I'm afraid to socialize because i don't drink

I'm a pretty adventurous and social guy, maybe only on the inside anymore

I have never been drunk. I'm not religious, I just grew up around an alcoholic father. My dad is still alive and is many miles away but the real him died a long time ago. I felt it would be my secret homage to the real him, whom I loved so much, if I never touched alcohol. And for 24 years, I haven't. Plus, I don't need alcohol to relax, be silly, get horny, and have fun.

But I feel this largely hinders my sociability. Almost everyone in Texas drinks, and when I say I don't, I feel I become an outcast. I feel like people dislike me or see me as uptight or "mr goody goody." And what makes it worse is that I don't smoke or drug, I try to eat good food, and have no desire to sleep around. Making it all the more harder to prove I'm not uptight. The two girls I dated didnt have a problem with me not drinking, even though they did themselves, but I feel gfs are different

What's worse, weeks ago I was this close to drinking when hanging out with a classmate. The time I knew him and hung out with him I never told him I wasnt a drinker, so he wouldn't be alienated. So when at a sports bar he ordered a beer, I felt strongly obligated to as well. The waitress offered me and I said, "11am? Nah that's a bit too early for me." Thankfully we were watching football so I was able to pretend I was too much into the game.

Maybe I won't end up like my dad if I do end up drinking, but I would dislike myself if I jumped on any bandwagon. That would go against my principles and I couldn't respect myself for doing that.

What do I do? Do never reveal to people I don't drink? What do I tell people the reason I don't drink? The truth? That feels like it would be such a buzzkill.

I spent the entire summer immersed in video games, going to work, coming home. And I can do that for the rest of my life -- but in the midst of it all a part of me wilts away

Say you don't drink, and tell them the real reason why 17
Lie that you're trying to quit 2
Pretend you do drink but in reality you don't or you fake it 3
Say you don't drink, but in a way that it's not a big deal 25
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Comments ( 7 )
  • Energy

    Society is ridiculous to expect people to drink and do drugs just to fit in. You don't have to do shit, and it's none of their business either. And if they don't like you just for not drinking, then they're not much of a friend.

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  • thegypsysailor

    The easy way out of that one is to always buy your own drinks. My wife and I often drink tonic and lime, because it is very refreshing on a hot day, and we don't want the alcohol at that time. It looks like a liquor drink and so everybody thinks we are drinking. In your case, since most are drinking beer and you are "drinking" the much more expensive hard liquor, it wouldn't be out of line for you to refuse a drink, politely saying that you just aren't ready yet, and get your own in a bit. We don't have you problem of not drinking, so if someone insists on buying us a drink, well, hell, why not?

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    • This is a great idea. Thank you

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  • NeuroNeptunian

    Just say that you're the DD or you have to drive home or that it makes your piss feel like broken glass or some shit. It's a great way to filter out the assholes from the decent people because the asshole will make an asshole out of themselves in front of everybody if they insist that you can drive home (drunk) or get over your piss tearing up your peen.

    You can even look badass and say you're laying off the booze because last time you drank, you got into a big fight and it wasn't pretty.

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  • derpyderp

    I understand where you're coming from.

    I used to drink (among other things) A LOT then totally cleaned myself up & haven't had a drink for years.
    I'm also on meds for a back injury & they don't mix well with alcohol.

    Because I'm young (27) & "a bit rough" it's automatically expected that I drink.
    I'm a mechanic & our end of year parties are basically just a big binge drink which doesn't interest me anymore so I no longer attend.
    It can make you feel like a bit of an outsider...

    If you font want to drink, don't drink. Don't feel pressured, it's 100% your choice...

    Can even make it tricky with girls too.
    Most seem to want to meet over a few drinks which doesn't work for me.
    But telling them that means I have to tell them a lot before I even really know them.

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  • ۩۞۩

    In many strict countries alcohol is illegal. People still socialize without problems.

    अनेक कठोर देशांमध्ये दारू बेकायदेशीर आहे. लोक अद्याप समस्या न समाजात.

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    • thegypsysailor

      Many of those countries ferment radical militants. I wonder if the two are connected?

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