I'm an athiest, and i enjoy going to church, is this normal?

I consider myself to be a decently logical person. I am an Atheist, with what I consider to be very good reasoning. Good enough reasoning for myself. I do not appreciate when others shove their beliefs down my throat, therefore I don't do it to others. Also, I was raised in a family that never really shared their beliefs. I'm not sure of my Grandfathers religion. My grandmother is a strong christian, but she doesn't inflict it on anyone else. My mother is a Christian who is engaged to an Atheist. It's pretty safe to assume that we never went to church with all fo these mixed beliefs. However, a lot of negative things have surrounded my life. Negative people and negative situations. Sometimes it's almost like a meditation to go to church, surrounded by positive people, although our beliefs are completely opposing.

Am I a hypocrite? Am I mocking others beliefs by doing this? I feel as if it seems I'm feeding off of these people to make myself feel good. That's not my intention, it just is what it is.

Is it normal?

Voting Results
51% Normal
Based on 70 votes (36 yes)
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Comments ( 21 )
  • regane

    Totally normal, I it to the movies to watch Harry Potter, and I don't believe in him.... Ok bad example

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  • Jen118584

    I agree with you completely on your beliefs, from what I can tell. You shouldn't feel hypocritical. If you're contributing to the positive atmosphere, then what's the harm? You're not going there preaching to everyone about how they're wrong. You're not taking up someone else's space. If people like you and I are wrong, and there is a God, I think he would appreciate us communing with other positive, good people.

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  • FreakyKing2

    I totally feel where you are coming from, this is why I really want to start an atheist church, a place where atheist and agnostics can enjoy a positive environment and discuss world issues and their personal beliefs.

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  • AbnormalGuy

    If you're an atheist, then you know that there is no god. People go to church to pray to God, so why go there? If you are only going there because it's quiet and you can meditate, isn't it better to go somewhere else where it is quiet, to the park, library, in your own room, lol a closet maybe. I'm not trying to sound offensive because I can understand that you want to be able to go a peaceful place to meditate and come to your senses a bit, and what place is more peaceful than a church? But still.. it's just weird(I suck at substantiating my point of view). I would try to find something else, and by the way: Yes, I think you are mocking other beliefs (a bit) because strong Christians believe that the church is a holy place and if you come in there, using the church just to meditate, without any intention of "getting closer to God", praying to him, or wanting to believe in him, then I don't think most christians would approve of that. Not that i care.. I think they're idiots.. (FFS what a long post)

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    • quentari

      to be honest though, I CAN see where your coming from but how many little kids in church are actually praying to god? how many atheist teens are dragged there by their parents and how many are just thinking "god I'm hungry. Food soon?"

      I'm not saying that everyone isn't praying to God when they go to church, I'm just suggesting the OP isn't the only person in there that isn't there for God.

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  • DiscoDuck

    Dont worry, most Christians are hypocrites so you fit right in....

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    • AbnormalGuy

      haha that comment was just spot on! brilliant;)

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  • jp8432aolcom

    i am an ahiest and i run all the admin at my church. I enjoy being there but I am so much happier now that I relized there is no god. I am a good person because I want to be and not because some phony angel is righting stuff in some book. I have ben a member of my church fo r several years and have worked my way up through the crap to get to the top.Here I am still love it, but is makes me sd to see all the people so sad because they never feel they are good enough, people actually look up to me and the church as a spiritual giant. I say if it is what you want to do go for it. just remember be careful, you can easily destroy a persons belief in god. and for me as an athiest I dont want to do that to someone, if people are going to figure out the truth about the fake god and the fake jesus they have to do that on their own.

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  • Dream_Catcher789

    it's weird because i do the same thing. I'm an atheist but i also like to go to church sometimes because i like the atmosphere.

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  • Debubba

    It's completely normal. By the way you are in no way a hypocrite. It's perfectly normal to be drawn to a positive atmosphere. I agree with your philosophy. And yeah, I'm sure God appreciates it. BTW I am Christian.

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  • Flotsam

    I'm sure they don't mind you being there, each Sunday you absorb a bit more of the Gospel! In many respects you could just treat it as a theology/philosophy club to ponder the 'big questions'. It all depends on your church though, some might not like it. You're right though, most churches are nice positive places; you have a good sing, good socialise and tea and biscuits to boot!

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  • Cosmicgiggle

    Your not s hypocrit. Somewhere in your heart, way deep inside, you must have some belief in am omnipotent, power and you....a heart of good will. Your concept of this greater power is obviously against whatever beliefs that provoked your claim of athiesm. Search hard for your hearts concept of a living power that's positive and helpful in your life. Remember, you're free to believe exactly what's within your heart and mind, NOT what others claimvyoy should. Please seek this out. It may take time. I've had to do it, and yrust me......it will be worth it. Manyblessings to you!

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  • lazurm

    I'm an atheist who goes to Church with my Catholic fiance. I actually enjoy the experience as I feel closer to her by going. While there I completely participate, except for Communion of course (and I've convinced her not to take Communion until we're married as it's considered sinful to do so, etc.).

    To get the most out of it, I suspend my disbelief while there and, as a result, my experience is magnified. Since she only is really into her religion during those times, it hasn't been an obstacle in any way. And, because I have a lot of curiosity, I've even enrolled in the RCIA program, to have a better understanding of it all.

    Whatever works....

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    • lazurm

      Well, after going to RCIA I decided to convert to Catholicism. Whether it's true or not, I find that believing feels better for me than otherwise. When I started praying this feeling came over me for real so I decided to go with it and find myself much better off than previously. Now that I understand Communion I can hardly wait to be part of my Church and participate fully.

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  • mrkrule

    That is fine, you're not hurting anyone and you are bonding with a community. You can have a sense of spirituality and not believe in God.

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  • Riddler

    Some Churches seem to have a strong sense of community and helping fellow man. If you want a sense of community you might enjoy the church Atmosphere. Also a lot of times from my experience they don't care if your not that religion. They also seem to enjoy sharing their faith with others.

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  • wannabeincomedy

    Sure a church is a historical and cultural hub as well as a religious one.

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  • ilove

    I went to church without my parents even the whole time I was a kid and a teen. I wasn't saved until I was 23, like 7 years after I stopped goin to church. I loved it. They were nice, did fun stuff and it was peaceful. I don't see anything wrong with wanting to be around positive people you like. You don't always have to agree with everyone to spend time with them.

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  • mynameisNORMAL

    It's great to surround yourself with positive people.

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  • mynameisNORMAL

    I used to have no religious feeling, until I went to church and found it was pretty great. Be a believer, it can't hurt.

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  • ruralfrights

    Your not a hypocrit because you obviously aren't athiest.

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