I'm an atheist american guy who is converted to islam
Yeah well cause my girlfriend is muslim and i want to make her happy.
However I'm atheist and believing a creator seems to me illogical. how do you think about that?
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Yeah well cause my girlfriend is muslim and i want to make her happy.
However I'm atheist and believing a creator seems to me illogical. how do you think about that?
Your PERSONAL beliefs should stay personal. Religion (excluding how to raise children) shouldn't interfere with a relationship.
You should never change your beliefs to please someone or to make someone else happy... that's why they are called your beliefs.
Be yourself, Make your own decisions.
and for Mualaf (thats what newly-islamic person called), u are absolutely normal. just learn deeply what islam is, as long as u are a moslem. u will find why moslems feel so lucky to be what they are now. the key is LEARNING DEEPLY and OPENING HANDS TO ACCEPT THE TRUTH then the truth will accept u.
ask you girlfriend to teach you more about Islam and you will see which one fits you better
Not good, the Islam religion...uh, never mind, not gonna be rude.
But you should not commit to something you don't believe in anyway.
I am not an atheist, but pursuing religion (a lifestyle) to accommodate a marriage....better think this one over, man....
i think following any religion to please another person is plain retarded. Do it for yourself, there are already too many sheep blindly following a religion.
There was a post yesterday about an atheist made to be a Christian by his American girlfriend. Interesting fail indeed.
Years ago I tried Jehovah's Witness because my boyfriend became one. I went to their classes. I was trying to get my boyfriend to love me more. I asked to many questions to the leaders. They could not answer my questions to my satisfaction. They skirted every question with not directly answering my question. I gave up after a few months thinking what the heck am I doing? Just to get the "love" from my boyfriend?
Needless to say, we drifted apart.
Years later I contacted him. He quit that religion. Got back into what he loved. Astronomy. Jehovah's Witness at that time forbid it.
Anyway, he is happier now with his wife and new way of life.
I am happier now with my husband, kids and a new grandchild.
You can try it if you want. But don't do it just to make her happy. Do it for yourself if you think it will enrich your life.