends, or etc. but to be truth? What I'm really scared about is choosing course. I have like two options, to be a dentist (like what my mom want) or to be an animator (like what i always dreamed to be) I'm afraid to choose to be a dentist because I might regret it because I don't really want it. I'm also afraid to choose to be an animator because there's not much job there waiting for an animator. Or I might fail at it. Or I won't make much money for me. I don't know I'm so confused and scared at the same time. Can anyone please help me? Thank you.

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Comments ( 16 )
  • TheWrinklySailor

    Oh Jeeze. Hmmmm. I wanted to say that's it's really not hard to do a double major if you decide as a freshman. You could basically get a degree in both...the problem is finding a college that offers both arts and dentistry. Have you looked into maybe getting a degree as a dental hygienist instead? That's about 1/2-1 year worth of classes, which is significantly less than a degree in dentistry.

    Also, if you want to pursue animation, a studio arts degree might not be the best. In all of my studio arts classes we did NOTHING that had anything to do with animation, so you might want to look into something like graphic design instead. A degree in graphic design will offer you A LOT more possibilities in the job market too.

    Either way, when you start to look at schools, call the school and speak with them. Before you even enroll or decide on that college, they'll still assign you a guidance counselor from the department your interested in. It's that persons job to help you figure out exactly what classes you need to take, and fill you in on the program of study. They can help you look at the possibility of a double major.

    Good luck : )

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    • BooWozawski

      Wow. Thanks for all of that explanation and infos. I'll definitely ask them.

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    Everyone's afraid of everything. I'm afraid of some ridiculously embarrassing shit. If it helps, nothing really matters anyway and if your life does go to shit then nothing was really lost. On the exact opposite side of the coin; no matter what you do at least either you or your mom will be happy. 1 out of 2 is a pretty good strike rate.

    Go with your thing. Trust yourself. Parents don't know everything.

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    • BooWozawski

      Thank you so much. You just gave me hope.

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  • postmanlover

    It's not scary when some one else is paying it as I'm guessing is the case for you? There is a lot of jobs available in the medical field but like you said not a lot in art, unless you're really good and hard working in which case you don't need a college degree just a really good port folio.

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    • BooWozawski

      I see. Thanks for the help.

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  • NeofelisNebulosa

    It's normal to be scared of college, but it really isn't quite as bad as it seems. I changed my major once near the beginning, so maybe you could do that if you start out as a major you don't like. And to be honest, I'm about to graduate and I still have no idea what the hell I'm doing, ha! But I'm sure we'll figure things out.

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    • BooWozawski

      Haha it feels awesome having someone to understand you. Thanks for helping.

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  • NeuroNeptunian

    I just, 2 minutes ago, got done applying for a four year year school, financial aid, GI Bill benefits, everything.

    I have an Associate's and I am 100% dead scared of moving onto Bachelor's Level course work. I was 10000% scared of college when I first enrolled. I didn't think I was smart enough, nobody in my family has a degree. I'm some broke kid out of a trailer park. I was a shithead in High School. Nobody considered the concept of my going to college.

    But damn, I did pretty well. I did pretty well while working full time and I have never been good at school. I'm going to online courses, though, because I work too much for traditional school. I'm already workin in my field!

    Listen, I was the biggest piece of shit in the worst place when I was a teenager. Now, I'm 23 and I've done way better than my 18 year old self could have imagined that I would.


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  • chance.

    collage can be really fun.

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    • BooWozawski

      That makes me feel excited

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  • wistfulmaiden

    I had good grades and a partial scholarship but I. Ever attended college cause of my social anxiety. I intended on going at some point but I never did. I now work in retail still in my 30s ...

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    • BooWozawski

      Aww, I'm sorry to hear that but I hope you love your job.

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  • peterrabbyt69

    Ever wonder how much money you could make sucking mens cocks?

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  • RoyRogers

    Wow and you dont even think about the cost of tuition? You really have no business signing up for college if you are really worrying about something so petty.

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    • BooWozawski

      I think of tuition fees but I don't think my parents would mind it. Maybe I don't have, idk

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