I'm scared of everyone
Whats wrong with me! I'm always at my house even though my dad and sister scare me to no end with their constant arguing. I'm terrified of them, but I feel too scared to leave, I have gone into town a few times and I go to school, but I always feel so nervous and avoid everyone since I'm afraid of strangers. I'm not involved with anyting, so I just go home and I litterally have to be forced to leave. I try as hard as I could to get my dad and sister out of the house so that I feel less scared, but I'm always shutting and locking doors, closing windows, and if my dad and sister are at the house, I usually go in the woods because I feel safer, but I just can't shake the feeling that if I'm away from home too long someone will break in or somthing. Is it normal to always be afraid of everything, even your own family members?