I'm obsessed with ted bundy

I know it should not be completly normal, but i've got an obsession with the serial killer Ted Bundy.
I red his story a long time ago, in the pre adolescence age, because I was interested in serial killer's actions and psychology, but I did not remember his name. Last year (I'm 19) I bought the film about him, and some days after the view, my mother gave me a book ("The Stranger Beside Me") saying it was horrible and that I would have found it interesting (she did not know I saw that movie, she just heard me talking a lot about sk).
So I leart the whole story of Ted, and completly understood his psychology, finding like a heroic reflection of myself. I don't share what he did, but I started loving him in a personal way.
I looked a lot for things about him on the internet, but I want to know more, and more, I really want a deep contact with him. But he's dead, and I can't take that I'll never talk to him.
I think a lot about him.
So I get the sensation that his precence was someway connected to mine, like his presence was trying to show itself to me during my life.

I'm not crazy, I have my life, a normal life. I have boyfriends and everything. But I feel like I'll never have the chance to meet my twin soul since he's dead.

Is it normal?

Voting Results
47% Normal
Based on 310 votes (146 yes)
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Comments ( 31 )
  • MooImAFish

    He was handsome, charismatic and intelligent. The only thing to go on your con list is that he was a murderous raving lunatic when the mood took him.

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    • Kevinevan

      That dude was not handsome, why does everyone say that? He just didn't look like a maniac like Manson.

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  • violet_sky

    Ted Bundy is a psychopath. Nobody knows who he really is. What you are obsessed with is the fantasy you have created for yourself about him. My advice is to stop thinking about him, stop doing research and quit breathing life in that fantasy of yours. Because that's all it is, a fantasy.

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  • alv1592

    I have to say I'm interested to know why some people have a compulsion to kill. Did something happen that made them that way, or is it a mental disorder? I'm pretty sure bundy had a porn addiction, and that's why he became a killer/rapist. I don't like or admire these people in any way, but it's totally normal to be interested in knowing about their minds.

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    • TheWizard13

      If you think porn addiction turns you into a serial killer, rapist sorry but you're an idiot, thousands of men watch porn everyday and are addicted to it, when i say thousands i really mean A ALOT of men and most don't turn into psychopaths, they just watch, jerk off and/or fuck someone and go on about their lives. The reason why he became a killer was because he had mental disorders, like psychopathy for example, among others. Porn does not turn men into serial killers, that's the stupidest thing i've read in my whole life, good job

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  • Twarrior

    Your just a typical woman. Absolutely normal. The people that get the most letters from women callers are serial killers. Women still wanna marry scott peterson. It is a fetish but i cant remember the name, google it.

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    • BLAh81


      PS: it's not normal. Your "twin soul" would kill you in a heartbeat.

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  • justvale


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  • sm0425

    My brother says that I am obsessed with Ted Bundy. However, I am a student and I'm studying psychiatric health and I am completely fascinated by him. Bundy was raised in a good home, and aside from discovering in his young years that he was an illegitimate child, he had a normal life. That does not mean that normal people cannot have or develop psychopathic behavior, but think about other serial killers such as Jeffrey Dahmer, or just criminals in general, there is often an early onset stressor from family etc. that caused the start of some trigger. Was Bundy intelligent? Yes. Was he attractive? Yes. And he studied psychology in school which is ironic, but he used his intelligence and charm to lure his victims. He is my hobby, along with researching things about mental illness and other criminals, simply because I want to know as much as possible about Bundy and those like him, as I plan to one day keep society as safe from those people as i possibly can. THat being said, Hybristophilia or "Bonnie and Clyde" syndrome is a mental disorder that a small handful of people have. Those who have hybristophilia find sexual or romantic desire in someone who has committed outrageous things. If you are not romantically drawn to the thought of Bundy, and there are no underlying anger issues etc. that make you sympathize with Bundy's actions, I would say you are perfectly fine. If you feel strongly about your interests in him or they persist in bothering you, then maybe you should see your doctor. :)

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    • Kevinevan

      You are on a fools errand think you can keep people safe from "those people". The whole reason they are successful is because they don't telegraph their moves.

      I actually dpn't think he was a psychopath at all. He just held a different moral view than the rest of us. That's the reason y'all are so fascinated by him.

      Some people just come to realize that life is meaningless and they succumb to their darkest desires with no qualms making it very difficult to catch them.

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  • michelle1980

    Feeling like he is your soul-mate is not normal hon! He is long dead, and he murdered a lot of innocent and beautiful girls. I understand your attraction to him, some women have a primal attraction to danger, and he was extremely good looking. However, Ted was not normal and I do not believe he could have a loving and soulful union with a women. The only way he could get sexual release was in the violent death and rape of women. I am completely fascinated by him personally, but I never let myself forget what he is and what he did. I think a lot of it comes from your desire to "save" him, which is a very noble desire, but in his case, just not possible. I hope God had mercy on him at the end, but I really do not know. He was a tragic man who left a long path of misery and pain in his wake. You can do better than that hon!

