I'm not a homophobe but this one guy freaks me out.

So for the record I'm straight bordering asexual male. I have no qualms with any sexuality whatsoever. And, while I find prissy-feminine guys somewhat annoying, I don't hold it against them. I just see it as one of the things people can do that annoys me, I'm the same way with overly girly women.

There's this guy though, freaks me out... quite badly. He's flamboyantly gay, sings oprah in this high pitched voice... wouldn't surprise me if he cross-dresses.

And, I'd be alright with that -- until we lock eyes... it gives willies. As matter of fact, I can't make eye contact with him at all... makes me nervous. It's in something about the way he looks at me.

It's it normal to be completely freaked out by this dude, but not exactly call yourself a homophobe? Is it normal to be freaked out by this guy, we've never even spoke?!

Voting Results
81% Normal
Based on 104 votes (84 yes)
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Comments ( 17 )
  • juniperlei

    Yeah thats normal lots of people creep me out for no reason

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  • Sog

    No, it's not normal to sing Oprah.

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  • It's quite normal to be freaked out by all types of people, gay and straight alike. Creeps and weirdos exist within all human demographics.

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  • Right_Winged_Nut

    Yeah there's always going to be one (Or more if your unlucky) person who creeps you out, no matter their appearance, gender, ect...

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  • THatGuyfromNY

    Its possible you also may want to bang him, just saying

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    • Wierdmyself

      Nope, not a chance ;-), the idea of sex is gross to me. I've only ever really been attracted to one girl (though I've met many who I thought were pretty), by the time I reach my reached 20s I just stopped thinking of sex in the same way (hence asexual comment) or really wanting it. Good explanation though :D

      He does look like a fruit cake version of Ashton Kutcher... I'm sure some guy would find him attractive.

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  • peterrabbyt4

    I think you secretly want to suck him off or to have him suck your little dinky.

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  • peterr

    Ignore the cocksucker!

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  • You should be ASHAMED.That's your FATHER your talking about.He GAVE BIRTH TO YOUR DUMB ASS.

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    • Wierdmyself

      Actually my mother did :D.
      But, no not my dad. Kid is probably around the same age as I am.

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  • catshampoo

    I get weirded out by people all the time.

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  • thegypsysailor

    I don't understand why you are even around the guy if he freaks you out so much. I tend to avoid unpleasant people and situations; it makes life easier.
    Distance seems like an intelligent solution.

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    • Wierdmyself

      Yeah however we go to the same university and he happens to work were I like to eat sometimes.

      Besides what if I work with the guy... I would be stuck with him until I find another job at least.

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  • GreyWulfen

    This doesn't have anything to do with him being gay - some people are simply annoying, no matter of their gender, sexuality, etc...

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    • peterr

      That's right!

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  • dom180

    There's something that seems weird to many people about anyone who is overly, publicly sexual. It's related to the fact that we live in a culture where it isn't normal to perform our gender or our sexuality to such an extreme degree. It happens with people of any gender and any sexuality. Miley Cyrus is an example of someone young and relatively attractive and straight, who still seems weird to a lot of people because of the extreme which she performs sexuality at.

    Nothing like that usually makes me feel that way, but it's normal that you do and it isn't homophobic.

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    • Wierdmyself

      You know I've never met Miley Cirus, but I've met some girls who were like that and I can say it made me a little uncomfortable.

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