I'm not a homophobe but this one guy freaks me out.
So for the record I'm straight bordering asexual male. I have no qualms with any sexuality whatsoever. And, while I find prissy-feminine guys somewhat annoying, I don't hold it against them. I just see it as one of the things people can do that annoys me, I'm the same way with overly girly women.
There's this guy though, freaks me out... quite badly. He's flamboyantly gay, sings oprah in this high pitched voice... wouldn't surprise me if he cross-dresses.
And, I'd be alright with that -- until we lock eyes... it gives willies. As matter of fact, I can't make eye contact with him at all... makes me nervous. It's in something about the way he looks at me.
It's it normal to be completely freaked out by this dude, but not exactly call yourself a homophobe? Is it normal to be freaked out by this guy, we've never even spoke?!