I'm scared of everyone

Whats wrong with me! I'm always at my house even though my dad and sister scare me to no end with their constant arguing. I'm terrified of them, but I feel too scared to leave, I have gone into town a few times and I go to school, but I always feel so nervous and avoid everyone since I'm afraid of strangers. I'm not involved with anyting, so I just go home and I litterally have to be forced to leave. I try as hard as I could to get my dad and sister out of the house so that I feel less scared, but I'm always shutting and locking doors, closing windows, and if my dad and sister are at the house, I usually go in the woods because I feel safer, but I just can't shake the feeling that if I'm away from home too long someone will break in or somthing. Is it normal to always be afraid of everything, even your own family members?

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Comments ( 7 )
  • MusicLife1056

    It's a phobia. I feel really bad for you. At least you had the courage to see what everyone had to say about your post.

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  • TheCynicalDouche

    Panphobia. It basically means you're retarded, like most phobias.

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  • MasterOfWaffles

    "Do you trst who I trust? Me myself and I
    Penetrate the smokescreen and see through this selfish lie"-Metallica

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  • girly62

    What's the cause? I know someone that's afraid of going outside as he was beaten very badly by yobs. I'm sure you must have had a bad experience at some point in your life and if so I'm sorry about what you have been through. You need to overcome this fear. Resolve the issue within you and try your best to beat the fear from inside, if not get some professional help. Good luck and I hope you overcome this problem soon. :)

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  • Tommythecat.

    Hmmmmmm curiousor?>>>>>

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  • supaflyafro

    you're a pussy. no offense. the solution to your problem would be to improve something about yourself like muscles to give you confidence or logic. do you even know why you're afraid of everyone? that is my question

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  • oh you poor thing...best if you could wear earplugs at home...if any drama comes your way get out of window or door. good luck

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