I'm obsessed with ted bundy
I know it should not be completly normal, but i've got an obsession with the serial killer Ted Bundy.
I red his story a long time ago, in the pre adolescence age, because I was interested in serial killer's actions and psychology, but I did not remember his name. Last year (I'm 19) I bought the film about him, and some days after the view, my mother gave me a book ("The Stranger Beside Me") saying it was horrible and that I would have found it interesting (she did not know I saw that movie, she just heard me talking a lot about sk).
So I leart the whole story of Ted, and completly understood his psychology, finding like a heroic reflection of myself. I don't share what he did, but I started loving him in a personal way.
I looked a lot for things about him on the internet, but I want to know more, and more, I really want a deep contact with him. But he's dead, and I can't take that I'll never talk to him.
I think a lot about him.
So I get the sensation that his precence was someway connected to mine, like his presence was trying to show itself to me during my life.
I'm not crazy, I have my life, a normal life. I have boyfriends and everything. But I feel like I'll never have the chance to meet my twin soul since he's dead.
Is it normal?