I'm scared my phone is irradiating me

Now that the study came out about cell phones causing brain cancer and whatnot, I feel like my phone is hurting me. But I use it all the time what should I do.

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Comments ( 5 )
  • Boojum

    What study are you talking about?

    People have been making all sorts of claims about the dreadful consequences of using mobile phones for nearly thirty years now. The early analogue phones emitted much stronger electromagnetic radiation than modern phones. If there was a clear cause and effect relationship, we should be seeing a huge upsurge in brain tumor incidence by now. That hasn't happened.

    There's always something to be frightened about. The media is always looking for a shocking new story to grab your eyeballs, researchers are always looking for ways to justify their funding, and lobby groups are always looking for ways to get you to donate money.

    If you want to be worried about cancer, concentrate on avoiding things that are known to increase your risk: tobacco, alcohol, crap food, and HPV.

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  • e51pegasi

    Stop using your phone all the time.

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  • libertybell

    I wouldn't worry about it.

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  • Nickvey

    Ted Kennedy , Mike Synar, John Mccain , lots of brain tumors in congress. when i can think of three right off the bat. its like a mini microwave blasting your brain tissue .

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  • paramore93

    Turn your mobile data and connectivity off when you're not using it ..
    Oh yeah and stop using it so much xD

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