I'm obsessed with carpet dents

I love to move heavy furniture when it's been sitting on the same spot for a long time to reveal the carpet dents. I like how they sit on top of the carpet and not sink into it. Imagine if carpets could feel pain, it would hurt to have a heavy piece of furniture crushing you.

I know carpets cannot feel pain. It's impossible. But some dents are so deep it drives me mad. I stare at carpet dents and try to move furniture around slowly to take the pressure of furniture going into the carpets.

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Comments ( 8 )
  • olderdude-xx

    Switch to hardwood or other hard floriing and the problem vanishes.

    They are a lot easier to actually keep clean (carpet is almost always a germ farm and full of dirt).

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    • Squishmeplease

      I get dents in my carpets when women stand on them in sharp heels - but it's exactly the same in the parts of my house that are wood, except that the marks stay in the wood permanently.

      But I do agree that wood is nicer all the same.

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  • JellyBeanBandit

    You could stand each of your furniture legs on little flat wooden mats, to disperse the pressure over a wider area. It probably wouldn't look great, but I'd prefer that over moving the furniture.

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  • Squishmeplease

    Me too. I get really distracted when women stand on my carpets in high heels, also. They leave marks all over. You are right, it must be very painful to be a carpet.

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  • Ummitsstillme


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  • RoseIsabella

    What is your diagnosis?

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  • bbrown95

    It feels cool to run your hands on them and feel the height/depth difference.

    When I first moved into my house, there was an old console TV in the corner of the living room that had been there for nearly 30 years. I ended up moving it to my bedroom and you wouldn't believe how mashed the otherwise fluffy carpet in that spot was! It was HARD. I ended up putting something else in its spot, so it's likely still there. I also still have a few furniture dents from the previous owner's furniture in one of the rooms I don't use much.

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  • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

    move your furniture around a bit every few days and this wont happen

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