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  • purpleflwerchild

    No, it is not normal. Yes, violent inmates receive fanmail from hundreds of women, and even find women who will marry them but these women only represent a tiny portion of the approximately 150 million women in the U.S.

    The condition is called hybristophilia and mainly effects women. There are two types. The first type is attracted to violent men, but do not participate in the crimes. The second is not only attracted to, but will also aid their lover in committing crimes. A common name for this condition is the "Bonnie and Clyde Syndrome".

    I would suggest seeking professional help. Ted may be dead, but there are many other sociopaths who would love a chance to use you as their plaything.

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  • This is pretty common actually, Bundy actually got married to somebody just like you while on trial. I'm pretty sure the same happened with Ramirez and Buono too.

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    • TheWizard13

      Doesn't mean it's normal, it's still fucked up

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  • AngAnders112

    are you female?

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    • AngAnders112

      the only reason i asked if you are a female is because i know that many females were fascinated with bundy. i promise i wasn't trying to be sexist or anything :)

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      • ArtEngineer


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    • ArtEngineer

      yes i am

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      • AngAnders112

        okay. well, like joe mentioned, this is pretty common. there were/are many girls fascinated if not obsessed with bundy. i remember seeing footage of his
        trials, there was a "fan club" of girls in audience that would smile, wave and giggle at him. and the prosecutor was like "but you're the exact type of girls that he was murdering...?!

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  • Kevinevan

    God I hate the fuckstick who pulls up old posts. I take time to respond then realize its old as fuck.

    Show yourself asshole. I wanna beat you senseless.

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  • IvyBundy

    I live in Salt Lake City. I have visited his old home here. I sometimes wish I could met him. And I know the only reason why I am feeling this way for him his because his mistakes. He's a bad person. I know that, but I can't help to want to have fixed him. I wish I could go back in time and give him anything and everything. But I do know I would have been dead like the other woman who he killed. It turns me on and I really can't explain it. I have never talked about it before and I know it's wrong. But I can't help thinking of a good life with ted.

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  • 301stSpartan

    Yes it's fine. He was smart, charismatic and was effective. He was a guile hero (villain) of sorts. And it's human nature to admire evildeeds Iif they're well executed (no pun intended). Just read Machiavelli's The Prince or Joly's Dialogues in Hell between Machiavelli and Montesquieu.

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  • TheWizard13

    Listen don't fool yourself, this is NOT normal. He is a serial killer, he feels no empathy or love, he would just use you and probably abuse you and kill you too, i know you would like to believe otherwise but that's how life is. People who are psychopaths can't feel love or empathy and NOTHING can change that, it's a mental disorder, they just use people as if they were objects for their own good, it is NOT normal to feel that way towards him. If you somehow met him you'd probably end up one of his victims, thats how they trick their victims, stop being naive, just use some logic and think. It is fucked up anyone would feel attracted to such a bad manipulative person. Find a guy who does not dream about beating, raping, mutilating women and then have sex with their corpses. Wtf, that's as fucked up as it gets

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  • michelle1980

    The more I learn about Ted, the more I realize just how psychotic and cunning he really was. True Crime author Anne Rule was good friends with Ted and spent many nights alone with him on a suicide hotline, together they saved many lives. She never suspected anything bad about him and considered him to be a kind and caring man. When she found out the truth, she went into the bathroom and vomited. This is just one example of the many people Ted Bundy deceived. He was extremely dangerous and very, very good at thwarting the legal system. He was intelligent on a Hannibal Lector kind of level, but his arrogance was ultimately his downfall. He could have chosen not to give in to his monstrous side, instead he embraced it completely and found a way to push that side way down into himself in order to put on his impenetrable mask of sanity. He felt God-like and powerful when he killed.He was completely self-obsessed and narcissistic. He was an entirely new breed of killer who was actually proud of his celebrity status and considered the murders his greatest accomplishments. He is the prime example of a criminal mastermind and how evil depravity can disguise itself with great beauty on the outside. Not a good person to see as a soul-mate. I am not even sure if Ted had a soul.

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  • dorothy

    I know people who are really fascinated by Stalin and Hither, two evils men, so being fascinated by T.Bundy doesn't seems to be a big problem.

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    • TheWizard13

      Yes but it doesn't make it normal either, it's still pretty fucked up, are you people so naive or nobody wants to be really honest with this girl?

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  • Pen-island

    Hybristophillia, perhaps?

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  • Lovefallout

    I think its totally normal! Im the same way! Its creepy andamazing understanding the things he did

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    • TheWizard13

      No, it's not normal. Don't fool yourself, any therapist will tell you that's fucked up

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  • Audacia

    Serial killers get the poo-nanny? interesting!

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  • AngAnders112

    okay so I've been reading about serial killers every since you posted this story! I came across this article which discusses the lure and attraction towards serial killers and provides different theories. very very interesting!


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