I'm not good with people

Is it normal I'm not good with people ? I've never been able to mix well :( I'm shy and lack so much confidence, when I get to know someone though or I'm with someone I'm close too, I can be my complete self. Thing is I hve no friends to go out with at the moment, so I've joined the gym and started some classes that interest me, the classes were a nightmare as no one my age turned up. And the gym is were I look my worst, no make up, and hair tied back with a high forehead um? Yeh ugly.

That's not what bothers me. What bothers me is I can't even look up and smile at strangers. I sit in the steam room and I can't strike up a convo unless someone starts one then I'm away! I hate butting into people's convos so I don't... What also worries me is the thought of being close to someone I want it so much but I can't even look at hot guys let alone kiss and hug and stuff how will I get the courage to do that?

Or will it come naturally with the one?

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67% Normal
Based on 9 votes (6 yes)
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Comments ( 3 )
  • modernism

    It's normal to not be socially comfortable. Some people are naturally shy.

    You said that when you get to know someone, you can be your complete self - so that means you have some experience with making relationships. Think of how those friendships became, how you met. Try to mimic that.

    And first and foremost, have some confidence. If you're insecure with yourself, you can't expect to be open with others. Give yourself a day for just yourself. Take a bath, go get your hair and nails done, or go shopping. Do whatever makes you feel nice about yourself.

    Eventually, you'll find someone who you will feel completely at home with. That might take a while, as it will with everyone, but it'll happen. Just be patient and in the meantime, love yourself.

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  • thegypsysailor

    In the steam room you have trouble striking up conversations? Really, no shit?
    I can't say as I'd be much interested in striking up a conversation with a naked stranger in the steam room. For me, a steam room is a place to feel the heat and a place for a little introspection.
    Do many guys go to a steam room in a gym to make new naked friends?
    No wonder you feel, "I'm not good with people". Time and place, time and place, fella.

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  • green_boogers

    I'm not good with people either. Just be polite to others and get used to your condition.

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