I'm getting harrased by coworker

My coworker is harrasing me. I tend to ignore them when they are doing things I dislike. Today they put thier arm around me and asked why I'm single. They did this Infront of another coworker. They said we should be together and I moved away. They had a fit and said I was trying paint them like a Villian and called me an asshole. The boss already warned them to quit Thier behavior. What do I do at this point? They don't seem to care. Literally all I did was move away. My other coworker said "They were clearly in your space and you felt bothered. They need to stay out of you bubble".

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Comments ( 9 )
  • litelander8

    You are right. Don’t let them guilt trip you into submitting to their unacceptable behavior.

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  • Cuntsiclestick

    Just keep reporting them. Some places won't do anything about a weirdo until they've been reported a few times.

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    • Well, no they already talked to them. Than they apologized and I thought everything was okay since they chilled out or at least they did for about three weeks. Firing them wont work since they actively seek me outside of work and we both live in the same city. Its not a big city I live in either and everything is very centrally located. The Police said its a company problem.

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  • RoseIsabella

    I hate stalkers so much, I wish they would off themselves. The world would be a better place if there were less stalkers.

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  • RoseIsabella

    Sexual harassment in the workplace isn't normal, but it is very common unfortunately. 😔

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    • But they are harrasing me out side of work. I can't even walk home cuase they follow me or wait for me get off shift.

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      • RoseIsabella

        Have you contacted the police?

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        • Police said make a restraining order or we can not legally do anything to protect you. My boss is begging me not submit it cuase than the company has to fire this person.

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          • RoseIsabella

            Is your boss aware that this guy touches you at work, and follows you home?

            I would file a restraining order with the police if I were you! Also get some pepper spray, and a taser so you can defend yourself.

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