I'm in love with my half-cousin and i can't stop thinking about her

Yup my half-uncle's daughter, I'm in love with her and I constantly think about her it's very annoying. We have been having sex for almost 6 YEARS! now. It's quite special and amazing because NO ONE knows about it but us two. I really feel like I'm in love with her and I think she does too. It sounds wrong but I can't help it.

I tried stopping it once because I feel like she's holding me back from other girls because I think were in love but we really haven't talked about our feelings toward each other which leaves me very confused. I do give her money from time to time which indeed leaves me feeling like I'm being used sometimes. But if that's the case then were using each other lol.

Therefore I told her I can't be "doing" it with her anymore, she asked why but I didn't explain myself. After that I felt weird and awkward around her at times and I could also tell she was trying to get me back at it because I read some hints on the way she talked and acted towards me.

I don't have any other girl that I "talk" to and I also lost my virginity to her so I feel like I'm attached to her mentally and physically. afterwards She turned "gay". After a while having no form of sex I just couldn't do it anymore I had this crazy urge to get back with her I did so, and surprisingly it was quite easy to do so. We had oral sex after that, well of course not on that same day. Now I'm here asking for advice and don't know what to do.

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Comments ( 5 )
  • stopandthink

    Dude, you know her better than any stranger on this sorry website does. You make your choice.
    But I can give you advice. Firstly,
    'I think were in love but we really haven't talked about our feelings toward each other'
    'We have been having sex for almost 6 YEARS!'
    These two statements don't mix. Decide whether you love her or love fucking her.
    If you love her, talk to her. Say it. If she doesn't, or is unsure or doubtful, move on.
    If she does, make it official, and take it from there.
    Good luck!

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  • sexysonofsam

    What the fuck is a "half uncle?", is he your uncle or is he not?

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    • kaloudtu

      My uncle from my dad's side don't have the same mom as my dad but they have the same father.

      And to add I think she loves me too because at once she said "you know I really love you" but I acted like I didn't hear it and I never brought it up again. Also if it was just for the sex I don't think she would kiss me in the lips during me sucking her titties. But my decision would be to just stop this becuase I caught her "talking" to a different boy at once, they broke up but still it hurts me because during that period we was still doing our thing.

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  • stilldoinit

    At age 12, I began exploring with my 12 y/o F 1st cousin. We experimented, and pretended we were BF/GF. We soon became so.

    Our initial pubescent dalliance became the start of a 9 year relationship. We grew together sexually, and really loved each other until the day she died.

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    • sexysonofsam

      That is just sad!
      What is the definition of relative humidity?

      It is the sweat that forms between your balls whilst you are fucking your cousin!

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