I'm disowning my sister for being a hypocrite
Ever since over 1 year ago my sister she did a 180 turned into someone else.
She ditched her best friend and they been mates for years!! Since her health improved, she decided to be a hypocrite and seek a relationship to fit into hetronormative society. Not only that, but she is on the go 24/7. I'm pretty sure she will have depression and exhaustion by now. She took up another job on top of her psysical job with the family. I tried disowning her, but we live and work together.
Why doesn't she care I am Not her sister and am disowning her 😡😡?
She says things like, "You know he will try to make a move on mum when she goes over there as that's what men are like". My mum was going to hang with a guy friend who likes her and I was thinking wtf!!!
My sister is running men down, yet dates 1 Hypocritical again
So its mothers day tomorrow and she is coming home for part of the day all to go back over there at night all because I lock myself in my room to stay away from her most days and mum also wants to spend time with me. If my sister wasn't such a cunt, we all would have spent mothers day together. It's her fault she has ruined mothers day and lost me.
The plan was to make her dinner, why does my sister have all this energy to run back over to her moronic bfs place??
She is fuking needy cunt who cant even be an independent woman and get her shit together. I know so many girls my age who don't want a relationship with a dumb guy. In fact her co worker said she doesnt want a bf, this alone should show her how patheitc she is for trying to show off to the world she's in a relationship. She literally skytes and tells everyone she has a "bf"!! Its only so easy for her to find a relationship where he buys her shit and and is needy because he has a dick, if he was a women he wouldn't be acting this way. It's all fake! Also, he thinks she is "beautiful", when underneath shes just plain as and never takes her make up off around him. Hes delusional!!!
She has fake hair extensions and runs down the women on tv who are like this.