I'm on a self-information quest. i'm always researching something.

I can spend an entire free day doing my own research on a topic of interest. Its like I'm prepping a term paper that has no due date. Weird me! Maybe its a hint? I should be a professional writer like the dude that wrote Fast Food Nation. I'm reading all about food safety in this county. It would make you possibly consider buying food local from farmers you know personally. I'm on this self-information quest. I am a nerd.

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Comments ( 4 )
  • ArmusWasTheFirstTroll

    It is normal to me. I do the same. A topic I've been researching lately is behavioral neuroscience. It essentially covers how biology determines the behaviors and emotions of many mammals.

    Google Scholar has become my best friend.

    I have actually been wanting to write a paper about how love is a biology based emotion, nothing more. Very controversial, I know.

    Anyway, I'm glad there others that don't wait for knowledge to come to them.

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    • Good stuff! I like to read about how we have the capability of shaping our brains pretty much because its a plastic organ that becomes good at whatever it is active at doing repetitively. I'm always trying something new since I learned all that in a psych class.

      You should look up how cool crows happen to be. These birds are mad smart. They can figure out how to get food by using things in their environment like tools. Oh, yeah, most people only think humans have that kind of intelligence. B.S.! Humans these days are so domesticated in the First World, that we couldn't manage to survive in the wild. Yet, beavers, yes, beavers, can build dams without needing years of education to do it. Birds can build nests without blueprints. What first world human can do that nowadays? Maybe someone forced? Like Tom Hanks in Castaway?

      How love is just a biologically based emotion, nothing more? LOL! You're such a scientific reductionist, aren't you? No mystery, right? Ahhhh! There's a few researchers that I just can't remember off the top of my head, that have popped out popular books that say what you say. I mean, you can manipulate serotonin and dopamine to engineer happiness. You can use oxytocin to induce a pharmacological kind of bond to happen. There's a bunch of research showing how divorce rates spike after children reach the age of 4. What do you think? Biological unhinging of what we like to think is a lifetime bond? Not really, since divorce is really common now.

      You would have a field day looking up how easy it is to figure out if someone is telling the truth or lying based on their expressions which may not match what they say. Obviously, the military, gov't, and sneaky spies want that kind of knowledge, lol! I just wonder how much we're affected by pheromones? Yeah?

      I'd say that yeah, biology kind of dictates behavior and emotion. So, if you're getting around to that idea of free will or whatever? We're at the mercy of our internal chemistry, first and foremost. That's my theory.

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  • postmanlover

    that was a sad movie,:( i saw it `10 years ago but i still remmeber. did you read the jungle by upton sinclair?

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    • I've not read The Jungle from cover to cover, but I do know of the book. Yes, it was a big news breaker before we had CNN, or tv for that matter. Gave everyone an eye opener on the internal conditions of meat packing plants that led to the start of government regulations of the food industry. That book was a history maker. It told a lot about dirty, greedy exploitation that must have shocked people greatly. Just the working conditions alone were horrific and beyond cruel. These days we're somewhat desensitized to shocking stories. In those days, I bet that Sinclair's book inspired imaginative rumor on top of the truth he exposed in his book.

      He was really aiming to promote socialism against capitalism. That was his ultimate purpose of the book. Whatever "ism" people follow doesn't matter, I think. Personal ethics-ism with a lack of exploitation-ism needs to be more common.

      Yeah, it was a sad movie. Fast Food Nation is one such film that made me reconsider where I buy food, specifically meat. I'm not a 100% vegetarian/vegan. I am mostly vegetarian. I never feel well on a fully vegetarian diet. I pay a lot more for meats sourced locally from humane farms. I try to buy my veggies sourced as close to me as possible, instead of buying what's made from far across the world. I keep trying to configure a diet that lets me eat less meat. I figure doing that is less violence in the world. But, I would never convert a dog, cat, lizard, alligator, or snake to a vegan diet. There are idiots that do this. That is stupid. Its pretty obvious that in the food chain, there are meat eaters (yes, humans are meat eaters - omnivores), so we just need to accept it, and if possible, do things as humanely as possible. Factory farms need to end, period.

      Beyond that? OMG on food safety. It is freaky. If you're just curious look this up.
      Frontline: The Trouble with Chicken

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