I'm not good with people
Is it normal I'm not good with people ? I've never been able to mix well :( I'm shy and lack so much confidence, when I get to know someone though or I'm with someone I'm close too, I can be my complete self. Thing is I hve no friends to go out with at the moment, so I've joined the gym and started some classes that interest me, the classes were a nightmare as no one my age turned up. And the gym is were I look my worst, no make up, and hair tied back with a high forehead um? Yeh ugly.
That's not what bothers me. What bothers me is I can't even look up and smile at strangers. I sit in the steam room and I can't strike up a convo unless someone starts one then I'm away! I hate butting into people's convos so I don't... What also worries me is the thought of being close to someone I want it so much but I can't even look at hot guys let alone kiss and hug and stuff how will I get the courage to do that?
Or will it come naturally with the one?