I'm afraid to have sex for fear of contracting stds
Would it be normal to ask someone to get tested for STDs before I sleep with them, or is that offensive?
I think the things Sex Ed "taught" me has made me scared of having sex. :P
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Would it be normal to ask someone to get tested for STDs before I sleep with them, or is that offensive?
I think the things Sex Ed "taught" me has made me scared of having sex. :P
holy shit. in 6th grade when they taught us that stuff, i wanted to wear two condoms whereever i went
Dude, you're not the only one. I'm like that too. In addition to STDs, I'm also really afraid of getting girls pregnant, condom or not. A few years ago, I was in bed with this girl and things were going well but I chickened out last minute because I just got really scared of getting her pregnant or getting STDs. Now I regret missing the opportunity but the practical side in me thinks it was the sensible thing to do..
Oh, err... sorry about that. Anyway, gender is not relevant here. STDs do not discriminate against gender. Let me reverse the question this once. If your fella asks you to get tested for STDs before he even touches you, would you be offended?
Talking about sex education, when I was a teenager we all had to watch this brutal video clip in school showing a live abortion procedure. I shall not go into the details, but suffice to say, it was so brutal I will never forget it. Unwanted pregnancy is one additional issue to STDs for women.
But you know, given this day and age where teenage pregnancy is rife and where millions die of HIV infection, we probably need more people like you. There's nothing wrong with you, in fact, I think you're very sensible.
some STDs are gender specific, or at least their side effects are, the human paponylia (no idea how to spell that) virus can be contracted by both men and women, however it only effects women as it causes cervical cancer, cannot do anything to a guy. So some are gender specific, thats just one off the top of my head.
Anyhow to the question, abstinence is a guarantee you won't get an STD. If you marry someone who hasn't had sex, and you haven't your guaranteed to never get an STD from sex with them. That is the beauty of marriage right? You can have as much as you want and never fear STDs. Haha so if u really cant keep it in, just get married young. Besides i think it'd be pretty cool to say the only woman ive ever had sex with is my wife, and we go at it all the time. If not just for religious reasons, i think that is a great incentive to wait till marriage.
Boy are you wrong. The papilloma virus is also known as venereal warts. Like herpes, venereal warts are incurable and can come back. Unlike herpes, it takes at least 6 months of medication to get rid of them. The topical medication is very irritating and even painful. If that doesn't get rid of them, they must be surgically removed like any other wart. Either sex can get the warts anywhere, including the outer genitals. The head of the penis, inside the vagina where they can't be seen but might be painful, on the lips, hands, and even in the throat. They are really ugly and they spread if you don't get rid of them. In women, as you noted, they are linked to cervical cancer but that is far from the only problem they create. Do research on the net before you endanger yourself and everyone else by thinking that somehow men are immune to any effects. A pap test tests for the virus presence in women. There is now a vaccine that has only been tested on young women. It is currently being tested for approval for use by older women and men.
Herpes testing is very expensive. AIDS test kits are not sold over the counter in drug stores, usually behind the prescription counter even though it is over the counter.
It is also possible to contract any STD orally, including AIDS. The virus is present in small quatities in saliva, but the main oral danger is from breaking blood vessels while brushing, and then having contact between the broken gum area and semen. It's a direct line in to the blood stream. It can also go the other way from the blood in the mouth if there is break in the skin of the genitals or anywhere else. In other words, if you are not sure of the person, don't let them kiss your boo boo to make it better.
With the amount of misinformation out there about STD's its amazing every doesn't have at least one of them by now.
Lol, thanks. I just think that a guy might want to get laid and not want to wait a few days for the test results. Although I highly doubt my thoughts are pretty off since I've never actually had sex.
Hello there,
Just in case you're thinking about it, there's something you need to know. It's meaningless to ask someone to go get temselves tested because they might sleep with STD-infeced women after they got themselves tested. This is an issue of trust here. Do you trust the guy to keep himself STD-free and take the necessary precautions? If the answer is no, stay away from this guy.
And talking about being offended, a little story. I once had a friend from HK who met this Thai girl in a nightclub and then they started dating. One day he just asked her if she could go get tested for HIV. She chucked him right there and then.
If they're too offended to have sex with you after that, then they don't deserve it.
i'm a guy. i feel better when a woman ask for an std test, because i can then ask for mutual testing.
No. I think you absolutely have the right to ask. guaranteed some ppl out there whom you do ask, will be offended and may not sleep with you after. But that's on them. I got tested and i know i am 100%% clean, so the next person i sleep with i will ask them when they last got tested.
Well, I do know that I'm smarter than you. You can't even spell "damn" correctly.
And condoms are NOT effective one hundred percent of the time. Calm the fuck damn you little bitch.
Yeah, I see the Mr. in your username. Still sticking with what I said above.
Hey! I totally understand where your coming from I have the same problem I'm mortified to be sexual with someone because of the whole STD and STI and ofcourse let's not forget AIDS/HIV! That's a big one for me. Anyway I always wait, it's not a subject to easily talk about or even ask someone without feeling like a fool or uneducated but it's always at the back of my head anyway but when I'm in that situation, condoms tend to be mostly helping.
I would be offended but it would deffinitly send me the message to wear a condom.
Heck yes you have a right to ask them to get tested! HONESTLY people sleep around too much! I think the best way to be sexually active is to be with one person at a time, who you trust, you both get tested regularly. F*CK those who say "oh you don't trust me?" you say, I do up to a certain extent but neither one of us knows what will happen. You don't want to lose your life because of one mistake. You can't trust anyone in this world. YOU CAN'T. Better safe than sorry. I know someone who had a boyfriend and they got tested all the time because they didn't use condoms together and then he cheated on him and he got HIV! Luckily my friend somehow did not get it, but he was lucky, others won't be. STDs are serious sh*t! HIV is way to horrible to take a chance on. If someone doesn't want to make you feel comfortable and get tested then lose him. It's your body your life, you have to be safe, otherwise you won't enjoy it.
totally normal sex is a big step why not take the precautions??
if they find it 'offensive' just restate what u posted here