I'm not nobody

Do you think I'm nothing, just a freak? Maybe to a small scale I'm a freak, I don't think I'm a freak. People have no idea to the method to my madness, I'm not just nobody, believing my own beliefs, having no individual beliefs of my own was very hard to do, it was just recently I dropped the opinion in how lucky I am, I made that belief up, it's unorthodox thinking honestly and truly, but I suppose I can get an audience out of it, they question my personal beliefs.

I'm somebody: a Puritan, Kierkegaardian, pragmatist, regalist, traditionalist and Cartesian.

I'm try-hard at questioning who I am because I'm backsliding, my beliefs are exactly the same.

Nothing new or really interesting happened, this way that I question is boring. I sat there questioning myself and like the wanker I am I'm getting the teachings of jailbreaking my mind arse backwards.

That stuff is extremely tricky, but in being things, I'm not nobody, being nobody is something you should fear, I fight for something, the question is what.

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Comments ( 7 )
  • normal-rebellious

    It's not poetry.

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  • malaparte

    You're Kierkegaardian and Cartesian? Irrationalist and rationalist?

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    • normal-rebellious

      Yes that's the case. I think there's an evil demon causing me to think everything exists, but I also live the æsthetic life and the Bible, smoking cigars.

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  • Clunk42

    Imagine calling yourself a traditionalist while also saying you follow "unorthodox thinking".

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    • normal-rebellious

      Used to, when I recently and earlier on believed traditional things.

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  • Wryladradofft

    I like being nobody. I'm unfettered

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    • normal-rebellious

      Yeh, unfettered as I am I can stop believing way of life of Kierkegaard but not at any time, it all depends on the influence, on the reputation and not having a reputation as a changing woman.

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