I'm gonna run in there and blow the lid off of everything

They're not expecting it, but I will. They can laugh, and they probably will, but it's not gonna stop me; I'm gonna run in there, say my piece, and I'm gonna say the shit out of it. Just charge in there in a blaze and hold nothing back, spitting facts like ammo all over the place and making sure these pencil-pushers know that just because I don't have a paper or a fancy title doesn't mean that I'm not capable of getting my point across. I'm gonna turn things upside down, scandalize the stuff-shirts with their quinoa and kale-shake lunches and "their" opinions curiously cribbed word-for-word from all the right-thinking magazines that people from that little corner of world like to read and stroke their glass chins. They're not gonna know what hit them.

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Comments ( 8 )
  • SkullsNRoses

    Why? You will be escorted out by security and they will all just laugh at you. Why endure that humiliation?

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    • I'm not the one who's going to be humiliated - it's them. They'll need their inhalers, their smelling salts, their fainting couches; I'm going to give them the intellectual jousting of a lifetime. It'll knock them right off of their high-horses. I have no shame, my truth is my own and the world can laugh at it all it wants. I have to be true to myself, be my authentic self and quit hiding in the back all the time, just because it's easy and things might be different if I opened my mouth for once.

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      • SkullsNRoses

        You’re assuming they care about your opinions, that’s a big assumption.

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        • Are you saying my opinions aren't worth caring about?

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          • SkullsNRoses

            No, but that doesn’t mean that this specific group of people will care. I’d save yourself the humiliation and call this plan off.

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  • Tommythecaty

    I’m quite sure you have many “titles”….

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  • Iambillythemenacetosociety

    Good, let me know how it goes.

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  • Anonnet

    When I hear about someone running in and blowing lids off of things, I immediately think of two things:
    1. Every journalist that's ever gotten murdered.
    2. Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney (the first game, specifically)

    I hope what you're blowing the lid off of is just some general stuff about corrupt establishment and how shitty life is or something, and we won't soon hear about you catching a plane to Russia.

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