I'm in constant fear of shitting my pants when i get an erection

For the longest time I have been in a constant fear that I will shit my pants if I get a erectio. I have had this fear ever since I was a small boy. The fear began when I was watching my first porno at the age of 5. I was in my room late at night and once I got the erection...I shit my pants. I am now 28 and I've been in constant fear that if I see a attractive woman and I grow an erection I will shit my pants on the spot. I've talked to several therapests and they have no idea why this this is my main fear. In order to combat this I have started to carry around a photo of my grandmother in my wallet so if I ever feel an erection beginning I will pull it out and stare until I am no longer scared, sometimes its minutes, or sometimes hours I just depends on how serious the situation is at the time.

Is this a normal fear?

Voting Results
17% Normal
Based on 42 votes (7 yes)
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Comments ( 15 )
  • thegypsysailor

    If you are 28 and have never had an erection (given that you are a human male), then you certainly have much bigger problems than shitting your pants!

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  • chained_rage

    You basically have two paths you can take here.

    Either amputate your penis


    Stitch your butthole shut

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    • januarycurse

      lol hahaha

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  • CumDumpster14

    I have a similar fear you see I fear that I will shit my pants if I lose my erection I have to constantly up hold it but watching porn , masturbating in public, and having sex in my head. I would say this fear is quite common.

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  • Pussy_Destroyer_69

    An orgasm while taking a shit looks like fun.

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  • airborne532

    It's not normal but you’re not the only one.

    For some reason I developed a desire to poop in my underwear when I get an erect***. The first time was at school when a girl fell over in front of me. She was sitting on he side holding her injured knee and must not have realized her panties were on fully display. To my surprise her pants were very dirty and it was quite obvious she had pooed in them. For some reason I had the sudden desire to see what it felt like and couldn’t resist the temptation to try.

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    • Pussy_Destroyer_69

      Why censor erection?

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      • airborne532

        Sorry, guess I didn't have to

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        • Pussy_Destroyer_69

          Not angry or anything, just curious.

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  • RoseIsabella

    Why the hell is a five year old watching porn in his room? WTF!

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  • billybutthole

    Absolutely not normal. But really funny. I feel for you but that is a funny thing to have. For me, it is stinky balls. I have Mexican stinky balls like you wouldn't believe.

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  • handsignals

    Be weary of girls offering to toss your salad.

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  • Ellenna

    You won't you know: do you shit when you get an erection by yourself?

    If you've seen therapists who haven't helped you they were the wrong therapists! I'd suggest Cognitive Behaviour Therapy

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  • VirgilManly

    Find a woman who's into scat.

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    • wistfulmaiden

      Mwa ha ha! Problem solved.

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