I'm failing to get to work on time

I am growing certain that on a deep, dark, cavernously subconscious level, I am sabotaging my own efforts to get to work on time. My first alarm goes off at five thirty am in the morning, and is set to repeat itself every three minutes. The genius behind this was that even if I hit the snooze button a couple of times, the alarm’s persistence will eventually wear me down, or up, and my sleep will be depleted at a point that leaves me sufficient time to get up, out, and off in time.

However, it still happens that almost every day I don’t get out of bed until eight thirty.

That means I hit the snooze button every three minutes for three hours.

This makes no sense. No one should snooze for that long. But I do, and I eventually get to work at ten, even though I swear to myself every single day that tomorrow I will be there at eight.

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Comments ( 13 )
  • raisinbran

    Place the alarm on the other side of the room so you have to get up to turn it off.

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    • SwickDinging

      I was going to say this. I used to have a job that required me to be up and out the door before sunrise and my body resisted it so much. I found the putting the alarm just in front of my bedroom door worked. I would force myself to jump straight in the shower when I had turned it off.

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  • mafioso

    Buy analog alarm and place it far from your bed

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  • freakyman69

    Drink some water right before bed. you'll have to get up to piss.

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  • Somenormie

    Do you have sleep apnea?

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  • SwickDinging

    Alarm goes by the bedroom door so that you have to get out of bed to turn it off. Change it to something really jarring, so that you wake up with a jump. As soon as your alarm is off, you jump into a nice hot shower without even giving yourself chance to think. Also start going to bed earlier, and stop setting your alarm for 5.30. It's obviously not working. Try going for 6 instead, and shorten your morning routine.

    Also everything needs to be prepared the night before. Make your lunch the night before and put it in the fridge. Do the same with breakfast if this is possible (I used to just prep fruit and yoghurt mixed together if I was in a rush) Clothes out and on a chair or a hanger ready to put on, including underwear and shoes. Bag packed with any stuff you need. Basically you want to make your morning as easy as physically possible. Even if you think "It will only take me 2 minutes to do that in the morning" it doesn't matter. Take the 2 minutes to do it the night before instead. Your morning should be as simple as wake up, quick shower, brush teeth, grab clothes off chair/hanger to put on, grab breakfast and lunch out of the fridge, pick up your bag and walk out of the door.

    I would also recommend tidying up before bed. If you're one of those people who leaves stuff in a mess before you go to bed then it's harder to find stuff in the morning when you're in a rush

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  • howaminotmyself

    Get a different noise for the alarm. Turn the light on after it goes off. And accept that you are not getting out of bed at 5:30. Make a plan to wake and have only 60 minutes of time before you have to leave. Set alarms, with different tones to lead you to the next activity. Wake, shower/dress, eat, brush teeth, etc. And stick to it. You have to move to the next activity when the alarm goes off or it doesnt work. I do this for my kids and it works well.

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  • jethro

    How does your snooze button work for 3 hours? My snooze button goes off every 9 minutes and after 1 hour, that's it.

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  • nopurpose

    Maybe put it outside your reach, not very hard to figure out..

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  • nopurpose

    That means I hit the snooze button every three minutes for three hours"
    How do you fucjin manage, you shall apply for Guinness record!

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  • Cuntsiclestick

    Have you tried sleeping earlier? That could help with this.

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  • noid

    Maybe you could wake up easier if you slept longer. Apparently you need some of those extra hours. I can’t wake up and get up but I take a long time to get ready for work in the morning. There are too many things I need to do.

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  • TheDustyMagician

    How about changing the alarm for hardcore metal on maximum volume.
    this should make you wake up pretty fast.

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