I'm scared to ask someone out

Well, I have fancied a guy who lives down my road since i met him which was about 10 years ago now and I cant get him off my mind! I really like him and i always have, but when i told my friends they joked about it and asked him out and he said no. However, i still like him as much as i used to but i dont wanna ask him out in case he gets annoyed about it and we dont really speak as much now so it'll be hard to get in touch. What should i do about it? Also when would be the best time to ask him out? And how should I ask him out if you think I should?

I should ask him out 20
I shouldn't ask him out 10
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Comments ( 3 )
  • edna

    fuck your dad first and see if you like it

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  • JesusSavesLives

    You sound like a whore! Stop those impure thoughts! Ill pray for you...

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  • Yeah how old are you? Just find a way to do it. You can start by either getting to know him and see where that goes or you could just ask him right away. Nothing to lose. Not much more to it.

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