I'm scared of young black males.

I'm a middle aged white guy who has a very bad fear of young black males. The age 18- 25 year olds. The ones who like all that crappy rap music ( or so-called music). I have never been mugged by them or anything, but I feel as though they want to mug me. Rob me. Is this fear normal? I don't really hate them. I'm just wary of them. Am I being unfair? Racist? I know older black men who I actually consider friends. What gives with me? Are there others out there who share my fear?

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50% Normal
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Comments ( 24 )
  • thegypsysailor

    How nice for you that you can tell the character of a man, by the color of his skin. Perhaps you should become a motivational speaker, and teach the whole world this trick.

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    • slings_and_arrows

      So you're in a part of let's say London, you don't know well and you've got lost and find yourself walking down an alley late at night. The path diverges...down one street there are young black man in hoods, with gold chains etc playing rap music, down the other you can see some smartly dressed men who look white...I know which path most people would choose even if they want to deny it. (Turning back isn't an option) It's more complicated than saying it's racism. We all form judgements it's part of survival...the point is to see you're being judgemental and not to act on it unless you're really in a difficult situation. And then it's not even the conscious part that decides, it's just instinct.

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  • dirtybirdy

    What about the ones who will be 18 tomorrow or 26 yesterday?

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  • VinnyB

    Well I am glad you mentioned at the end that there are black men you consider friends. No racist rant feels complete to me with out the "I'm not racist, I have black friends" comment.

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  • reallyalthea

    Yes you are being racist ! It's a stereotype . Not all young black males are the Same..

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  • Crusades|

    You're not racist. You're just aware. I mean, people who have retarded phobias like fear of clowns, get psychological treatment and people's sympathy. Why the hell should someone be criticized and labeled as racist for being aware of real,justified threats? Blacks are responsible for the most armed robberies and assaults. There are more blacks in prison than in college. It's just natural to take measures of precaution against people who are prone to violent behavior.

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    • harddrystickysocks

      Finally! The numbers don't lie. It is a cold hard fact that african americans cause more violent crimes if you are judging by statistics alone. All it takes is for one black street thug to be shot and killed by a white guy defending himself and then bam!! We have got a city of adults acting like fucking childish animals, destroying and looting their own neighborhoods. What kind of mature rational response is that? Most black people will cry and whine about being unjustly stereotyped and profiled as violent criminals when they contradict themselves consistently and constantly by overreacting with violence and destruction.

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      • Crusades|

        It's typical for black people to let their pride and egos hinder their ability to be logical and civilized.
        And they also have this victim mentality that originates from their slavery days. They will always use this excuse even 1000 years from now on. If someone's doesn't put them in their place once and for all they will always blame the white man for all their failures and mishaps.

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        • harddrystickysocks

          Should have kept em in the back of the bus.

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          • thegypsysailor

            Hell, if the blacks living here today had never left Africa, then 75 to 80% of them would never have been born at all, with the child mortality rates, diseases and frequent genocides that happen there.
            But nobody EVER mentions THAT, do they?

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    • pixie44

      Because he's saying black people...
      And not just people in general.

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  • RoseIsabella

    I'm a middle aged white woman and young black men are always pretty nice to me.

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    • regisphilbin

      bcuz they wanna get in ur panties

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  • NobodyKnows

    Sadly it's normal. There are cultural problems with African American makes. As long as you don't let your fear get in the way of rational thought, so you don't judge individuals before knowing them, you're good.

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  • Meditated

    Is it normal that white people are most likely to say lame shit like this?

    Im scared of blacks... OOOoooooo
    Im scared of arabs with robes on....OOOOOOOOOooooo
    Im scared of smart indians who will take my jobb......OOOOOooooooo

    you sound like a bitch

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  • OdderThanYourAverageGirl

    Im a black girl and i definitely would not say you are racist. Most Young black men that fit into that age group are thuggish and rob ang mug people, but there are some that may just LOOK like they fit that profile because of the environment they grew up or are growing up in. It is normal for not only you because your white but anyone if they believe stereotypes or just looking around outside.

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  • RayDontPlay

    Stop watching the news so much... you have been programmed to fear black males.

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  • Sprungindentod

    is it similar to the fear and paranoia one feels when cops are around even if one did nothing wrong? if so, then yes, it can be quite normal :/

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    • Sprungindentod

      your fear shouldn't affect your attitude towards them btw.

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  • Tystick

    Im white that lived in a black neighborhood for 11 years. And let me tell you something. I was more scared of cops then black men. Police racially profile. Thats what they do. I was alway the crackhead in the pigs eye. So dont be like the pigs and profile.

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  • anti-hero

    They are scared of middle aged white guys, especially if they have a badge.

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  • LizardSkin

    Negros are far more likely to commit violent crime. Statistical fact.

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  • Darkoil

    Fucks sake

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  • pixie44

    Wtf does music have to do with being violent? I mean if you really want to go there maybe you should be scared of the people that listen to hardcore screamo.
    I listen to it sometimes, so be afraid of me >:)

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