I'm not sure if i'm brown or white

I have always felt a difficulty fitting in with different people, my mom is light skinned Brazilian and my dad is a sort of a brown skinned Syrian. I can get literally dark brown if I spend enough time in the sun, but then my hair gets lighter naturally. My eyes are green/hazel. I didn't get a lot of sun during the pandemic and my skin has gotten very light and I colored my hair quite blonde. People at school say I am white and I am an oppressor. I say my family has struggled a lot and have never oppressed anyone. Should I let my natural (brown) hair grow out, and get my skin darker so I don't get called a colonist? I already have a hard time figuring out who I am personally.

You're White 5
You're Brown 6
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Comments ( 10 )
  • litelander8

    lol. Most people haven’t actually oppressed anyone.

    And it don’t matter Bc your mixed, you’re just gonna have a hard time with colored people too.

    If random people are calling you an “oppressor” Bc if you’re skin tone, you won’t want them around in the long run anyhow.

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  • MonteMetcalfe

    I don't know what your race is but the people in your school sound like douche nozzles.
    Saying someone is an oppressor because they are white is as stupid as saying someone is a criminal because they are black.

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  • SwickDinging

    The kids at school who called you an oppressor are retarded.

    You don't need to pick a skin colour from a predetermined list of peer approved options and shape your identity around it. You are part Brazilian, part Syrian. Your skin is just the colour that it is.

    If people keep asking you about it or calling you white then tell them to fuck off and mind their own business.

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    • I hate the r word but this was nice. Thankyou swickdinging

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  • techpc

    Of course you can grow your hair out, but keep your skin color the way it is (unless you tan, obviously, because you can't stop that).
    If you intentionally darken your skin, they will probably say you're doing blackface or some other dumb BS.

    Your classmates are stupid, and they are racist for saying that white people are, by default, oppressing everyone else just by existing.

    What races are your classmates? Who told them that white people are oppressing them? I wouldn't be surprised if some of the people telling you that are white themselves.

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    • It is mostly brown/black people but some white people

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  • Goomats

    You're a human being with an interesting heritage. The brown/white division is impossible to sort out. My husband has white skin and is always assumed to be all Caucasian. His dad is Hispanic and has VERY dark brown skin. It seems fake to call my husband "white" but at the same time he is waayyy too pale to be "brown".
    Hopefully , the world will get over its color labeling obsession and see you as a person.

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  • Somenormie

    You're biologically mixed, the people in your class are douches.

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  • SkullsNRoses

    White passing person of colour is what I would guess.

    Those people at your school sound awful, don’t ever change your appearance to appease them. You look however you want to.

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  • 1WeirdGuy

    You're white

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